He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1272: Marriage (3)

Song Zhixing hung up the phone and threw the phone on the desk in the dormitory. Staring at the phone for two or three minutes, finally...

He slumped down his shoulders dejectedly.

He didn't feel it, but felt it, and didn't mean to pay attention to her.

Song Zhixing threw the phone into the drawer, forcing himself to stop thinking about it. She turned the book out, put on earplugs, and listened to foreign words over and over again. However, after listening for ten minutes, finally, unplugged the headphones, a little upset, unable to listen to a word.

In my mind, there is always a picture of Tang Yu's family of three with his aunt.

Actually... They must look very seductive when they are together...


On the promenade of the restaurant.

After Tang Yu hung up Song Zhixing's call, he didn't immediately go back, just glanced inside through the thick glass of the dining room. On the most central table, Li Hanyan was sitting there gracefully, accompanied by his mother Su Fengjin. It can be seen that his mother is relatively satisfied with Li Hanyan. Although the two have not seen each other for a long time, they have been chatting enthusiastically.

"It was Zhixing who called just now?" Tang Yiming came out of the bathroom, just in time to hear his conversation.

Tang Yu didn't hide it, with a ‘um’. Tang Yiming put his hands behind him and sighed: "This little girl, I haven't seen it in years. I don't know what she is like now."

Tang Yu handed his mobile phone to his father, and said, "She said she would like to see you and mother."

Tang Yiming didn't think deeply yet, after nodding, he took the phone over. On the screen of Tang Yu's mobile phone, there was Song Zhixing's immature little face, with an innocent smile. After Tang Yiming glanced at it, his figure was stunned, and he shook the gods for a long while, his eyes focused on that photo. In his eyes, various emotions were fluctuating, as if through that face, he saw something else. people.

Tang Yu glanced at him, his eyes darkened a little, and took the phone back. Tang Yiming stared at the phone in a daze. Tang Yu knew his father's thoughts, and only said indifferently: "She does look more like her mother as she grows."

Tang Yiming was obviously shocked, and he didn't recover for a long time. When I saw her when I was a child, the little girl's facial features hadn't been fully developed, at most she was just a little like her mother, but now...the outlines of her facial features are somewhat similar to those of her mother when she was young.

"This is also the reason why I don't agree with her meeting mom now." Tang Yu said: "Mom's spirit is just a little better. I can forget the past for the time being. I don't want her to be stimulated by the stars to lose control of her spirit. Of course..."

Speaking of this, his tone was serious, "I don't want to scare her; let alone the previous things, the stars know. Now she only thinks that her parents lost their lives to save grandpa, and deeper things are not clear, so ——I hope you are the elders and never mention these things in front of her."

Every word of Tang Yu was very heavy.

Tang Yiming sighed, as if feeling regret, "I was confused for a while..."

"Don't mention what happened at the time." Tang Yu stopped his father's repentance, "In the future, I will take good care of the stars."

Tang Yiming nodded and sighed with regret: "Yes, you should take care of her. This is what your mother and I owe her, and they owe them the Li family."

After Tang Yiming finished speaking, he glanced in the direction of his wife. His expression became more and more gloomy. He only muttered and said, "For the time being, don't let Xingxing meet your mother. On the day of Tang Yi's wedding, it was her college entrance examination and she also dealt with it. Got it."

Tang Yu nodded, "Go in first, lest Mom waits in a hurry."

Tang Yiming took the lead and Tang Yu followed behind. Su Fengjin looked proud and pleased when his son came over. He stretched out his hand from a distance. Tang Yu stretched out his hand and clasped it, "Are the dishes ready?"

"It's all here." When Su Fengjin talked to her son, her voice was gentle and full of tenderness. She was born beautiful, although her spirit is not stable, but she is very well maintained. He was over 50 years old, but his face was still tight and shiny. At first glance, it is a lady's posture.

Tang Yu held her hand to sit down. Su Fengjin patted the position on the other side: "Son, sit here! Sit with Hanyan."

Tang Yu glanced at Li Hanyan. She smiled and nodded generously: "Sit down. It's okay."

He Yiyan sat down between the two women. Tang Yiming has not been in the state all the time, distracted very much.

Su Fengjin is in a very good mood. She will pick up vegetables for her son and her future daughter-in-law for a while.

"Auntie, you eat yourself." Li Hanyan also politely replied.

Su Fengjin provoked the most important conversation tonight, "Hanyan, auntie rarely returns to Judea once, so now it's hard to see each other, I'll talk to you directly if I have anything to say."

Li Hanyan put down his chopsticks, with a respectful attitude, "Say, I'll listen."

"Your uncle and I are going to see you today for whatever they say, because they were stimulated by the fifth. You said that the fifth is only in his 20s and he is about to get married. Our second child is 30, but you two are bothered by this. There is no movement at all. You are not in a hurry, but we are anxious." Su Fengjin glanced at the son beside him, and he still looked unhappy, as if it was not his business at all. Su Fengjin is accustomed to his son’s indifferent temperament, and indifferently turned his attention back to Li Hanyan’s beautiful face, "What do you mean by your uncle and I is to wait for the fifth wedding to be done, and take a break for two days. Talk about the two of you."

Li Hanyan rejoiced in his heart. But seeing that Tang Yu didn't have any expressions, just playing with his mobile phone, as if he had no interest in this topic, his heart sank again.

Tang Yiming answered and said, "Don't blame your aunt for being anxious. She, she has just gotten better recently, and she wants to hug her grandson."

Hearing Tang Yiming's words, Li Hanyan, who had always been generous and generous, also blushed.

"I don't worry about holding my grandson for the time being. Wait for another two years." Tang Yu, who had not spoken, spoke suddenly. He put down the phone and glanced lightly across the three of them.

When everyone heard what he said, they only thought that the marriage had a bright spot, and everyone was delighted. In particular, Li Hanyan couldn't help but look at Tang Yu more, with unconcealable joy in his eyes.

However, unexpectedly, the next words were: "As for the marriage, it is what I want to talk to you today-my marriage contract with Han Yan, unfortunately, can only be cancelled. For the time being, in the past two years, I did not want to get married. Plan."

A whole sentence, without any hesitation. Speaking, there is no room for change.

The other three people were shocked.

Li Hanyan sat there all the time, without making a sound. In fact, she expected this ending a thousand times.

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