He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1398: Seemingly ruthless is the most sentimental (2)

Tang Song hurriedly went downstairs, and Song Zhixing and Tang Yu were left in the office.

Song Zhixing sat quietly on the sofa while Tang Yu was looking through documents. She listened to the sound of turning the page and looked at him from a distance. In the end, she couldn't help but speak first: "Are you...really going to go on a blind date?"

Tang Yu held the hand of the document and paused.

Care? Whether he has a blind date or is in love, will she care?

"Well, why not go?"

"Then, if the other party thinks you are good, you...really want to marry her?" Song Zhixing asked.

"If both parties feel that they are fine, I can't seem to find a reason not to get married."

"But, you are already married!" The words Song Zhixing almost blurted out.

Tang Yu's eyes were dark, put down the documents, and looked up at her. She bit her lip and stood up from the sofa all at once. Tang Yu frowned, and saw that she ignored Tang and Song’s explanations, jumping towards him with one leg in a fierce manner, "Tang Yu, if you marry someone else, you will be bigamy!"

"Bigamage?" He chewed on these two words as if mocking, "Who have I been married to?"

"You and me." Song Zhixing's face was white and red, how could he ask so confidently? "We have a marriage certificate. I haven't divorced you yet, how can you marry someone else?"

Tang Yu stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at her from top to bottom. Compared to her annoyance, he seemed to be particularly calm. "When we received the certificate, you were only 18 years old. Therefore, our marriage certificate is invalid and not protected by the law. Reminding me."

Song Zhixing bit her lip and was speechless.

"Of course, my application is invalid, and it's still a bit troublesome. So..." Tang Yu paused, "If you will stay in Utah, you can take the time to accompany me to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Song Zhixing's face turned pale. His chest seemed to be hit hard by someone, and cracks were torn out by someone. She took a deep breath, pressed her sorrow and sorrow abruptly, spread her hand in front of Tang Yu, "Return me."

Tang Yu looked at her without speaking.

Her eye sockets gradually turned red, and every word was bitten hard, "Return my necklace to me."

Tang Yu stared at her stubborn little face, "We are over, what do you want it for?"

"It's very expensive, I'll sell it for money!" Song Zhixing sniffed, not letting tears flow out, "I am only 21 years old, and I have become a divorced woman. That necklace will be your compensation for divorce. , This is far from excessive. Right?"

Tang Yu's eyes were heavy and heavy, staring at her for a long time, and finally he spit out two words blankly, "Throw it away."

If it was said that he could hold it back just now, at this moment, Song Zhixing suddenly couldn't bear it. Tears rolled out of his eyes. Like all sustenance, it was snatched away by him in an instant. He looked at her tears, "I can give you a check if you need it."


Time passed, and in his Tang Yu's concept, between them, all that was left was a check to measure.

The heart is cold and cold, like being thrown into a cold pool, not only painful, but also cold. She didn't want to say even one more word to him, and turned away. His feet touched the ground, and his feet felt so weak that he fell to the ground embarrassedly. Tang Yu almost instinctively took a step forward, stooping to help her. However, before the hand touched her, she pushed away hard, "You leave me alone."

Tang Yu's hand froze in the air.

"I don't need you to care..." Song Zhixing stubbornly propped up on the floor, got up embarrassedly, and murmured bitterly: "I don't need anyone to care about it, I can do it myself. I can do it!"

I said this to him, but in fact, I said it to myself. She has been here for the past three years, and in the next three years, countless three years, she can live like this!

Tang Yu withdrew his hand while she said ‘I can’.

Song Zhixing opened the door and walked out. Tang Song just came back, and the two almost collided with each other. Tang Song didn't know what had happened, but saw that she got up again, and she was about to teach her when she opened her mouth. However, Song Zhixing just avoided him sideways, and walked out with his head buried in pain.

"Hey, stars!"

She walked into the elevator as if she hadn't heard it. Obviously emotionally unstable.

How long did he walk away, what happened?

Tang Song was confused, looked at the figure that had disappeared, and then looked back at Tang Yu. I saw his face full of fatigue, and he could see that he was worried and lost. He sank heavily into the chair, said nothing, just turned around, cast his lonely eyes out the window. My chest was so stuffy and uncomfortable, the teary little face was in my mind for a long time.

He was still the same as three years ago, in front of her tears, he would more or less always lose his resistance.

I irritably grabbed the cigarette, lit it, and took a sip on my lips.

"Second brother, I said..."

"How are her feet?" Tang Yu interrupted Tang Song's question, and turned around, "Will I hurt my bones if I go out like this?"

"..." Tang Song was stunned for a moment, then threw the medicine on the desk and sat lazily across from him, "I thought you really didn't care about her."

"...I didn't mean to care about her."

"Yes, I really didn't mean to care about her, I just meant to care about her."

Tang Yu's eyes swept over, "Answer what I said just now."

Tang Song didn't dare to joke anymore, "I won't hurt my bones, but just like this, she has been walking and jumping on the ground, and I don't know how long it hurts."

"You go to see her in the evening. W Hotel, 2304." Tang Yu put out his cigarette butt, "What should I say, you should be very clear."

"Second brother, since you still care about her so much, why don't you just care about yourself..."

"I didn't care about her." Tang Yu retorted Tang Song's words. Tang Song's lips twitched, staring at him funny. Tang Yu was a little uncomfortable by him. In the end, he just said hardly: "Some mistakes, I won't allow myself to make a second time."

After listening to him, Tang Song didn't say anything. Everyone can see the bottomless contribution of the second brother to the stars. But what about the ending? That little girl was somewhat ruthless, and she said that she didn't want it, and she said that it would be over when it was over, and she never gave it any stubbornness or retreat.

At the beginning, it was doomed to unequal feelings, but in the end it was only a loss for both sides. Since it is over, it is expected that it will not start again. The second brother is also a person of flesh and blood, so he can hurt and remember the pain.

"That's good. Then I'll go for you tonight. But, about the blind date..."

"I'll talk about it later. I'm very busy lately." Tang Yu refused directly.

Tang Song could see it clearly, and he was used alive. He smiled and smiled particularly charmingly, "Second brother, if you don't go on a blind date, I'll just make it clear to Xingxing tonight. Maybe, that little girl still has feelings for you?"

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