He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1486: Sleep together (1)

Zhao Chuning looked at Tang Yi as if he was considering the credibility of his words. At this moment, Xiao Yimi suddenly opened the door and poked her head out.

Zhao Chuning was startled and pushed Tang Yi away in embarrassment. There is no fluctuation on Tang Yi's face.

Xiaoyimi's hands grabbed Zhao Chuning's windbreaker hem, "Mommy, you stay and tell me stories, okay?"


Xiao Yimi looked up at her pleadingly, "Uncles don't know how to tell stories, you teach uncles."

Zhao Chuning immediately said: "Uncle is not interested in learning this, and it is already so late..."

"Who said I'm not interested?" Tang Yi asked, never expected. Zhao Chuning was speechless for a moment when he was asked, he nodded and compared it inside, "Go take a bath."

With that said, he ignored her and reentered the room with Xiao Yimi in his arms.

Looking at the big and small figures, Zhao Chuning still walked towards the door unwillingly, but in the end, he guessed right. The door was locked by Tang Yi again, and she couldn't get out at all.

This person just said clearly that she was leaving and would not keep herself. I don't know when the door was locked.

She had to turn back. When he arrived in the master bedroom, Tang Yi was holding Xiao Yimi and playing on the bed. Xiao Yimi had slept for so long before, and now she is quite energetic, sitting on the bed and flipping through a storybook. Tang Yi on the side was half-squinting, lying down, as if he would fall asleep at any time. But when Xiao Yimi talked to him occasionally, he would cheer up and answer a word or two, so as not to let her talk to herself.

Zhao Chuning looked at the scene under the light, and his heart throbbed. For a while, he dismissed the idea of ​​leaving, put down the bag, and said: "I don't have pajamas."

Tang Yi raised his eyelids lazily, and glanced at the cabinet, "Choose your own."

It's not the first time that Zhao Chuning has worn Tang Yi's clothes. But tonight she didn't dare to wear his shirt casually, picking and choosing, choosing the most conservative set of long trousers.

"I'm going to take a shower." Zhao Chuning took the clothes and went to the bathroom outside.

Xiao Yimi is very happy.

When Zhao Chuning came back from the shower, he just pushed the door through a thin slit, and heard Xiao Yimi's voice, "Uncle, Uncle Luobei said that you are in love with Mommy, is it true?"

"...False." Tang Yi replied.

This answer does not differ from her. Zhao Chuning stood outside and did not enter immediately.

"Fake?" Xiao Yimi's tone was disappointed, "Uncle, you won't be my daddy?"

Tang Yi was silent. Zhao Chuning's eyelashes are slightly drooping.

"Uncle, do you like Mommy?" Xiaoyimi asked another question.

Zhao Chuning's hand on the doorknob tightened slightly. After waiting for a while, Tang Yi didn't say anything, she pushed the door and went in. The big and the small in the room raised their heads.

"Mummy." Xiao Yimi called her.

Tang Yi's gaze traversed her body, her eyes darkened slightly.

She was wearing his pajamas, long dress and trousers, and wrapped herself tightly, even the button under her neck was fastened tightly. It's just that his clothes are too big for her, the trouser legs are rolled up to prevent them from sweeping on the ground, and the clean and beautiful ankles are exposed. Both hands were rolled in the long sleeves, and only the delicate white fingertips could be seen.

The long hair was rolled up at random in the back of his head, and the strands fell away, drawing her elegant long neck more and more delicately.

In a quiet winter night, even if she wraps herself up so tightly, she can't stop the temptation she inadvertently exudes.

Tang Yi's eyes tightened, and his eyes became more and more hot.

Saying something is not interested in her body, but the most primitive reaction of the body is that she can't deceive herself.

Zhao Chuning felt Tang Yi's gaze gel on her body, and she just treated it as missing. Xiao Yimi moved to Tang Yi to free a piece, patted her little hand, "Mommy, here!"

Of course she didn't go to bed, just moved a chair and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Mummy, don't you sleep?"

"Give me the story book, which story do you want to hear?"

"You can talk in bed!" Xiao Yimi invited her warmly again.

Zhao Chuning flipped through the book, "Mimi, is this good?"

Xiao Yimi looked at Tang Yi for help, expecting his uncle to help and persuade him. Tang Yi lay down comfortably, with one hand resting on the back of his head, "Since she likes to sit and talk, let her sit and talk."

"Okay." Xiao Yimi no longer reluctantly heard Tang Yi say this.

Xiao Yimi seemed to listen to his words very much.

Zhao Chuning was a bit tasteful. How could this person please the child like this? Obviously he is not a good person to get along with.

"Don't talk about it yet?" Tang Yi asked suddenly. Zhao Chuning returned to his senses, only to realize that he was staring at him away. She was embarrassed, coughed awkwardly, and lifted her chin, "Then I will start. Don't you want to learn, listen carefully."

"Listen thoroughly."

She glanced at the storybook, scanned the content roughly, and looked up at the two people on the bed.

The father and daughter were lying on the bed side by side, looking at her with both eyes. Xiao Yimi's eyes were full of expectation, but Tang Yi's eyes were bottomless, unable to distinguish his emotions.

Zhao Chuning slowly opened his lips, telling romantic fairy tales, and his voice was always softer than usual.

She was a little absent-minded by Tang Yi originally, but gradually, after she became immersed in the story, she became more attentive.

Tang Yi lay on the bed and listened quietly. Sure enough, as the child said, she is a very good storyteller, her voice is soft and vivid. When it comes to climax, there will be emotional ups and downs, and the facial expressions are vivid and interesting.

Under her soft voice, he gradually calmed down, as if he was extremely tired, his heavy eyelids slowly closed.

After telling the story, Zhao Chuning looked up. The bed was one big and one small, and she fell asleep soundly. She was stunned for a moment, her heart fluctuated, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but bend.

She sat there, didn't move, just watching them two silently. I actually felt that this scene was amazing and moving.

Xiao Yimi is indeed a little bit more like her. However, when sleeping like this, the father and daughter really look alike. Both people like to press their chests with their hands, and even the curvature of the corners of their lips is the same.

Her gaze, after lingering around the child, unconsciously fell to the man next to the child.

Even if she blamed him for hating him, but at this moment, she was grateful from the bottom of her heart that he was willing to be so patient and kind to Xiao Yimi.

She got up, covered them with a quilt, and walked out lightly.

In the hall, there is no light.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, neon lights are everywhere. Zhao Chuning curled up, sitting by the window, and all the pictures of the child and him swayed back and forth in his mind.

She was wondering, should she tell him the truth?


He will get married soon.

Moreover, the more he likes Mimi so much, the greater the chance of stealing a child from her.

Zhao Chuning drew herself together, melancholy deeper and deeper, entrenched in the bottom of his heart, with nowhere to vent.

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