He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1304: I want to give you a complete home (1)

Song Zhixing looked at him with mist in his eyes, "I'm fine...I don't hurt."

"Don't seduce me!"

"But..." Song Zhixing clasped his neck tightly with both hands, tears in his eyes, embarrassed and bold, "I want it, don't you give it to me?"

Tang Yu's mind buzzed. He knew something was about to happen!

He wanted to retain the last trace of reason, but her soft body had been pestering him, and she couldn't help rubbing against him.

Tang Yuren couldn't bear it, and reached out to the bedside and grabbed the condom box prepared in the hotel.

Because of the hard patience, there is already a fine layer of hot sweat on his forehead.

"If it hurts, tell me, I'll come out immediately!"



After a long time, the tightly entangled body gradually calmed down amid the woman's groan and the man's panting.

Tang Yu didn't withdraw immediately, but kept holding her. Song Zhixing groaned, twisted his body, and was pressed by him, "Don't move, star."

"But, it's uncomfortable..." she muttered softly. His face was blushing, and even the fine sweat on his cheeks felt unspeakable.

"Didn't you insist on me?" Tang Yu raised his lips, got up slightly, and lifted the messy hair on her cheeks, with a smile, "Now that I'm satisfied, I can't wait to throw me down right away?" "

This bad guy! Make fun of her!

Song Zhixing snorted angrily, lowered his legs from his waist, supported the soft water bed with his elbows, and moved back to make him retreat from his body.

Tang Yu hummed, held her hip with a big palm, and pressed it hard, she came back and swallowed him tightly.

"Um..." She groaned out impatiently with the feeling of being refilled in an instant. This person... actually reacted again!

"If you can't stand it, don't move around. Be good!" Tang Yu's voice was already hoarse, and he squeezed her buttocks with a big palm.

Song Zhixing was really obedient, not even breathing heavily. Being pressed by him, his heartbeat was about to jump out of his chest.

Tang Yu didn't really want her anymore, he just lay down on her, calming down the emotions slowly. After a while, he pulled away, turned and went into the bathroom. Song Zhixing blushed and got into the quilt, only feeling that his whole body was hot. Thinking of the bold things he had done for Tang Yu before, and the proactive words he said, it still felt incredible, but he didn't seem to hate it, and he clearly liked it.

Song Zhixing didn't regret it at all. Moreover, she knew for the first time that it turned out to take the initiative to please a person and make the other person happy, which is also a very fulfilling thing and makes herself happy.

"What are you thinking about?" Tang Yu came out of the bathroom, opened the quilt, and saw her in a daze.

Song Zhixing met his searching eyes, his face became hotter for a while, and he wrapped the quilt on his body, "I'm going to wash it. You go to bed first."

"You took the quilt away, how am I going to sleep?" Tang Yu looked at her wrapped up like a cicada pupa, dumbfounding. Song Zhixing glanced back and threw the quilt on his head. When he couldn't see it, he quickly rushed into the bathroom.

He is funny.

He got up, put the corner of the quilt on the floor back to the bed, went to the bathroom door and knocked on the door.

"what's happenin?"

"Does it hurt?" Tang Yu talked to her through the glass.

"..." Song Zhixing didn't speak at first, and after a while, a distressed voice came, "It's really painful now."

After she finished speaking, Tang Yu's voice was not heard for a while. Song Zhixing glanced at the door, and there was no shadow behind the door. But, soon, Tang Yu turned back again. Now, without knocking at the door, he entered directly. Song Zhixing was taking a shower. When he saw the figure, he quickly turned off the shower head and wrapped the bath towel on himself.

"Why don't you even knock on the door?"

Tang Yu sat down on the recliner in the bathroom and patted, "Come out, I will apply medicine to you."

"Is it useful?" Song Zhixing expressed considerable doubt. But he walked out slowly wrapped in a bath towel, and was pulled by Tang Yu and sat down on the recliner.

Hearing her question, Tang Yu glanced at her, "If you keep seduce me like this, or want me so much, no medicine will work."

"Who, who seduce you? Who wants you again?"


"No!" Song Zhixing was beaten to death and denied.

Tang Yu's ambiguous gaze flicked over her small mouth, and then fell between his legs. Before he could say anything, Song Zhixing had already sat up and covered his mouth with a blushing face, "Why are you so annoying!" "

Tang Yu was in a good mood and grabbed her hand with a smile. "Put your legs apart and I will apply medicine to you."

Song Zhixing bit his lip, but still separated his knees obediently.

"In the past few days, give me peace of mind. When the injury is over, I will leave it up to you how you want to toss."

Song Zhixing beat him bitterly, "Don't tell me like a **** monster who just thinks about that."

"Isn't it? Little **** monster."

"Then you are a big **** monster!"

"One big and one small, we are right."

"Who wants to be worthy of you?" Song Zhixing raised his little foot and kicked him, "Don't paint it, the big **** demon, don't let you touch me."

Tang Yu clasped her ankles and tugged easily, causing her legs to wrap around his waist. She exclaimed, she was already holding her hips, and she took her bath towels together, and went out of the bathroom. Being held by him, Song Zhixing did not toss any more, just put his face on his shoulders. Tang Yu suddenly asked: "Do you think we are unworthy?"

"Is it worthy? I'm only 18 years old, a delicate little flower. You are 30!" Song Zhixing straightened his head, "Second Uncle, in a few months, you seem to be 31!"

Tang Yu took a bite on her lips, "Don't let me scream, be careful I eat you again!"

Song Zhixing chuckled, holding Tang Yu's face, and looked again. Then, I couldn't help feeling sincerely, "Second Uncle, you look so beautiful."

"You're good too."

Song Zhixing put his hands around his neck, and people hung around him, "You are so beautiful, and so many beautiful and outstanding women like you, why did you choose me?"

"It's a good question." Tang Yu hugged her and lay lazily on the bed, "Maybe I have a tendency to abuse? So many worry-free women don't want you to be such a little girl who makes me headache all day long. The temper is still stinky and hard."

Song Zhixing was furious, "You are so annoying and so incomprehensible that you are the only one who wants you. I don't think you are so much older than me!"

Tang Yu didn't say anything, he just smiled and let her make trouble on him. In his eyes, he was full of spoils. Song Zhixing's anger disappeared all at once, and he lay on his chest like a cat, "Second Uncle, when did you have a suspicion for me? You must have planned on me for a long time, right?"

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