He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1402: Song Zhixing, you provoke me! (3)

Song Zhixing is now more concerned about his future living expenses and tuition, and has no time to think about other things. She straightened her clothes, opened the door of the room and walked out.

In the villa, it is still very quiet.

Only a few servants downstairs were packing things up.

Song Zhixing walked out of the room and looked at this familiar villa. He felt as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle. He had all kinds of tastes. Her gaze fell into the master bedroom's room uncontrollably. The door there is still tightly closed, I'm afraid, Tang Yu is still asleep now!

She didn't bother him. In fact, after asking for a kiss last night, she didn't have much courage to face him immediately. He is so indifferent to himself, and she asks for a kiss like that, I am afraid it will only arouse him more disgust and alienation.

Thinking about this, she walked downstairs lightly.

"Little Miss?!" Sister Li felt incredible when she saw her. unbelievable. "How could it be you?"

Sister Li walked over, grabbed her hand, and said excitedly: "I got up early in the morning and saw high heels at the door. I thought it was the second master who brought other women back. I never thought it was..."

Song Zhixing bit his lip, "So, does he often bring other women back?"

"No, no!" Sister Li smiled and hurriedly waved her hand, "I have brought one for so many years. It was still you from last night!"

Hearing this, Song Zhixing's expression improved slightly. She raised her head slightly and glanced at the room upstairs.

"When did you come back?" Sister Li asked her, "Is the two of you reconciled?"

Song Zhixing tugged his lips and shook his head, "I haven't come back, but I'm here for a business trip. I'm leaving now."

Speaking of this, he paused and said, "There is no reconciliation either."

Sister Li sighed and looked at her, thinking she seemed to be more mature, but the sadness was obvious.

"You guys, don't be stunned. Since the second master is willing to bring you back, you must still be in your heart. You will be softened in front of the second master. If you are not sure, the previous things have disappeared."

Song Zhixing did not speak. In fact, Sister Li didn't know that she was not brought back by Tang Yu, but she came to the door with a cheeky face. It was probably because she was not lightly drunk, so Tang Yu left her behind.

"Sister Li." Song Zhixing thought for a while, but couldn't help asking: "In the past three years...Has the second uncle mentioned me?"

Her question made Sister Li's face a little embarrassed. Song Zhixing understood, his heart was heavier, and he was still unwilling, "So... not once?"

Sister Li comforted her, "Maybe it just put you in her heart. You also know that men have always been reserved about feelings, especially like Erye."

Song Zhixing is lost. Sister Li's words of comfort can't help her wet mood.

"Sister Li, I can't tell you anymore. Next time I come back on a business trip, I will see you again." Song Zhixing glanced at the time, and it was indeed impossible to delay.

Sister Li was a little bit sad. Song Zhixing was actually not willing to leave. Whether it is because of Sister Li, or because of...

"Eat some breakfast before leaving, and the second master should wake up later."

"I have run out of time." I can't wait for him to wake up either. She hasn't figured out how to face him yet.

"Then when will you come back next time?"

Song Zhixing's expression was dim, "I don't know. Maybe... it's possible to never come back."

If Tang Yu really married another woman, this city would really be meaningless to her.

Sister Li still wanted to stay, but in the end Song Zhixing had to leave by car. Sitting in the car, watching the villa retreat a little bit from his own eyes, the loss gradually raged. I left the city of Jude this time, and when will I come back again next time? How long will it take to see Tang Yu again? Would he really marry that woman right away?

Will not! She and him have not broken off their engagement yet!

Song Zhixing curled his lips. She just didn't go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to dissolve the marriage contract with him, and he couldn't do anything with her too!


At 8:30, Tang Yu woke up. Going to the bathroom to wash, looking through the mirror, seeing the faint scars on the corners of his lips, he raised his hand to touch it. It was a kiss that was too hot last night and was knocked by her teeth. I was so excited last night that I didn't notice at all.

Thinking of her, Tang Yu's eyes floated. Last night, he used 100 points of restraint to endure not entering when she was asleep, taking advantage of the void and demanding her.

He hastily cleaned himself up, opened the door and went out. Originally thought she shouldn't get up yet, but when she raised her eyes, she saw that the door of the opposite room had been opened. There is a servant inside to clean up the room.

She has gotten up?

She used to rely on bed habits. It seems that in the past three years, many of her habits have changed.

Tang Yu walked downstairs, not seeing her in the hall, he walked to the dining room. As a result, the restaurant turned out to be empty. Moreover, there is already a maid serving breakfast in the restaurant, and there is only one serving.

"Second Lord, early." Sister Li came over to greet him.

"Where is she?" Tang Yu asked.

"Little Miss?"

Tang Yu didn't respond, it was a tacit understanding.

"Little Miss has gone." Sister Li replied.

As soon as these words fell, Tang Yu's face sank, and his breathing became much heavier. He pulled the chair away and sat down, then asked, "Where are you going back? Hotel?"

Sister Li had already clearly sensed the change in his face, she took a careful look, and then said: "I heard the little lady said that she is back to Lingfeng City..."

Tang Yu held the tableware's hand, adding gravity, "When I left, didn't you say anything else?"


"I didn't say when to come back?"

"The little lady just said, maybe she won't be back in the future."

Tang Yu's breathing increased, and the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became abnormally cold. He didn't say anything, just bowed his head to eat. However, a minute later, as if finally unable to bear it, he threw down the tableware irritably.

That sound suddenly rang in the quiet dining room, and it was shocking. Sister Li stepped aside, breathing tightly.

Tang Yu sat there motionless, his expression extremely cold. Sure enough, the woman left as soon as she was sober! Come as you say, leave as you say! As he thought!

So, in her eyes, what exactly is Tang Yu? Is she a seasoning when she's bored?


Song Zhixing changed into Yalin's skirt, dressed in casual clothes, and hurried to the airport. She was running out of breath, everyone was already waiting for her.

As soon as she arrived, she boarded the plane in Fei Lingfeng City non-stop.

[Recently, I have been asking who to write next. Actually, it's not that I don't disclose it, it's that I haven't planned to write about whom. I always only consider this when I write this, and I'll talk about it next time when I finish writing this. 】

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