He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1258: Choice (1)

"Why do you want to continue until the end of the college entrance examination?" Song Zhixing's tone also followed a lot of boredom. She was very afraid that when she was too much to escape, he suddenly withdrew. What he can do-a mature and rational man like him must be free and unforgiving when he really wants to get out. It's like the indifference when he drove him away last time, and then completely ignored it. She tightened her fingers on his shoulders, and her eyes were a little dim, and then she turned her face away, "Why not just end our messy relationship now?"

If he says it is over now, can she still get out? She was already uncertain.

"What are you thinking about in your little head?" Tang Yu saw through the little girl's mind. She is still just a child, everything is on her face, she doesn't know how to hide it. Tang Yu smashed her small face, and stared at her with deep eyes, "No matter how messy our relationship is in this life, there will never be a day--I don't allow it."

The last four words are very heavy and should not be beaked. It seems that he is the master of all things in this world, and Song Zhixing feels that no matter how much he struggles and resists, he will eventually be unable to be tempted to fall and fall, and he will control all his mind.

She didn't answer, but looked at him with ignorant eyes, as if she didn't understand the contradiction between his words.

He raised his lips and smiled charmingly, "Xingxing, ‘I’m going to fix you in this life’ words, do you really think I am playing with you?"

Song Zhixing was shocked.

During the time when he was kicked out and completely ignored, Song Zhixing always felt that what he said at the time was simply bluffing himself. Possibly, he himself had forgotten.

"You're just playing around." Song Zhixing's soft hands clasped the tiger's mouth in his palm, and his eyes were a bit wronged, "You kicked me out."

This is like complaining, but it's like acting like a baby. Limp.

As if thinking about being kicked out that day, she still felt uncomfortable, she took his hand off her face and didn't let him touch it. Tang Yu grabbed her hand, one large and one small, two hands, ten fingers clasped tightly, "Then do you want to go back?"

Such a small action made Song Zhixing feel unbearable. The man's fingers are slender and strong, with distinct joints, making her hands more compact. It seems that this is a man's wing that can protect her, or in other words, the wing that has been protecting her for 10 years. She snorted, "Didn't you ignore me a long time ago, besides... I signed the book last time, and we have nothing to do now. What are we going back to do? By the way... it's not completely irrelevant. You said, you are my future little uncle."

The last few words were obviously intentional. She lifted her chin, "Little uncle, you are going to regret it, have you picked me up?"

That "little uncle" yelled so sweetly and sweetly.

Tang Yu put down the chair, turned over, pressed her on the flat chair, and gave her a palm directly on the hip, "What did you call? Call again!"

"You said it all by yourself!" Song Zhixing flattened his mouth and rubbed his sore buttocks. Being pressed under Tang Yu's body, people felt both uncomfortable and flustered. She pushed him, "Get up quickly, I'm out of breath..."

Tang Yu didn't stand up, "I dare to say that I ignored you. If you really ignore you, you will be skinny now."

Her words gave Song Zhixing a moment of silence. So, is he really what Sister Li said to himself? He didn't actually care about himself.

In her heart, there was a moment of volatility, and she unconsciously showed some tenderness in her expression. Tang Yu looked in his eyes, his expression softened unconsciously.

He lifted the hair on her cheeks, locked her from top to bottom, "Stars, I will say every word to you seriously now, you have to listen carefully—"

The sudden sorrow made Song Zhixing stunned for a moment, and there was no more fuss. The two people met with their eyes. The moonlight outside the window is blurred, covering each other. Even in such a dim space, she could still feel that his eyes were full of her own shadow, and she...

I'm afraid it's the same.

This man, too good and too domineering, once stationed in her world, he grabbed everything with the most arrogant posture, leaving no room for others.

"I won't delay your exam. Therefore, our current relationship of hiding and hiding will last until after the college entrance examination. When you finish the exam..." Tang Yu's eyes were lightly deep, "Be mentally prepared. Come. We must face everything that should be faced."

Song Zhixing suddenly understood what Tang Yu meant by these words, her eyebrows wrinkled in worry, and she stood up excitedly, "You want to tell my sister?"

"more than."

In other words...everyone will know. Together with grandpa, and her grandpa?

"Second uncle, don't." She subconsciously refused.

This time, Tang Yu frowned, "Do you want to be like this all the time? Are you really cheating on me?"

"..." Song Zhixing was very confused. She didn't know what would happen between her and Tang Yu, but she was just afraid of that situation. She was timid, like a little turtle shrunk in her shell, looking at the man above imploringly, "Second Uncle, you promise me not to let them know, okay? I don't want to let Grandpa down, nor do I want to let them know. Auntie is sad..."

Her pleading made Tang Yu take a heavy breath, "Are you so scared? Really have the courage to be brave for me, don't you?"

"I don't know..." Song Zhixing told the truth, "I don't want to hurt anyone who is good to me..."

For the first time, Tang Yu was so unconfident, "If one day, grandpa, your aunt, and Mr. Li would not agree that you are with me, Xingxing, how would you choose?"

There seemed to be a picture of that day in Song Zhixing's mind. He hadn't really experienced it yet. Just thinking about their disappointed expressions caused a faint pain in his chest. Looking at her reaction, Tang Yu pulled his lips bitterly, "So, you will give up on me in order to coax them?"

He didn't wait for her to answer. In fact, he didn't want to hear the answer. He knew better than anyone else. He just turned sideways, moved away from her, sat up, and pushed open the driver's door with one hand, "Get out of the car, it's late."

The voice has returned to the indifferent way it used to be. Can't hear the slightest joy or anger. Disappointed? Not disappointed either. There were so many disappointments, too many to be numb.

Song Zhixing sat up slowly, but didn't move. Tang Yu turned sideways and handed her the schoolbag that was thrown in the passenger seat, "Whenever I want to come back, I will let someone come and pick you up."

She gave him a sour look, did not take the schoolbag, but suddenly opened her slender arms, wrapped her arms around his neck, and buried her small face deeply in his neck.

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