He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1501: He is my daddy (2)

"Have you seen my daughter?"

"Have you seen my daughter?"

She ran all the way out of the community and asked all the way. However, everyone just shook his head. No one knew her daughter.

the other side.


The lights are still on in the meeting room. A few days ago, I was hospitalized and delayed a lot of things. Now my health is a little better, Tang Yi seized the time to deal with things one by one. There are many senior executives in the company who accompany overtime.

Secretary Schumann answered a phone call for him outside, and the child cried and called ‘Daddy’ on the phone. Schumann knew about the child. When Mr. Tang was in the hospital before, the child also called several times. President Tang will have a few words with her no matter how strong he is.

However, it was just called "Uncle" at that time, and "Daddy" at this time. Schumann was shocked when he heard it. I thought about the two hairs I got in the morning, and I guessed a little bit in my heart.

I dared not neglect for a moment, and quickly said: "My kid, Mr. Tang is in a meeting now. Is there anything wrong?"

"I'm going to find Daddy." Xiao Yimi choked.

"Do you know how to get here?"

"I'm in the taxi, you tell the driver the place." Xiao Yimi handed the phone to the driver.

Schumann said the address, and repeatedly reminded the other party to send the child safely.

The driver put his mobile phone on the dashboard. Xiao Yimi leaned back, poked his head, and said again as if embarrassed: "Uncle driver, can I borrow your phone again?"

"You have to call, right? Of course you can."

The driver saw her cute, and generously handed the phone to the child.

Xiao Yimi bit her mouth and choked twice before pressing the number out.


Zhao Chuning had been so cold that his feet turned blue. She called Tang Yi, but the line was always busy. As soon as I hung up, an unfamiliar number rushed in.

She didn't even think about it, and immediately connected.


Silence over there.

As if afraid, even the sound of breathing was cautious.

Zhao Chuning felt it all at once, "Mimi, isn't it you!"


"Where are you?" Hearing that little voice, Zhao Chuning's tears flew out of his eyes without holding back her tears. But she tried to maintain her composure so as not to scare herself.

"I'm in the car. I'm going to find Daddy."

"Where are you? I'll pick you up!" Zhao Chuning said, he was about to stop the car.

"Mommy, I'm looking for Daddy!" She became more determined. She didn't understand why Mommy and Grandma both lie to themselves!

"Do you really want daddy?" Zhao Chuning's heart was sour and painful as if being struck by a whip. She stood on the side of the road with tears in her eyes, but her voice was cold and serious, "If Mommy and Daddy are between you, you can only choose one, do you want Daddy too?"

"...Why can you only choose one?" Xiao Yimi sobbed sadly, "Others have fathers and mothers, and they can choose both. Why can Mimi only choose one?"

How to explain to her?

The world of adults is far less pure and simple than the world of children.

She just didn't want to lose her, nothing more!

"Mimi, Mommy can't talk to you too much. But you have to understand one thing-if you recognize your daddy today, maybe...in the future, Mommy will never have you again." Listen When the child was crying, Zhao Chuning's attitude softened. Every word she said was deeply sad. When the last word was said, her tears couldn't stop flowing out.

The heart hurts like being thrown into a blender.

Her Mimi is her whole world.

Xiao Yimi heard the sad emotions over there and cried loudly. But why can't you ask for daddy? She wants Daddy!

"Mimi, you come back... listen to your mother, okay?" Zhao Chuning's tone was seductive.

She believes that the child will be obedient. She believed that between Tang Yi and herself, Mimi would definitely choose her own. After all, she was the one who gave birth to her.

However, before she finished speaking, the voice of ‘beep--’ suddenly sounded over there.

The phone was hung up.

She held the phone and stood there stiffly, in a daze.

The cold wind blew her, and she shook her body. Like being suddenly abandoned, my heart is empty, painful and sour.

Was she abandoned by her own child?

Mimi chose him, want to tell him all this frankly?

Zhao Chuning's mood suddenly collapsed. It's the peak time to get off work, and it's hard to get a taxi. She rushed to the road like crazy, trying to stop the car. At this moment, the phone rang frantically.

She thought it was Mimi and immediately connected.

However, the neighbor's anxious voice came from the phone, "Chu Chu, your mother just passed out on the stairs! Come back and have a look!"

Zhao Chuning was startled.

The heart sank suddenly.

A chill came straight up from the soles of the feet and into the heart.

A taxi stopped in front of her. She looked at each other in a daze. The driver finally had no patience, so he lowered the window, poked his head out and asked her, "Are you going?"

She just seemed to regain consciousness suddenly, did not answer, and ran back barefoot like crazy again.


Xiao Yimi looked at the phone with the black screen and handed it to the driver, "Uncle driver, the phone seems to be out of power."

"It's okay. It can be charged in the car!" The driver took the phone and plugged it in. Then he said: "If you want to call again, call again when the power is available for a while."

Xiao Yimi lit her head, tears still in her eyes.

"Kid, don't you run away from home at such a young age?" the driver talked to her.

Xiao Yimi shook his head like a rattle, "I just... just miss daddy, I'm going to find daddy."

She called ‘Daddy’ and tears came out.

Who can bear the children crying all the time, the driver felt sad when he looked at him, so he hurriedly coaxed a few words. Just said: "Don't cry, I'll drive faster. I can find your father in a while."

"Thank you, uncle driver." Xiao Yimi thanked her politely, her milky voice still choking.

When the car stopped downstairs, Xiao Yimi flipped his pockets left and right, but couldn't find a few dollars. Had to stare at the driver's cellphone again.

There are many people sitting in the conference room.

Tang Yi only wore a white shirt, unbuttoned two buttons at the neckline, revealing her **** collarbone.

He was listening to other people's project reports, his posture was laid back, and he looked lazy. However, the opinions raised at the first opening were concise and concise, which made people dare not relax in the slightest. At this moment, Schumann suddenly opened the door and came in. He walked over and whispered in his ear: "President Tang, there is a kid named Zhao Yimi downstairs who called in a taxi and said that he was looking for you. Now the driver is asking for money downstairs, look..."

Suddenly found that today's monthly pass seems to have doubled. These days have doubled. What you want to vote can be finished these few days. muah.

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