He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1539: Respect (1)

"The second thing." The old man looked at Zhao Chuning and said it to her. Compared with the attitude when talking to Tang Yi just now, it is kind of kind at this moment. "The matter of you two getting married is that my old man suffers. Hard to be forced, I haven't had time to say hello to your home. This is really unreasonable. So, you should arrange a time as soon as possible. We will go to your home and have a good talk with your parents about the wedding. Please mention if you have any requests. "

Thinking of this, Zhao Chuning felt a headache.

"I want to take a little longer, and when it's almost time, I will have a good talk with my parents."

"Not in a hurry for the wedding?"

Zhao Chuning nodded, "Well, don't worry."

"Yes. This kid just ran away from someone else's marriage and immediately married you. It really looks like a child's play, it's not like a word. It's really hard to explain to your parents." The old man nodded, "Then you guys will talk about it. Make a decision and tell me when you decide."

The three words "Little Couple" made Zhao Chuning embarrassed.

The old man moved his chopsticks, and everyone ate.

Xiao Yimi finally spoke at this moment. She was very happy and crawled onto Zhao Chuning's lap with a smile, "Mommy, are you really married to Daddy?"

"..." Zhao Chuning was bored for a while before nodding.

Tang Yi patted Mimi on her leg, "Come here and sit here. Your mommy has just been discharged from the hospital and her body is still not well."

"Oh." Xiao Yimi obediently climbed onto Tang Yi's lap, boasting milky voice, "Daddy, you finally didn't break your promise."

"You ran away to grab someone at my wedding, can I still break my promise?" Tang Yi scratched the bridge of her small nose, with a strong pampering action.

"What's the matter with you being hospitalized? The last time I saw you, I was indeed wearing a medical suit. What's wrong?" Tang Shoulin asked Zhao Chuning with concern.

Zhao Chuning glanced at Tang Yi, but did not speak.

Tang Shoulin's face became colder, "He hurt you?"

The old man frowned, "What the **** is going on? Brat, what have you done?"

Tang Yi recalled what happened that night, remembering her resolute appearance when she jumped out of the car, the appearance of fainting when she rolled on the ground, her body was wounded and weak, and her heart was still aching. He did not excuse, but said solemnly: "There is no next time."

If he were to change to normal, he would definitely not accept the lesson, no matter how they trained, he would still be lazy and meaningless, it is rare to see him so serious guarantee, so his attitude still surprised the old man and Tang Shoulin. On the contrary, the two of them didn't know how to answer the conversation. In the end, the old man only said: "If he bullies you in the future, just come and tell me and his dad that we will make the decision for you."

"Thank you, grandpa." Zhao Chuning answered the words obediently.

That "Grandpa" yelled so smoothly that it made Tang Yi look at her sideways.


Out of the Tang family, Zhao Chuning followed Tang Yi out.

Probably because I was tired from crying before, Xiao Yimi became sleepy when he was full. Sitting in the safety seat at the back, I fell asleep deeply.

Zhao Chuning took off his coat and covered her.

Tang Yi saw this, took off his suit and handed it to her. Zhao Chuning glanced at him. She drank at night, her face was red, and she looked more charming than usual. At that glance, Tang Yi felt itchy and unbearable. He looked away with a dry mouth, and said in a deep voice, "Wearing."

She did not push off, and put her clothes on herself. His suit is very big, still dyed with his faint scent, warm and good smelling.

She sniffed, leaned comfortably in the chair, and said softly, "Send me and Mimi back to Yunting."

Tang Yi twisted his eyebrows, "Where?"

She felt that his tone was not right, and opened her eyes to look at him, "Mimi and I have to go back."

"Back to me." Tang Yi didn't want to talk nonsense with her.

"My mother is still waiting for me and Mimi at home."

"You make a call and tell her." Tang Yi insisted, taking out his cell phone, "Or I will come and talk to her directly."

Zhao Chuning didn't press the number, but only said, "Tang Yi, I don't want to live with you for the time being."

As soon as this sentence came out, Tang Yi seemed to be finally unable to bear it. The car turned and braked again, and stopped steadily on the side of the road. He turned to his side, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other by the car, looking at her coldly, "You deliberately want to annoy me? Do you know what is the relationship between us now? What do you mean by not wanting to live with me? together?"

Tang Yi grabbed the marriage certificate and threw it on her lap. "What does this thing mean, you don't know? Zhao Chuning, we are both legal now!"

Because Mimi slept behind, Tang Yi's voice was restrained, but his anger was still very distinct. Especially the last few words, bitterly.

Zhao Chuning inexplicably likes him so anxious at the moment, with a sense of revenge. More importantly, this made her realize that this marriage that started with absurd grounds, he seemed to care very much, and he also recognized the truth, and did not hold the mentality of just ‘cope and cope’.

Thinking about it this way, my mood becomes very good. But restraining the corners of her lips, she explained: "I haven't told my mother about this. If I take Mimi to live with you, my mother will definitely be suspicious."

"Be suspicious, and this matter must be clarified sooner or later."

"I don't want to make a nasty mess anymore. I can't live with you until I tell my mother clearly. If you feel lonely by yourself, then take Mimi with you and let her stay with you."

Tang Yi stared at her coldly.

This woman!

What's the use of a family as long as they have children?

This thought flashed in his mind, and he was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he didn't know when to start. It turned out that he wanted more than just children.

He pressed his thin lips tightly, and made up his mind to take the mother and daughter directly to him by force.

Zhao Chuning spoke from the side: "Tang Yi, it's only the first day, I hope you can respect my wishes."

Tang Yi snorted, especially angry, "I never cared about others' wishes!"

Although that was the case, the car started again, but it still went up the street leading to Yunting Community.

Zhao Chuning looked at him and couldn't help but smile.

It is not easy to let Tang Yi, who is proud and self-conscious, change slowly and learn to accommodate others. But this is a good start tonight.

She suddenly had some confidence in the future.

It's time to think about how to tell his parents about him and Tang Yi.

Tang Yi was sulking and didn't talk to her much along the way. Zhao Chuning drank alcohol, and was also dizzy, so he simply leaned on the chair and fell asleep.

When he woke up, the car had stopped in Yunting Community.

"Is it here?" Zhao Chuning was still a little sleepy. She took off her coat and handed it to Tang Yi.

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