He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1467: One with two wide (1)

"It's time for dinner, Mr. Tang, I won't keep you." Zhao Chuning wanted to send him away quickly. Let him stay here for an extra second to be more dangerous.

Tang Yi's expression was cold. He was on a business trip for ten days. After returning, the first thing he did was to come to her. However, this woman has such a cold attitude towards herself.

He dragged her and couldn't help but shove her into the car.

Zhao Chuning didn't struggle, and it's better to leave than to let him stay in the community again.

"Didn't you just come back from a business trip today? Why are you downstairs in my house?" Zhao Chuning adjusted his mood and asked him.

"Just passing by." Tang Yi replied leisurely. I drove the car all the way, thinking of the cute little girl, as if asking casually: "Is there a little girl in your neighbor's house?"

Zhao Chuning's mood just relaxed, and because of his question, he tightened, "What?"

"It's called Mimi. Don't you know?" Tang Yi looked at her expression slightly, "I live with you on the 12th floor."

Zhao Chuning's face was very stiff, "Ah, I know...I have seen her several times. Why are you asking this suddenly?"

Tang Yi's look on her face wandered, Zhao Chuning raised his throat with a heart, unable to identify whether the man knew something.

In the next instant, Tang Yi withdrew his gaze, his gaze fell on the road ahead, and said flatly, "Just ask."

The eyes full of persecution withdrew, but Zhao Chuning's heart rang loudly, and it didn't stop for a moment. This man has always been terribly shrewd in insight. If this entanglement really continues, there will only be more and more such coincidences in the future! She can't let this happen.

She took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Tang, you park the car on the side of the road, I'm going back."

Tang Yi glanced at her and braked every turn, and he really stopped the car on the side of the road. Zhao Chuning glanced at him and lowered his head to unfasten the seat belt. In the next instant, his face was lifted. Tang Yi stared at her with deep gaze. She only felt that it was a whirlpool, which could make people unable to hold and be drawn into it, but in the end it would end up in a whirlpool of shattered bones.

She wanted to avoid it, but Tang Yi didn't allow her to hide from his eyes, adding gravity to her hand, forcing her to look at herself, "Did you miss me for these ten days?"

Zhao Chuning pondered for a moment, his red lips opened slightly, "...nothing."

His face was cold, his eyes seemed to be covered with ice. However, the next moment, thinking of something, his face warmed again, "Last time I saw your duplicity."

He slowly rubbed his finger on her lips, and looked at her with an ambiguous smile, "The remaining 99 times, how many times should you pay me back today?"

Zhao Chuning only felt hot on her lips, but she didn't have any extra thoughts now. I was full of how to protect Xiaomi Mi, how to get rid of Tang Yi, and avoid letting them meet again. She clasped Tang Yi's finger with a serious expression, "Ms. Tang, let's make it clear."

Tang Yi looked at her unhappily, as if waiting for her to follow along.

"You have been pestering me since the first day you met. I want to know the reason-because you found out that you actually love me?" Zhao Chuning looked at Tang Yi aggressively. Deliberately speaking to the point of self-inflicted shame.

Sure enough, the word'love' made him instinctively raise his eyebrows, and the resistance and disgust between his eyebrows couldn't be more obvious.

Zhao Chuning was thinking, if he dared to nod at this moment, she would dare to say that Xiao Yimi was his daughter's business. However, in the face of this question, he can never nod his head. She understands this man, and ‘love’ is a burden to him. It was like this six years ago, and it will still be like this six years later. This man has no ability to love others!

I thought I didn't have any expectations, but I would still be disappointed to see such a reaction.

She smiled sadly, as if laughing at herself.

Tang Yi frowned at the complicated expression on her face. When I opened my lips to say something, Zhao Chuning raised her hand to signal him to silence, she smiled, her smile was a little broken, "I know, you have to say:'Zhao Chuning, don't know good or bad. I only talk about **** with people, not love. There is no woman who is worthy of courtship with me'. Right?"

Tang Yi's thin lips tightened, and he didn't answer.

His silence is acquiescence. Zhao Chuning felt a pain in her heart, but she always smiled unwillingly on her face, "Tang Yi, you have your rules of the game, but I also have the right to choose not to participate. I played with you six years ago, that's enough. I’m not young now, and I don’t want to find a sexual partner. I have to seriously find a man who talks about love, life, and marriage with me, do you understand?"

Tang Yi's thin lips tightened, "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, don't come to me again. From tomorrow on, I will find someone to marry myself. As for you-I heard that you and your fiancee are getting married soon, don't let her down."

"When is it necessary for you to arrange my business?" Tang Yi's eyes were covered with gloom, and her small face was pulled closer, as if she was about to crush her.

Zhao Chuning was in pain. That kind of pain is not just physical pain.

When you make up your mind to withdraw from this fruitless relationship, it's like getting cramped. I suffered it once six years ago, and at this moment six years later, I am actually used to this kind of pain.

"One more thing..." She started, her voice still sounding so light, "The reason I said'I like you' in front of Cheng Zheng last time was just to avoid his pursuit. Actually... Tang One, when I dumped you six years ago, I no longer love you!"

The last few words were very heavy, and then he added: "Every time you touch me, I feel unbearable."

Tang Yi clasped her chin's hand, buckled so hard, his fingertips almost pinched her flesh. Being so close, she could see the beast-like fierce shot in his eyes, as if to tear her to pieces abruptly.

Thinking that he would definitely not be able to spare himself, he spit out a cold word from his lips, "Get out!"

When the words fell, she threw her away.

Zhao Chuning glanced at him, only to hit his cold side face, and his hands with blue veins on the steering wheel that were suddenly beating.

She didn't neglect, pushed the car door, and walked on. The bones on his face hurt as if they were broken.

The car rushed out a long way at the fastest speed, and then a box slammed out of the window, fell to the ground, and rolled over.

Zhao Chuning walked over and picked up the box. A precious white watch caught the eye, and her eyes couldn't help being slightly moist. The fingers slowly rubbed, and the fingertips trembled. In the next moment, he took a deep breath and raised his head again, pressing the sorrow and sorrow into his abdomen abruptly.

That's good!

Rejecting him decisively in this way and severing all contacts with him was something that should have been done long ago. Before that, because he was always obsessed with him, so he dragged his feet and was reluctant to really give up. Today, being stimulated by Xiaomi, she has been forced to have no choice.

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