He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1489: Full of vinegar (2)

Cheng Zheng took the words, "Well. Tang Yi came to investigate, and it happened to be in this circle. He should have no doubt about our relationship now."

Zhao Chuning was silent for a while, with various emotional ups and downs in his heart. Can't tell if it's happy or sad.

"How do I feel... I didn't seem to get your green eyes when I did this?" Cheng Zheng looked at the expression on her face inquiringly.

Zhao Chuning's lips moved, and in the end he just sighed: "Thank you. I was just a little surprised. I didn't expect you to help me like this."

"It's not helping you either." Cheng Zheng's eyes were slightly deeper, "It's also helping me."

Zhao Chuning raised his eyes to look at him.

He smiled, "My mind is very clear. With you and Tang Yi, I won't have another chance."

Zhao Chuning gave a dry smile, "Cheng, you are really frank. However, even if I am not with Tang Yi, I have no plans to fall in love for the time being."

"For the time being, it doesn't mean forever."

"I don't deserve your thoughts."

"Whether it's worth it, only I know it in my heart."

Zhao Chuning had said everything clearly, he had to be so persistent, but she didn't know what to say.

"I'm going to work first." Zhao Chuning turned and walked into the office building. Her gaze subconsciously wanted to look to the side of the road, but in the end it didn't. Cheng Zheng walked side by side with her, and her small actions were naturally obvious. He deliberately or unintentionally said: "I heard that Mr. Tang is about to get married."

"..." Zhao Chuning did not answer. She knew Cheng Zheng's words were reminding her.

She also really needs to be sober.

She was silent, and Cheng Zheng didn't say anything more interestingly. When two people walked to the door of the company, they only heard a sound of "boom--" and a white sports car roared. That swift speed, like a ferocious beast, seemed to be crushed madly.

There were a lot of people coming and going at the door of the company, and the women were so frightened that their faces became pale, and they screamed repeatedly. The men quickly stepped aside.

When Zhao Chuning and Cheng Zheng heard the sound and looked over, they saw Tang Yi driving a sports car, not slowing down at all, and rushing towards them. Zhao Chuning stared, holding his breath. Faced with Tang Yi's cold and gloomy eyes, I just felt cold all over. The whole person stood there stiffly, obviously trying to hide, but his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move.

"Chu Chu!" Seeing that the car was about to collide, Cheng Zheng was startled and couldn't avoid it. He hugged her tightly with his arms, and subconsciously moved to his side, blocking her in front.

At the very moment, there was a loud ‘squeak--’ and the tires rubbed the ground violently. The out-of-control beast-like sports car was controlled only a few centimeters away from them, and stopped steadily.

Brought up a strong wind, blowing the clothes of others.

Everyone was taken aback by the thrilling scene.

Zhao Chuning's face was pale, her cold hands clasped Cheng Zheng's arm, her legs were still shaking so badly that she almost couldn't stand firmly.

Cheng Zheng hugged her and patted her back comfortably, "It's okay, it's okay..."

Tang Yi stared at them gloomily, the fire of jealousy in his eyes, quickly turning the two together into ashes.


Zhao Chuning has never seen Tang Yi since that day. On TV, in the newspapers, the news of his marriage is in full swing. However, a week before the wedding, the wedding was temporarily postponed.

The outside world was in an uproar, and no one knew the specific reason.

Zhao Chuning did not hear the slightest sound.

But for a while, Xiao Yimi always keeps the phone with him. When Zhang Rong first saw the little girl holding her mobile phone and muttering and talking to people about this and that, she thought the little girl was in love, and went to discuss the countermeasures with her daughter as if the sky was falling apart. Zhao Chuning was also very frightened, sitting on the side pretending to be busy with other things and eavesdropping, only to hear that the person talking with the child is not someone else, it is Tang Yi.

The heart just let go. However, after a while, it hung again.

Xiaomi relies on him so much, I really don't know if it is good or bad.

This night, when she came back from get off work, Xiao Yimi was talking on the phone on the sofa again.

"Uncle, I won't go to class tomorrow, can I go to you?"

Zhao Chuning gave her a'no' wink. Xiao Yimi twisted her body, just as if she hadn't seen it. However, the next moment, she drooped her little head in frustration, "Why not?"

Obviously, she was rejected by Tang Yi. Zhao Chuning was surprised. For Tang Yi's liking for her, it should be a promise.

"Are you in the hospital?" When Zhao Chuning was suspicious, I heard Xiao Yimi's voice, "Uncle is sick? What's the disease?"

Zhao Chuning stopped taking off his jacket.

Tang Yi is a person who hates hospitals, and he has a younger brother who is a medical genius, so he usually can't go to the hospital without going to the hospital, let alone hospitalized. In the past, he had an accident during a racing car and broke his arm. He never stayed in the hospital overnight.

How serious is he going to be hospitalized?

Is it because of illness to postpone the wedding temporarily?

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Zhao Chuning's mind, and his eyes cast unconsciously to the child. However, I don’t know what they are talking about, Xiao Yimi didn’t say any more, just said sensibly: "Then uncle, take care of yourself, I won’t bother you anymore."

After speaking, reluctantly and worriedly prepared to hang up.

Over there, Tang Yi looked at the bare tree outside the hospital window, and couldn't help but say, "Where is your mommy?"

"Mommy?" Xiao Yimi turned her head. When Zhao Chuning heard her mentioning herself, she was taken aback for a moment, put down her coat and walked towards her subconsciously. Xiao Yimi asked: "Here! Uncle, do you want to talk to Mommy?"

Tang Yi's thin lips tightened, and finally, he just muffled: "No."

"……OK then."

"Yeah. Hang up."


Xiao Yimi hung up the phone.

Zhao Chuning then realized that he was a little bit passionate. That person obviously does not need to listen to the phone by himself.

In the end, she restrained herself, without asking anything, got up and went to the kitchen. While walking, as if nothing happened, talked to Xiaomi Mi, "Go wash your hands and come over for dinner."

"Mommy, did you say we are going to the hospital to see Uncle?" Xiao Yimi ran in.

Zhang Rong already knew that the child's so-called "uncle" was the child's father, and also knew that the child's father was about to get married. So, when I heard this, it was almost like an enemy, "What are you looking at. You are not allowed to go. You are not allowed to go!"

The latter sentence was to my daughter. She murmured: "In what capacity do you two go to the hospital to visit? They are going to get married, and they are living in the hospital right now, so surely the wife is guarding there! You two ran over, are you afraid of people thinking too much?"

What my mother said was reasonable.

Zhao Chuning said nothing. When I was eating, I was completely absent-minded. What kind of illness did he have?

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