He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1520: Ask for trouble

"Chu Chu, didn't you hear what I said?" Zhang Rong was polite.

"What?" She had just gone away and was pulled back by her mother's cries.

"From now on, give me a distance from him! I'm not allowed to see you bye!"

Zhao Chuning smiled bitterly, his voice was light and fluttering, as if it would disappear at any time, "Isn't he about to get married soon? And... he promised me that he won't haunt me again... Don't worry."

After... there is really no future...

It's good to make a clean cut with blood like this. At least, each other will die.


the other side.

Song Zhixing woke up in the middle of the night to pour water on herself, but when the lights were turned on, there were two people lying on the sofa, which frightened her.

"Hush!" Tang Yu was a little awake, saw her, sat up straight, "it's me."

"You drank too much." Song Zhixing lowered his voice, put down the water glass, and approached. The smell of alcohol everywhere made her frown.

Tang Yu stretched his hand around her waist, hugged her, and buried her head on top of her head.

Song Zhixing's heartbeat was extremely fast, his cheeks were red, and he gave him a push, "Uncle Wu is still there."

"It doesn't matter, he is already drunk and unconscious."

"Then... I'll pour you a cup of tea, so you sober up." Although Tang Yi was already drunk and unconscious, Song Zhixing was still too guilty.

Tang Yu didn't force her either, just let go of her hand and let her go. He barely got up and helped Tang Yi up from the sofa. Tang Yi's lips moved, and he sighed hoarsely and painfully, "Chu Chu..."


Those two whispers, with hidden sadness and sadness, were something Tang Yu had never seen in Tang Yi.

He was helpless, I'm afraid, this kid didn't even know when he had already used his affection deeply.

He helped him to lie down in the room downstairs, grabbed the quilt and covered him.

Song Zhixing stood at the door holding the water, "Second Uncle, Fifth Uncle, what's wrong with this? Are you broken in love?"

"Yeah. He's asking for trouble. Don't worry about him." Tang Yu brought the door and took the water glass in her hand.

"Why are you asking for trouble?" She raised her head and asked persistently.

"Clearly like each other, not only don't admit it, but keep hurting her. This is called asking for trouble." Tang Yu leaned over and looked at the girl in front of him meaningfully, "Stars, this is the behavior of a coward. You don't want to learn. "

Song Zhixing was affected in his heart. She bit her lip, "I don't learn, and I'm not a coward. I went upstairs to sleep, so sleepy."

After she finished speaking, she still pretended to yawn, with a guilty conscience.

However, before a yawn was finished, the man suddenly fell down with a mellow kiss of alcohol. The tip of the tongue pierced between her lips and teeth without any hindrance, and curled up her dexterous tongue.

Song Zhixing snorted softly.

She hasn't finished yawning yet!

Tang Yu hugged her and kissed deeply all the way. Keep kissing from downstairs to upstairs, and then into the room.


The next day.

When Zhao Chuning woke up, the mother was not in the room, only the caregiver.

"Miss Zhao, your mother went home early in the morning. She said she was going to send her child to school. Then she will cook chicken soup for you."

"Okay." Zhao Chuning was a little distressed by his mother running around like this. I don't know when she will be discharged from the hospital.

She couldn't move while lying down, so she asked the nurse to help her turn on the TV. The channel that I opened was the entertainment station, but I didn’t expect Tang’s news to be overwhelming. It was Tang Yi's wedding soon, and almost everyone in the Tang family returned to Jucheng this time. This is a rare feast, so the media has never let go of such a good interview opportunity.

His wedding scene has been set up today.

On the TV station, the scene of the wedding of the century that is about to begin is repeatedly broadcast. Even the list of items and how much money will be spent can be estimated.

Zhao Chuning looked around and wanted to change the channel.

The caregiver on one side watched it with gusto and commented: "This is the marriage of the fifth master of the Tang family and the daughter of the Mo family. The day after tomorrow will be the wedding. It will be broadcast live at that time! It will be grand, right?"

Zhao Chuning didn't respond.

I just feel that the wounds all over my body are hurting.

"Tang Wuye is so handsome!" The nurse didn't notice it, still sighing. "However, Ms. Mo is also very beautiful. They are in the right place. It's nice to stand together."

"Can you help me see the medicine? Isn't it dripping too fast, it seems a bit painful." Zhao Chuning finally spoke.

The nurse busily looked away from the TV, looked up at the medicine bottle, and said, "It's not fast, and this medicine is not painful. If you feel unwell, I'll slow it down for you."

"Okay." Zhao Chuning glanced at the screen, "Can I change the channel? I want to see factual news."

"Oh, okay." The nurse always felt that something was wrong with her. After changing the station, she said again: "If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell. I will ask the doctor to come and see."

"It's okay, I feel more comfortable now." She reluctantly adjusted her sleeping position.

At this moment, the door of the ward was knocked. Zhao Chuning thought it was his mother who came, and asked to let in.

However, the person who appeared at the door surprised her for a moment, and then his expression darkened, "Why are you here?"

It was not someone else who came here, it turned out to be Gu Shaocheng. He holds fruits and flowers in his hands.

Gu Shaocheng glanced at the nurse and motioned for her to go out first. The nurse looked at Zhao Chuning again, and Zhao Chuning nodded slightly: "You go out first, and I will ring the bell if I have something to do."

Gu Shaocheng put the fruit on the head of the bed, and looked at her when the flowers were in place, looking very guilty, "Doesn't you still hurt?"

Zhao Chuning is really not familiar with Gu Shaocheng, she doesn't know how to answer the conversation, and just asks: "Are you looking for me for something?"

"Actually... Brother Fifth asked me to come over."

Hearing those two words, Zhao Chuning's face became darker, "I want to sleep now."

"My fifth brother called me last night and said that I was asking me to find out about your situation. Although I haven't seen my fifth brother until now, I can feel that he feels very distressed. He called me last night. When he did, his voice was dumb. I have never seen him like this."

"Mr. Gu, I'm really sleepy." Zhao Chuning's voice was a little unstable.

"Don't blame Brother Fifth, it's my fault. Really, blame me if you want to. My Fifth Brother has a bad temper, but he really likes you."

Zhao Chuning turned his face to the other side, ignoring Shaocheng. She didn't understand the meaning of Gu Shaocheng's words, how could it be his fault?

"Did I see you and Cheng Zheng together yesterday evening? I don't know which way I smoked crazy, so I gave the pictures of the two of you dating..."

"Me and Cheng Zheng...we are just going shopping together." Zhao Chuning explained helplessly.

"Yes, yes, it's not a date, it's shopping for food." Gu Shaocheng followed her words and said, "Anyway, I sent the photos of you two kissing to my fifth brother."

"...I haven't kissed him either."

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