He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1395: It's over, don't be greedy (2)

When Mr. Wang said the last words, his eyes were a bit more profound.

Song Zhixing's thoughts were completely different from Wang's. He didn't know Tang Yu, but if he was still a little special in his heart, when she was drunk last night, he wouldn't let others send him back to the room.

She was a little lost. Suddenly remembering what Mr. Wang had just said, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the other party. He just said that, is it possible that he knew her past relationship with Tang Yu?

Her eyes can speak, although she didn't ask, but President Wang had already guessed her thoughts. He smiled and said: "Although I am not quite sure what your relationship was in the past, I can vaguely guess some. When you came to my reception as a welcome guest, I saw you got in Erye's car."

Song Zhixing pondered for a moment, "So, would you recruit me as an intern on a special case?"

"It's not entirely because of this." Mr. Wang said: "This is one of them. Second, of course, it is also because of your strength and experience. Most college students nowadays are vain, with good eyes and low hands. The asking price is high, but you don't necessarily have the strength. . As for you, the salary is low and the experience is rich. Compared with fresh graduates, only strong but not weak. The price is high. I have no reason not to choose you."

Being so recognized by the boss, Song Zhixing was overjoyed and joked, "Boss, you are reminding me that I should ask for a salary increase."

"The salary increase is definitely not a problem. If this cooperation project with Tang can be won, let alone your salary advance, I will directly reward you with half a year's salary. In this way, your tuition for the next semester will also be reduced."

Song Zhixing is not stupid. She came here and did not participate in the process of the project, but there is always a reason why she can get such a high reward.

"President Wang, do you want me to talk to Tang?"

"After all, you are not doing business negotiations, so I will not impose this task on you. What I mean is that I hope you will have more contact with the second master, and if you have the opportunity to mention this matter in front of him, What do you think? If the contract is signed this time, you will follow up on projects here in the future. At that time, learn more from these senior designers and lay a solid foundation, which will be good for your future."

Song Hongxing felt that Wang always wanted to be too optimistic. Tang Yu's attitude towards him was extremely indifferent, and he didn't mean to say a few more words with her.

"I'm afraid that it was originally good, but the result...because of me, it will have the opposite effect." Song Zhixing said the worry in his heart. This time we meet again, Tang Yu's attitude towards himself is vividly remembered.

"If this is the case, I don't blame you. Think about it. Anyway, we still have a few days to stay in Yucheng." Mr. Wang glanced at her injured foot. "We will talk in Yucheng these days. For another project, you are new here and don’t know the company yet, so you don’t have to follow us. Take care of your injury, and then consider what I mentioned to you. Now I’m sending someone to give it away. You go to the hospital."

Mr. Wang said he wanted to call the assistant. Song Zhixing stopped him, "Mr. Wang, I don't need to be in trouble, I can just take a taxi by myself."

The more affiliation she has, the more embarrassed she will be.

In the end, Song Zhixing insisted on taking a taxi by himself. However, instead of going to the hospital, she changed her route and went to the Tang family. In the taxi, she carefully rolled up her jeans trouser legs and glanced at her ankle-it seemed to be more swollen. With a light touch, it hurts my teeth.

She exhaled heavily, leaned back in the taxi, and cast her eyes out of the window. The scenery of the city of Judah kept retreating in her eyes, and she looked at everything outside in a daze, feeling both familiar and unfamiliar. In the past three years, the city of Jude has developed rapidly, and many places have become different. However, the style of Jude city is still in the bones and has not changed.

The things in the bones can't be erased in three years, just like she was to Tang Yu...

She once felt that she was more dependent and accustomed to Tang Yu, but it was only three years after she left that she truly understood that it was because of deep love that it became dependent and habitual.


She curled her lips astringently. Perhaps she is the only one who persists in this kind of unchanging feelings.

"Miss, here it is. Thirty-five yuan." The taxi driver's words in front of her brought her back to her senses.

"Thank you." Taking the bitterness from the bottom of her heart, she found the money out of her bag. The driver was very kind. Seeing her inconvenience, he walked around to help her out. She endured the pain and walked towards the Tang family.

Standing downstairs in the majestic Da Xia, she looked up at the top of her head, her heart turned back and forth, and she had all kinds of tastes. All of this is like the dream she has had countless times in the past three years-she has come back here again, where she can see him as soon as she raises her head.


In three years, the front desk of the company had already changed a group of people, and no one knew her. Song Zhixing was stopped, and she had to ask the front desk to call to the top floor for instructions.

"My name is Song Zhixing. Just talk to the secretary's office."

As soon as the secretary's office heard the three words "Song Zhixing", it was immediately let go.

Song Zhixing took the elevator and went directly to the top floor. Looking at the jumping number, thinking of meeting Tang Yu later, I felt a little nervous.

"Little Miss." As soon as the elevator door opened, the assistant in the secretary's room was already waiting there. Song Zhixing was a little flattered. She looked around and asked cautiously: "Two...no, does Mr. Tang know that I'm here?"

"The second master is in a meeting now, I haven't mentioned it yet. However, he would be happy if he knew that you were here. Or, would you go to the lounge and wait a while?"

are you happy?

Not necessarily.

Song Zhixing smiled and nodded, "Okay. I'll go to the lounge and wait."

She walked two steps behind the assistant secretary, and the other party noticed the injury on her foot and quickly turned her head back to help her.

"Thank you." Song Zhixing breathed a sigh of relief when someone supported him. When I walked to the lounge, I happened to pass the open conference hall. Song Zhixing paused uncontrollably and looked inside through the thick glass. Tang Yu was sitting there, listening attentively to other people's project explanations on stage, occasionally speaking out his thoughts. The way he looks at work is still that charming. When speaking, she was very strict, but she did not have the indifference that would only appear in front of her.

Song Zhixing looked at him blankly, his eyes astringent. With the passing of time, his attitude towards himself has been incomparable to even the most ordinary employees.

Heart, heavy.

As if feeling someone watching, Tang Yu suddenly turned his face. Before Song Zhixing had time to withdraw his gaze, he was caught upright. She panicked for a moment, bit her lip, and hurriedly walked to the lounge with anxious feet.

[There is another chapter, which is being written. Update later. 】

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