He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1311: In life, only you are left (3)

The next day.

Early in the morning, Tang Yu went to the company. When Du Hui saw him, he realized that he was in a bad mood.

"Second Lord, the contract of the An's Group last night..." He followed Tang Yu, holding the document.

"Okay, don't mention her to me. From now on, you will take care of her affairs." Tang Yu frowned and interrupted impatiently. I don’t want to listen to the word "An". Let alone see her bye. "Also, push me off today's itinerary."

"Yeah." Du Hui said.

Tang Yu picked up a few documents, remembered something, and looked up at Du Hui, "Coax the kids, what's a good trick?"

Du Hui understood, "Little Miss is angry again?"


"Children, it's very coaxing."

"So coax?" Tang Yu smiled bitterly, "I didn't think so."

Du Hui really felt sympathy when he saw his burnt-out look. Tang Erye, who is so courageous in the mall! How many women's gestures have been rejected! Now actually planted in the hands of a little girl. Sure enough, one thing drops one thing! This little lady really has some tricks.

"Take her out to play, go around, buy something to eat, watch a few movies, and you will be relieved. By the way, with some sweet words and a bouquet of flowers, it will be fun and romantic."

Tang Yu felt that Du Hui's idea was totally unreliable. She said it last night, and he can only coax her with sweet words. However, speaking of it, it seems that the two of them have never dated properly.


I had a fight with Tang Yu last night, and I didn't see anyone else after waking up. Song Zhixing was very upset at the moment. She didn't want to go anywhere, so she hid in the study and painted the copybook, imitating his font.

There is also chaos in my mind.

All he thought was what Tang Yiming said to him. Tang Yu's mother Su Fengjin has a mental problem? But why does Grandpa Tang want to tell himself this? Why would Su Fengjin never agree to be with Tang Yu? Although Song Zhixing warned him not to explore many things, he still had curiosity after all. Occasionally, I can't help but come up with these thoughts.

When Tang Yu came back, he went straight upstairs into the study. Hearing the movement, Song Zhixing raised his head. After seeing Tang Yu, he was stunned for a while, subconsciously grabbed the words he had written on the table, and carried them back behind him.

Tang Yu saw such a small gesture at a glance.

"Hidden what?"

"Nothing." Song Zhixing's face was still stern, and he crumpled the paper into a ball, squeezed it in his hand, and did not look at him, but said hardly: "I'm out."

Tang Yu stopped her with his long arm, and hugged her, "Still angry with me?"

"I'm not angry, you all work, and that woman is your partner again, what makes me angry?" Song Zhixing took out his hand and walked to the door.

Tang Yu pulled her back, clasped her with one hand, and hugged her firmly, sighed, and said helplessly: "Xingxing, if you make trouble with me anymore, it's unreasonable to make trouble."

Song Zhixing's temper is like this, in fact, it is more because of too much insecurity and troubles. As long as he didn't leave like last night, he could coax her to turn around, but, as a result...

"I just made trouble out of nowhere." Song Zhixing's nose was sour, and his voice changed. "Aren't you too much? You used to indulge me every time and coax me well. Now I am angry you say that I make trouble out of nowhere. Just because of me and you. Already... Already that, you know you can eat me, I can't run, so you want to love me or not. You also ran to mess with other women!"

"What nonsense? Don't talk nonsense." Tang Yu's expression changed. What do you want to love?

Song Zhixing talked more and more aggrieved, seeing his face so ugly, his eyes flushed red, "What are you fierce? You have a father, a mother, a grandfather, brothers and sisters, and there are so many women pursuing you outside. You lack me in your life. It doesn't matter. But...I don't have anything, I only have you..."

Speaking of this, she seemed to be overwhelmed and choked.

The last few words made Tang Yu feel like he was hit hard by a heavy object, and the pain was terrible.

She squeezed Tang Yu's shirt tightly with her hands. Because it was too uncomfortable, her whole body was shaking badly, and there were water drops on her eyelashes. "Everyone told me not to be with you. I don't want to listen. I'm just stubborn. As long as I’m with you. But you can’t let my persistence become a joke. If you mess with other women, I really can’t find a reason to persist...I will also feel like a fool..."

At this point, Tang Yu's heart was shaken severely.

Overwhelming pity and distress surged up, and he took her into his arms. Thin lips pressed against the top of her head, shaking a little. The shock of the heart and the deep guilt came on.

He really wants to smoke himself!

She was always reluctant to suffer the slightest grievance, but when she was most important, she ignored the fragility of her heart.

"The stars, it's my fault, I shouldn't have killed you just now." He murmured distressedly, with thin lips kissing on top of her head, "It was my negligence not to notice your feelings. I apologize to you. As for What happened last night will never happen again! But, promise me not to be shaken, and never to say that I don’t want me."

"But I hate that you are so close to other women, and that you let other women hold you!"

"Okay, no next time!" He said almost immediately.

"And that lip mark!" Song Zhixing's red nose twitched, "I have already thrown away that shirt for you, you are not allowed to wear it again!"

He laughed. "Okay. Never wear it again."

"You still laugh! You are not allowed to laugh at me!" Song Zhixing flushed with anger and stamped his foot.

Tang Yu put away his smile and put her in his arms again. Big palm, gently stroked her back, to help her smooth, "Don't laugh, as long as you are no longer angry, everything depends on you."

Seeing him following himself like this, Song Zhixing's temper has disappeared a lot. She didn't make trouble anymore, she leaned on Tang Yu's chest and silently shed tears. Holding his clothes with both hands, retaliatory wiped all the tears on him.

Tang Yu allowed her to be presumptuous, and his eyes were full of distress and petting. After a while, when she calmed down, he said again: "Xingxing, if you are so insecure, why don't you agree to marry me? As long as you marry me, I will always belong to you-you are alone."

"Don't want to bluff me." Song Zhixing pulled away from his arms and wiped away tears. "You want to bluff me to marry you, so I'm not fooled."

Tang Yu squeezed her nose helplessly, "What can I fool you?"

In the eyes of this little thing, he is probably an old fox!

She choked, her eyes bright, "If I really get married, you will mess with other women in the future, and if I divorce you, it will be a divorced young woman, and the price will be too great. Now if you have other women, I will at best break up with you. ."

The update is complete today~ ask for a monthly ticket~~~ okay!

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