He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1546: Go home (2)

Tang Yi raised her eyebrows, "Mother-in-law is wise."

"...Keep your voice down!" Zhao Chuning looked nervously in the direction of the restaurant. The old and the young were talking about something, but fortunately they didn't hear Tang Yi's words.

Zhang Rong and Xiao Yimi were halfway through their words, and they seemed to perceive the sight they were looking at, and then they spoke: "Mimi will be late for any more time."


Zhao Chuning responded and took the slippers from the cupboard and put them on Tang Yi.

Xiao Yimi sat in a row with her grandmother, and Zhao Chuning and Tang Yi sat in a row, just across from Zhang Rong.

Zhang Rong's attitude towards Tang Yi was rather cold, and she didn't speak much. Tang Yi was not a person who was good at dealing with elders, let alone pleased others, so he was also silent. For breakfast, the atmosphere was particularly embarrassing. Fortunately, Xiao Yimi is adjusting the atmosphere, raising her head from time to time to talk to grandma or Tang Yi, so that the scene will not be too cold.

After breakfast, Tang Yi asked the driver to send Mimi to school, and then went downstairs to her hometown.

Zhang Rong pushed the luggage out, and Tang Yi took the luggage naturally, "I'll do it."

Zhang Rong was not polite with him, let him take it over, and only ordered her daughter to lock the door.

Three people drove the car to the highway all the way. Zhao Chuning sat in the back seat with Zhang Rong. Tang Yi was very busy and answered several calls, but he just hung up after just a few words.

Zhao Chuning noticed that although his mother was sitting in the back row, she had been looking at Tang Yi who was driving in front.

There was not much change in her old man's face, which made it difficult for her to see exactly what kind of attitude she was.

"Mom, how is Dad now?" she said, breaking the silence in the car.

"What else, we are both old, this body will be reimbursed sooner or later."

"Don't say that."

"I've been worrying about you and Mimi's affairs for so many years. I get old fast. From now on, I don't think I can control you anymore!" At the last sentence, she glanced forward meaningfully.

Zhao Chuning did not answer. I've been thinking about how to get married.

When the car drove to their hometown, they only stopped, and many people came around. For one thing, Tang Yi's car is really eye-catching in such a place. Secondly, his face is really coveted.

Therefore, when Tang Yi got out of the car, the neighbors around started talking about it.

"Chu Chu, is this your boyfriend?"

"Ah..." Zhao Chuning glanced at his mother's face, and finally met Tang Yi's eyes and had to nod, "Yeah."

Zhang Rong didn't say anything, and went first.

The neighbor is still sighing: "Good-looking! No wonder you have been introduced to you before, you don't like any of them."

Zhao Chuning smiled, "I'll go first to see my dad."

The two of them went in with their luggage, and the third aunt was still looking at it, muttering to herself: "Is this girl really making a boyfriend?"

"So, Auntie, you don't want to be boring. Although Chuchu is with a child, his boyfriend is just as good."

"What I introduced is not good? What does it mean to be boring to ask yourself, I am concerned! Do you know? Concern!"

Everyone smiled, and they all dispersed.


Tang Yi and Zhao Chuning entered the house together.

She was worried about her father's body, and when she entered, she saw him sitting on the sofa with a cold face, looking at them both coldly.

That serious look made Zhao Chuning's heart stunned. My father has always had a good temper, and he rarely gets angry. With such a serious look, the last time she saw her was when she came back with the result of the pregnancy.

"Dad." Zhao Chuning called out cautiously.

Tang Yi put his luggage aside. Although he can't coax people, he is still good at observing words. The other party didn't like him, he could feel it very clearly, but he said hello politely: "Hello."

"I'm not good!" Zhao XX returned with a cold face.

As soon as the three words were uttered, the atmosphere became a little stiff and cold.

Zhao Chuning was a little weak. Zhang Rong pulled her away from Tang Yi and pulled her to his father. In this way, it seemed that their family was on the same front, and Tang Yi was alone.

"What's your name?" Zhao XX looked at Tang Yi and continued to ask.

"Tang Yi."

"You are the man who made us pregnant, and is not responsible?"

"Dad, he didn't know that I was pregnant before." Before Tang Yi could answer, Zhao Chuning spoke first.

"You're still helping him! If he really loves you, can he hurt you into the hospital?" Zhao's father, Zhao Hen, said with a grimace, "Your mother told me about the last time. I think you're crazy. , So I still want to be with this kind of person. What is good about him?"

Tang Yi has never been accused by outsiders in this way, and Zhao Chuning is very worried that the scene will get out of control. However, he was silent for a long time, as if he was earnestly repenting. After a long while, he whispered in a deep voice: "The last thing was wrong. I was too impulsive that day, so I hurt Chu Chu. But actually..."

When Tang Yi said this, he did not look at Zhao Hen, but at Zhao Chuning. His thin lips lifted, and he said, "I am also in pain."

Zhao Chuning trembled.

His words of repentance were not for others, but for her. She knew that he regretted that day, she could tell from his eyes, but she didn't expect that he would say so frankly in the end.

"I don't care what your situation is. I only know that our parents resolutely disagree with you together. Falling in love is not good!" Zhao Hen pointed to the door: "Mr. Tang, please! How did you come here? Could you please leave my house."

"Dad, I invited him here. You can't be so unreasonable." Zhao Chuning protected Tang Yi. He has his pride, and being swept out like this is a humiliation for him.

Zhang Rong stopped her, "When your dad teaches others, you don't interrupt."

She also looked up at Tang Yi, "Mr. Tang, we have already said this, and we don't want to say it too badly. Please!"

Zhao Chuning could see it, all discomforts and illnesses were all pretends. But I just want to give Tang Yi the power and embarrassment here. No wonder Tang Yi just said to send them back, but his mother didn't say a word of disagreement.

Zhao Chuning looked at Tang Yi, and his gaze also looked at her now.

After staring at each other, he looked away and nodded at the two elders neither humble nor arrogant: "Then I will go out first."

Is this out now?

Zhao Chuning was taken aback, only to see the back of him leaving.

Zhao Hen and Zhang Rong also looked at each other, a little dumbfounded.

"Really gone?" Zhang Rong asked, her expression much more relaxed than she had just faced Tang Yishi. Quietly the probe looked out.

"What's this! Young people nowadays, just this little perseverance?" Zhao Hen looked at the figure from behind, and frowned.

[Weekend is a good time to ask for a monthly pass. If you are willing to give it, you will give it to you. If you don’t want it, you will never force it. You can cover it for the person you like. Meme~~]

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