He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1263: Miss (3)

Song Zhixing hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head and sighed, "I don't want to think about it. At least after the college entrance examination is over."

"Yes. Now our most important task is to study!" Chen Cheng said, opening the book. After reading for a while, I suddenly remembered something, took my phone out, opened Weibo and flipped it for a while, "found it!"

"What?" Song Zhixing asked curiously.

Chen Cheng read to the content on Weibo, "I saw on Weibo yesterday that there was a list of the benefits of having a relationship with the uncle."

Song Zhixing was also interested when he heard this, and raised his head. I only heard Chen Chengnian: "One, eat together, you don't need to think hard about what to eat, just order directly, and in the end all the dishes are what you like. Right?"

"No." Song Zhixing shook his head. Every time he ordered her to eat the dishes she didn't like, she complained deeply: "He always said to me, no picky eaters, no picky eaters, absolutely no picky eaters!"

"Then I will read the second one. Be gentle and considerate to you, you will follow you whatever you say, not willing to make you feel wronged..."

"Chengcheng, do you think this is like my second uncle's attributes?" Song Zhixing asked.

Chen Cheng couldn't read it anymore, "This one does not meet. No, it is quite inconsistent."

Last time at the farmhouse, the second master of the Tang family was so angry that she had seen it with her own eyes. The timid is almost to be frightened. Absolutely and gentle and don't pull over!

"Then the next one!" Chen Cheng scrolled down excitedly. When I saw the next one, he coughed twice and blushed, "Listen this one!"

"Well, you read it." Song Zhixing read the book while responding to her.

Chen clarified his throat, but the voice he spoke out was very low, "Three. There are lots of tricks in bed, and there is no pressure to unlock the new trick 100. Not as anxious as a young boy, but patient and considerate. It’s easier to take care of your physical feelings..."

Before Chen Cheng finished reading, his face was getting redder and red. But still bite the bullet and then finish, "It's easier to make you...cough, orgasm."

Of course, Song Zhixing felt embarrassed to the extreme. She blushed so much that she robbed Chen Cheng's mobile phone and said, "What messy things are you looking at! Too ugly!"

Chen Cheng grinned, "The last point, you must have a say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Song Zhixing refused to reply to Chen Cheng's words. I still felt hot on my face for a long time. Isn't the monkey anxious? Indeed, he at least has no monkeys. I was so anxious that what happened to her in the old house that day. He really patiently coaxed her. But... Is it true that there are many tricks in bed? If there are really many tricks, it should be a lot of experience before. Right?

Speaking of it, Song Zhixing found out that he hadn't really seen Tang Yu ever had a girlfriend, and he didn't know how much his previous experience.

I am afraid there will be many men like him. Song Zhixing thought, and felt very depressed.

However, he used to have a girlfriend and a girlfriend, why is she so careful? Besides...she and the second uncle are not together now. The last time I was in the old house, it was at best a gunshot accident, and I haven't reached the last step.


Song Zhixing moved back to the Tang family. Returning to this home, I only feel warm, comfortable, and much more at ease. It's not because of the environment. Maybe it's because the aunt said, she has really regarded this place as her home a long time ago!

When Song Zhixing lay on his bed, smelling the familiar fragrance on the bed sheet, he only felt unspeakable happiness.

She plucked up the courage to call Tang Yu, but Tang Yu was very busy and hung up the phone without saying a few words. Song Zhixing was depressed for a long time. Last time Chen Cheng enumerated too many benefits of falling in love with the uncle, but unfortunately, Tang Yu didn't have a few of them. Moreover, I haven't fallen in love with him yet! If the relationship is really established one day, I don't know what the bad attitude will be like. Anyway, I was eaten to death by him!

She babbled, dropped her mobile phone and took her pajamas to take a shower in the bathroom. I don't know when my second uncle will come back this time on business trip! I forgot to ask when I left last time.

Song Zhixing mumbled, and at this moment, the phone rang again.

Chen Cheng's voice came from over there, "Xingxing, the classmates on Saturday said that they would go to the leisure club together. Can you go?"

Song Zhixing especially wanted to go. She would never show up in such lively occasions before. Chen Cheng said again: "The monitor said it was the last time everyone got together and hoped that no one would be absent. Anyway, no one in our class smokes. If the environment is okay, your illness will be fine, right?"

Song Zhixing thought for a while, "Then you can sign up for me, and I will go with the medicine."

After hanging up the phone, Song Zhixing wanted to tell his second uncle about it. However, he was so busy that he hung up her phone, why did she need to report everything.

In the next few days, Song Zhixing's life resumed as usual. In the villa, everything is good, the only thing is... Tang Yu's absence always makes her feel shortcomings.

It's been several days, and he hasn't come back...

Every time Song Zhixing walked out of the room door, he would unconsciously look up at the closed master bedroom door opposite.

Saturday, early in the morning.

She was changing her clothes in front of the mirror. Sister Li took medicine for her while saying: "You run out like this. If the second master happens to be back today, we won't be able to deal with each other."

Hearing this, Song Zhixing was overjoyed, turned around and looked at Sister Li with bright eyes, "Second Uncle is coming back today?"

Sister Li looked at her expression and laughed, "What? Miss second master?"

Song Zhixing was embarrassed, and realized that he was a little agitated, and turned around again, pretending to be careful to arrange his clothes, "No. I just... just care about the whereabouts of the second uncle. In case he comes back today. , I won’t go, so I don’t have to be found out by him and get angry at me again."

Song Zhixing is already seriously considering what to say to turn away the party tonight in Chen Cheng's place.

"Is this because I'm afraid that the second master will be angry, or is it because I miss the second master so much that I have to stay at home and wait for him to come back?" Sister Li smiled and joked.

Song Zhixing felt very embarrassed when his mind was pierced by a word, and he was ashamed and anxious, "Sister Li, don't make fun of me."

"Okay, okay, I won't be kidding with you. The second master didn't say tonight or when to return. So, if you want to go, you have to come back earlier. Recently, the second master is busy. It shouldn’t be a problem to hide it from him after calling back.”

When Song Zhixing heard Sister Li's words, it took a long while to make a soft "Oh", feeling a little disappointed.

It turned out that he would not be back today.

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