He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1542: Special birthday gift (2)

The car, driving slowly on the street.

The light and shadow from outside were projected into the car, and Zhao Chuning looked at him carefully. He looked tired on his face, red and blood in his eyes.

Since their marriage that day, the two of them have not seen each other in these two days. She didn't even know what he was up to.

"What did you mean by Cheng Zheng's words just now to do with his company?" she asked.

"I'm very busy, I can't do anything to him."

Zhao Chuning looked at him suspiciously, and didn't believe it at all. What else to say, Tang Yi squeezed her jaw, "You'd better not mention him to me now, and I will settle the account with you after eating his cake."

Zhao Chuning: "..."

She didn't argue with him, and turned to look out the window, only to realize that this road was not the way back to Yunting Community at all.

"You won't send me back to Yunting?"

"Go to my place tonight."

"But, my mom and Mimi should both be waiting for me at home."

Tang Yi ignored her, just raised his hand and pressed his sore eyebrows. Zhao Chuning originally wanted to speak to him a few words, but when he saw his tired look, he didn't say anything.

A colleague called and said, "Chu Chu, you are too lucky to be lucky!"

Zhao Chuning knew that Tang Yi must have just appeared to make the other party feel.

"In the front, Mr. Cheng came to present the cake he made by himself, and then the little fifth master came over and said that you are his wife.

Zhao Chuning glanced at Tang Yi subconsciously, and hung up after a few simple words with his colleagues. From marriage to now, she still has no sense of reality, and I don't know how he feels.


Zhao Chuning almost fell asleep as the car drove all the way. When she stopped, she looked outside and was surprised to find that their destination was not the sailing hotel where he was staying at all.

"Get out of the car." Tang Yi opened the door first, and saw that she was still in the car in a daze, and then stooped to call her.

She walked down, looked at him somewhat puzzledly, and then at the villa in front of her in the dark.

Not too big. But the design is very chic and elegant.

"Why are you here?"

"Go in." Tang Yi took her hand and pulled her over. He lost his fingerprints, opened the door and went in.

Probably because there was no one living, it was very cold inside. Zhao Chuning shuddered, and gathered his body, "Tang Yi, it's cold here."

Tang Yi put his coat on her, held her with both hands, and hid it in the palm of his palm, "Just take it first, and it will heat up immediately."

While talking, he neatly turned on a row of lights in the room. With a ‘pop’, the whole room suddenly lit up.

The sudden brightness made her squint uncomfortably. After the tingling sensation dissipated, he opened it completely.

There was more warm and yellow light, the door was closed, and the heating was running, Zhao Chuning felt that it was not as cold as before. She stood on the porch and looked at the room.

The decoration design of the whole house is very delicate, but it can be seen that no one has lived here.

"Go in, don't stand here." Tang Yi called her.

Zhao Chuning asked: "This is...your home?"

"My home?" Tang Yi obviously didn't like this rhetoric, and corrected her coldly, "From now on, this will be'our home'."

The last four characters bite very hard.

Zhao Chuning's heart throbbed. Whenever I think that the days in the future will truly lead Mimi to live with him, an indescribable sense of wonder will rise in my heart.

He put on his shoes and went in. She also changed to follow behind him, pressing down on that sensation, and asking him, "Why do you have a house and stay in a hotel?"

"It's too much trouble for me to live alone in such a big house."

Zhao Chuning nodded, as if he understood, and sighed: "You are afraid of being alone."

Tang Yi would definitely deny it coldly. However, at this moment, he suddenly turned around and looked down at her. Zhao Chuning was taken aback by him, only to hear him say: "Since it is so clear, then I will bring Mimi over tomorrow."

"I haven't mentioned it to my mother. I haven't figured out how to mention it."

"If you don't tell me, I'll tell it myself."

"Let you say, my mother must be irritated enough by you."

Tang Yi grabbed her waist, picked her up, and hugged her against the sofa. Zhao Chuning didn't sit still, shook his body, and hurriedly put his arms around his neck, then steadied his body and sighed, "What are you doing!"

"Did you eat his cake?"

"I've eaten." Zhao Chuning nodded and looked into his eyes, "My birthday is today. He is very interested. The cake he sent was made by himself, so how can I not eat it?"

Zhao Chuning didn't know why he wanted to mention his birthday today. Well, she has to admit that she did it intentionally. Deliberately wanted to tell him.

What a hand-made one!

Tang Yi snorted, "Dare to provoke my wife, what I really do to his company is what he deserves."

The word'wife' made Zhao Chuning's ears a little red.

She still can't adapt to such a name. Push him awkwardly, "Let go first and let me go down."

"Wait a minute." Tang Yi hugged her. "Touch your pocket."


"My suit pocket."

Zhao Chuning had doubts. Subconsciously reached out and touched the pocket of clothes draped over his shoulders. A small box burped to her finger.

Her heart was beating, and she slowly took it out under the sight of his comment.

"What is this?" A delicate and generous black box.

Tang Yi raised his eyebrows, "Birthday present."

"Birthday?" Zhao Chuning looked at him in disbelief, "Do you know my birthday today?"

Although I asked this question, my heart fluctuated several times.

Tang Yi took the box back to his hand and opened it. A diamond ring appeared in Zhao Chuning's eyes. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and Tang Yi's eyes looked deep at her.

The question was: "Is it better than his cake?"

Zhao Chuning couldn't help but curled her lips and smiled, "Although you are worth more money, but I did it with my own hands. The heart is also very good."

Tang Yi's face was faintly cold, "Are you unhappy if you don't make me angry for a day?"

Zhao Chuning smiled and stretched out his hand to him, "You help me put it on."

Tang Yi held her slender fingers, took out the ring and put it on her ring finger. The size is just right. Zhao Chuning looked at the ring, and then at the man in front of him, he had all kinds of feelings in his heart.

"Tang Yi..." She whispered to him.

"Huh?" He raised his head, his fingers still clasped.

"Cheng Zheng said, it's better for me to be with you. The scar is forgotten to hurt."

"..." He was silent, what happened last time, now that he thinks about it, his heart still hurts. He had already regretted what happened that night, but pride made him unable to apologize. His voice was darker, and his deep eyes looked at her complicatedly, "Does it still hurt?"

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