He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1260: Choice (3)

Do not!


Tang Yu was measured and sensible, and it would never be possible for this to happen. Moreover, although Xingxing is a bit naughty, he is not a renegade person. How dare she do such a thing? Besides, isn't that little girl always matching her and Tang Yu?

When Li Hanyan thought about it this way, he felt that his thoughts were incredibly absurd, and he barely stabilized his mind. Subconsciously raising his eyes, he saw Song Zhixing standing around the corner.


Song Zhixing had been out of the elevator for a while, standing around the corner, just hearing their conversation. She stood there stiffly, only feeling a little cold in her hands and feet.

Hearing Li Hanyan calling herself, she moved her lips for a while, "Auntie..."

The middle-aged couple saw her back and saw that her face was wrong, they smiled embarrassedly, "Miss Li, then you talk, we go in first."

Before they could answer, the wife pushed her husband into the house in a hurry.

Song Zhixing stood on the spot, holding his schoolbag in both hands, his eyes dare not meet Li Hanyan's gaze in a daze. Li Hanyan originally thought that he was thinking too much, but now seeing her look like this, he felt a little bit in his heart, and he was not sure again.

"Don't stand at the door, come in first." Li Hanyan opened the door, trying to calm his emotions. However, when I opened the door, my hands trembled.

She went first, and Song Zhixing followed her in. She lowered her head, like a child who did something wrong, and her mind was in confusion. She even prayed that my aunt would not ask anything.

However, there is always no such thing as wish.

Song Zhixing went in, put down his schoolbag, and sat down on the sofa. Li Hanyan brought a glass of water to her, and said first: "Sister Li is going home first. I heard that your second uncle intends to take you back. Your second uncle has already told you, right?"

There was still a small smile on Li Han's smoke, still so gentle. However, that gentleness, now in Song Zhixing's eyes, felt that it was a shackle that made her feel guilty and made her breathless.

"Auntie..." She put down the water glass. It was obvious that the water glass was hot, but her fingertips were cold.

Li Hanyan took a sip of water and sat down opposite her, "Xingxing, have you made a boyfriend?"

She asked straightforwardly. The line of sight passed over Song Zhixing's flustered little face, and finally fell on her lips. The little blushing mouth was a little red and swollen, and it could be seen that it was caused by intense kissing. Li Hanyan flashed the scene of her kissing Tang Yu in his mind, his fingers trembled, and the water cup was almost unsteady in his hand.

"You tell me the truth..." Li Hanyan used a lot of strength to stabilize his words, "what you say, my aunt will believe you."

Song Zhixing was too dull to breathe.

After a pause, Li Hanyan asked again: "Is it... your second uncle?"

Song Zhixing almost pinched her fingers into the flesh, she wanted to tell the truth, but her throat was dry when she met Li Hanyan's gentle eyes. In the end just shook his head guiltily and heavily, "Not..."

Two words, speaking out, were extremely laborious, as if they had exhausted all her strength. She didn't have the courage after all, she didn't have the courage to face the terrible things that might happen. She didn't dare to think about how sad and disappointed she would be if she had always believed in her aunt once things were revealed.

When Li Hanyan heard these two words, he paused for a moment. After a long time, his tight body gradually eased. The smile on his face also seemed to ease a lot. She said softly: "If you say no, my aunt will believe you."

"Actually, I also think this is ridiculous." Li Hanyan put down the water glass, like that, as if he was convinced. "You are a junior, and your second uncle is an elder. I'll just say you can't get involved in this kind of relationship. If you two are really together, it will be incest."

She always smiled, but the word "incest" was said very heavily, as if she was ringing a warning bell for Song Zhixing. Song Zhixing's heart was throbbing, only to feel restless.

However, Li Hanyan continued to calm down and whispered: "Furthermore, Xingxing, you know how I think about your second uncle, you will definitely not do that. Right?"

Li Hanyan fixedly looked at Song Zhixing, gently covering her hand. Song Zhixing couldn't bear that look, and just wanted to find a hole to go in.

"Okay, it's getting late, wash and go to bed." Originally thought the aunt would keep asking, asking who the other party was, Li Hanyan had already spoken when Song Zhixing was feeling melancholy and unable to explain.

When she heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief for a while, but the depression in her heart did not disappear at all. He took a heavy look at Li Hanyan, and walked into the room with his schoolbag, his footsteps messy.

Li Hanyan looked at the figure from behind, smiled on his face, and gradually converged.

That delicate face seemed to be covered with a thick gray for an instant, with no luster at all. She sat slumped on the sofa, as if she had received a huge blow, and she couldn't hold her back, her face was deeply buried between her palms. For a long time, the fingers were still shaking.

After a long time, it seemed that she had only been relieved, and her gaze fell on the piles of magazines in front of her.

Every magazine has his report.

In retrospect, it seems that the little girl who hated him all the time has turned these magazines over and over again.

She took a deep breath and didn't want to think about it anymore, either to avoid it or not to believe it. She grabbed the soreness and pain, took out her mobile phone, and dialed a series of familiar numbers.

The ringtone rang for a long time before the call was connected.


"Dad, you're already asleep?" Li Hanyan made his voice sound correct, "I'm annoying you."

"Not really. It's hard to fall asleep when people are old. Is something wrong with calling so late?"

"The fifth Tang family gets married next month, will you come over?"

"Of course I have to come over." Old man Li answered, "Even the fifth child is married, and Tang Yu has been dragging away from getting married for no reason. Therefore, this time, besides attending the wedding, I had to talk to the Tang family about you. And his marriage."

When Li Hanyan heard this, he said ‘um’. Old man Li felt suspicious, "What? Every time I said that I wanted to talk about marriage, you always refused to let me take the initiative to talk about it. Why did you agree to what I said today?"

"..." Li Hanyan opened his lips and wanted to say something, but his chest seemed to be clogged with cotton. He couldn't say a word of what he should say. In the end, he just sighed: "You didn't mean that the Tang family owed us Yes, besides, if there was no Tang Yu’s father, the older sister and brother-in-law would have lived well. The marriage between the Tang family and our Li family was also what Tang Yu’s father promised from the beginning. Since it is all things that have already ended. , I no longer have any opinions."

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