He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1473: Is the child mine? (1)

"Tang Yi, open the door." Zhao Chuning's hoarse voice sounded outside the door.

The butler was about to open the door immediately, Tang Yi said, "No, I'll come."

The housekeeper stopped.

Xiao Yimi happily stopped gnawing chicken wings, and yelled crisply: "It's Mommy!"

"Yeah. Eat, I'll open the door for her." Tang Yi petted the top of the child's head. He noticed that there were two swirls on top of Xiaomi Mi's head, exactly like him.

Tang Yi's smile deepened.

"But Mommy doesn't like me to eat these. Should I hide them all?"

"With me, she dare not train you." Tang Yi supported her.

Xiao Yimi is not afraid of Mommy, he doesn't want to make Mommy upset, but now I can't hide myself.

Tang Yi walked to the door and opened the door. I saw Zhao Chuning outside the door in a panic. His hair was messy, and there were slight scars on his forehead. His eyes were dull and there was no trace of light.

He frowned.

What did this woman do, how did she make herself like this?

However, she couldn't control herself at all now. Seeing him, her gray eyes skipped a ray of light, and she suddenly looked like a beast with only fangs. She rushed towards Tang Yi out of control and grabbed his clothes with both hands. Ling, "Where is Mimi? Why did you take her away! Where did you take her?"

She was very excited and her hands were shaking. He uncovered sharp folds in his black shirt.

"Mommy, I'm here!" Xiao Yimi said from behind.

Seeing the child, Zhao Chuning's eyes were red, and she burst into tears. She cried suddenly. She didn't know if she frightened Xiao Yimi or made Xiao Yimi feel guilty. She pulled the edge of Tang Yi's pants and stood beside him without immediately approaching Zhao Chuning.

She knew she had done something wrong again, and she made Mommy angry again...

Xiao Yimi didn't think much about this little action that was close to Tang Yi. However, Zhao Chuning was struck by lightning. Her face turned pale and her lips trembled for several times before she finally said, "Zhao Yimi, come here!"

Her voice is not small, moreover, she calls people by name and surname. Xiao Yimi had never seen her angry like this, and shrank her neck in fear, "Mommy, don't be angry..."

"Did I tell you not to talk to strangers? Did I tell you that you can't walk with strangers casually?! Since when have you become so disobedient?" Zhao Chuning's eyes were severe. She walked over and pulled Xiao Yimi down by grabbing Tang Yi's hand, firmly holding it in her palm. The grip was so tight that someone would be shot if you let go. My fingers hurt when I held it.

She was so fierce that Xiao Yimi's eyes were red, but she did not dare to cry. Even if it hurts, I don't dare to struggle.

On the side, Tang Yi suddenly stretched out his hand to hug the child and handed it to the housekeeper on the side. Zhao Chuning was frightened, and rushed to grab Xiao Yimi.

However, in the next moment, Tang Yi stretched his hand over, hugged her, and rolled her into his arms, without touching Xiao Yimi at all.

"Take the child out." Tang Yi solemnly ordered.

Zhao Chuning screamed desperately: "Tang Yi, what are you going to do? What do you want to do!"

Her eyes were wide open, and red bloodshot eyes could be faintly seen in her eye sockets.

Xiao Yimi was so frightened by such a scene that she couldn't help but cried loudly.

Tang Yi stared at Zhao Chuning and reminded in a deep voice: "You have scared the child!"

"That's my child, it has nothing to do with you, you are not allowed to take her away!" Zhao Chuning struggled to get out of Tang Yi's arms. But Tang Yi hugged her tightly, and she couldn't help it. The housekeeper on the side looked at the picture of the separation of mother and daughter, and felt heartbroken. He stood there holding the child stiff, not knowing whether to go or not. Tang Yi looked ugly, turned his face and glared at her, "Why are you still standing here? Go next door!"

"Immediately." The butler answered and had to take the child out.

Xiao Yimi didn't know what was going on, so she cried and stretched out her hand to Zhao Chuning, "Mommy, Mommy..."

"Let me see the wound on your mommy's face. When it is dealt with, I will take her to see you." Tang Yi explained to the child.

Zhao Chuning didn't believe Tang Yi's words at all, and wanted to take the child back, but the butler had already taken her into the next room. I can't hear the cry anymore.

Here, only Zhao Chuning and Tang Yi are left. Tang Yi kicked the door closed, then let go and went inside without paying attention to her.

Zhao Chuning rushed to the door hysterically, but when the door was locked by his fingerprints, she was like a sleepy beast, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get out at all.

Tang Yi carried the medicine box and quickly came out of it.

Zhao Chuning was exhausted, but she was still unwilling to pull the doorknob. Seeing him come out, she was hoarse and asked hopelessly: "Tang Yi, what do you want?"

"Come here!" Tang Yi put the medicine box on the coffee table.

Compared to her feeling out of control, he was always calm and composed. Moreover, it seems to be in a good mood today and was not affected by her.

Zhao Chuning stood there stubbornly next to the door and didn't move. Just looking at her pleadingly, "You return Mimi to me. Tang Yi, I beg you..."

"I don't want to talk to you about the child now." Tang Yi looked at the wound on her forehead from a distance, and sat down on the sofa. "If you are not in a hurry to see Mimi, just stay there and don't move. I won't stop you all night."

Tang Yi is stubborn.

However, Zhao Chuning was also very stubborn.

She couldn't open the door, and then took out her phone to call the police for help. Tang Yi couldn't bear it, strode up and snatched her mobile phone. In the next moment, he dragged her and threw her on the sofa. Zhao Chuning immediately got up from the sofa, Tang Yi reached out and clasped her shoulders and pushed her back. She burst into tears, opened her mouth and bit his hand. The bite was so heavy that bleeding came from the bite all at once.

Tang Yi pressed her hand without pulling it away, but stared at her with stern eyes from top to bottom. After a long time, she seemed to be finally struggling to get tired, and she fell on the sofa, gasping for breath, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes and wet the sofa.

"Crazy enough?" Tang Yi asked coldly.

"You bastard!" Zhao Chuning stared at him hatefully, his teeth tightened.

Tang Yi only responded with these three words with a ‘hum’. He clasped her with one hand to prevent her from moving, and opened the medicine box with a neat ‘pop’ with the other.

I took disinfectant alcohol and cotton swabs and put them aside. Then, long fingers picked away the messy broken hair on her forehead. She had a beautiful face, and the wound on her forehead was particularly dazzling. The wound seemed to be knocked, not very heavy, but it was also broken, and blood was faintly visible.

Tang Yi looked at it for a while and asked, "How did the wound come from?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Her voice was still cold.

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