He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1268: Love beyond cure (2)

However, her running speed could not be compared to Tang Yu's speed. Therefore, before she had time to climb two steps, she was lifted from the back by a pair of long arms. The homework book in his hand was scattered all over the ground, but now no one is thinking about it. Tang Yu carried her and went straight to his bedroom.

Before she could react, the person had been thrown on the bed by him. Song Zhixing was so frightened that he hurriedly got up from the bed. Tang Yu pressed his waist with one hand and lay on the bed firmly. She was like a little fish jumping around, but she was crushed on a cutting board and slaughtered by others. It was so pitiful.

"Second Uncle, I was wrong!" Before Tang Yu could speak first, Song Zhixing had already started softly begging for mercy.

"What's wrong?" Tang Yu liked her proactive confession, but when he thought that this little thing not only kept the love letter that others gave her, but even dared to lie to him and make him happy for nothing, his face never improved. .

"I shouldn't lie, shouldn't lie to you that the love letter is for you." Song Zhixing lay on the bed, confessing seriously.

His eyebrows jumped, "Anything else?"

"..." Song Zhixing thought about it seriously, "Second Uncle, I didn't write that love letter, but Xi Nan wrote it to me."

"So? Are you showing off?" Tang Yuyin looked at her testily.

"Of course not!" Song Zhixing quickly denied. Otherwise, her **** must be blooming now.

He raised his eyebrows.

Song Zhixing said: "I haven't read that letter myself."

"It seems regretful to hear your tone." Tang Yu hugged her from the bed, "So, keep it, plan to check it out every day?"

"I didn't mean to keep it. It was included in the workbook and I planned to return it to him when I meet one day - I didn't want to fall in love with him." She said solemnly in the last sentence. For fear that Tang Yu didn't believe it, his eyes kept staring at him.

Tang Yu looked at her for a while, got up, knocked on the desk in the room, "Come and sit down."

Song Zhixing looked at him inexplicably.

He has taken a pen from the drawer and a pile of letter paper for official business. "You don't need to return the love letter. I will write a new response to him."

Song Zhixing glanced at him and felt that there was no possibility of rejection at all. Good too! Anyway, I have to refuse, and it is even more embarrassing to say in person. So, she sat down at the desk, took a pen and prepared to work hard. Tang Yu sat down on the bed, took a financial magazine and flipped through it casually, and said slowly: "Writing and reading."

"...Oh." Song Zhixing was unwilling in every way, but still obediently accepted. What a domineering man! She still doesn't mess with him!

Song Zhixing thought for a while, and began to read while writing: "Xi Nan, hello. Thank you for admiring me and thank you for liking me. You are a very good boy. You used to help me review my homework and solve academic troubles. Always very patient. Moreover, you are very smart. Not only me, all the girls in our class admire you very much..."


Tang Yu looked deep, "Do you want to reject him?"

Why can't he hear it at all!

"Second uncle, when you were studying, you didn't study the Mandarin class well, did you?" Song Zhixing turned his face away and seriously ‘educated’ him, "I’m about to make a turning point.

Then, I read again, "But, I'm very sorry, the last love letter incident may have made you misunderstand me. Actually, I don't have any thoughts about falling in love now. I'm sorry!"

"Okay, it's finished!" Song Zhixing put away his pen, resigning to Tang Yu for inspection. Tang Yu took the letter paper, took the pen again, and drew a few strokes directly on the letter paper, and then added a few more by himself.

When Song Zhixing was suspicious, he returned it to her again, "Follow this template and make another copy."

When she saw it, the corners of her lips twitched.

He first raised and then suppressed, and if he raised first, there was not a single word left, and he crossed it out completely ruthlessly. The last sentence, ‘I don’t have any thoughts to fall in love now’, was changed to ‘I already have someone I like, and I’ve made a decision to spend my life with him, it’s up to him not to marry’.

Song Zhixing's lips twitched. If you write it this way, it is not so much a response to refuse to confess, but rather a love letter to your second uncle.

"Don't write yet?" Tang Yu glanced at her. Song Zhixing was forced by his lewdness, so he had to bite the bullet and copy the template. It was obviously copied and not written by myself, but after reading it carefully, I felt embarrassed to the extreme.

Why do you want to spend your life with him, if he doesn't marry? She is only 18 years old now, and she has never even talked about love, so she didn't even think about getting married.

But what would it be like to marry your second uncle? Looking at the letter paper, Song Zhixing started to outline such a picture as if he was evil in his mind. When the church appeared in front of him and he appeared in her fantasy in a formal dress of the bridegroom, she suddenly woke up and patted her face.

Are you suffering from hypothesis? The second uncle just asked himself to write this, and he didn't really want to get married!

"Okay." She retracted her mind and held the letter to him again for inspection. Tang Yu glanced, his face looked much better. He tore off the letter paper himself, folded it, and threw it on the bedside table.

Song Zhixing didn't understand his move, "Second Uncle, you give it to me? Then how can I give it to Xi Nan?"

He put down the magazine in his hand, reached out to hold the back of the chair, and gently pulled, the pulley rolled, and she was pulled over by him along with the chair. The two people suddenly approached each other's faces. Song Zhixing only felt dangerous, and wanted to avoid it subconsciously and retreated to a safe distance. Tang Yu's big palm clasped the back of her head and gave her no room to step back. He just leaned over and stared at her, "When you return my things, you dare to use express delivery. If you return his things, you have to be so sincere and send them in person?"

Song Zhixing found out—"Second Uncle, you are so careful. You still remember what happened so long."

Tang Yu snorted.

Song Zhixing spread his palms toward him with a thick face. Tang Yu glanced at her, "What are you doing?"

"That necklace, you should pay me back."

Tang Yu glanced over from her open palm, and then fell on her face, "You need it when you want it, and throw it away when you don't want it? Where is such a good thing."

Song Zhixing was quite guilty by him. Biting his lip, "Then you won't give it to me?"


"None? What does it mean?"

"Aren't you rare? The day I received it, I threw it away."

Song Zhixing was very angry when he heard this. "Second uncle, you...that necklace is very expensive, you just threw it away, do you know this is a prodigal!"

Seeing her indignant, Tang Yu felt better. "It was originally a custom-made gift for you. Since you don't want it anymore, what am I keeping for it? Give it to another woman?"

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