He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1557: Strong kiss (1)

Shang Shiyu's face turned pale. She finally begged this ‘businessman’, but what followed was the cruelest and cruelest sentence. She used to worry about leaving him without saying goodbye, and even desperately thought that it would be good to just listen to him to break up. However, now that these two words finally entered her ears, she knew that there was no pain in the world, only more pain.

"I didn't break up, I don't agree to break up!" Shang Shiyu shed tears in a hurry and shook his head indiscriminately at him.

Her hair was completely messed up, and it clung to her tear-stained face wet.

Tang Wei raised his hand and brushed away the messy hair on her face, holding her face up, "Shang Shang, calm down, let's talk."

"Okay, let's talk." She choked, trying very hard to hold back the cry, but her body twitched badly, "Tell me, what makes you hate me. I change it, okay?"

What's wrong?

he does not know.

In his opinion, it was because she was too good, so he did not dare to approach her, did not dare to ask her, and could not bear to ruin her.

"Shangshang, the end of a relationship is really over. If you don't love it, no matter how you change it, do you understand?"

"I don't understand! You said that you want to go with me for a lifetime. A lifetime is so long, how can it end when it is over?"

He felt miserable, "What I said casually, why should you take it seriously?"

Shang Shiyu gasped in pain, suddenly tightened his arms, and kissed his lips on tiptoes. The girl's soft lips suddenly pressed against him. Tang Wei's figure trembled as he remembered. He almost couldn't help kissing back. God knows how much he missed!

However, he had always been sensible, and he dragged her away.

"Businessmen, don't make trouble!"

"You didn't push Li Anna away, nor can you push me away!" Shang Shiyu cried, holding his face, and pulling him down. This kiss, she kissed desperately. It was like drowning in the water, finally grabbing a life-saving straw, even if that straw was unwilling to save her, she could only climb up by instinct regardless of her self-esteem.

Tang Wei tasted her tears, bitter and astringent, just like his own heart at this moment.

He pulled her away and she kissed again. Repeatedly, she was already sweating, but she didn't want to just let it go.

This stubborn kid~

He didn't know what to do with her before, but now he still doesn't know what to do with her.

However, letting this go on will only make her more deeply trapped. He wants her to forget him! Forget him completely!

Thinking about this, Tang Wei was cruel and pushed her away with more force.

She lost her center of gravity, took a sharp step back, and hit the glass coffee table. The coffee table fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

She hadn't stood still, and she saw that she was about to fall onto the shards of glass.

"Be careful!" Tang Wei's heart tightened. At the moment of the moment, he didn't have time to think about it. He wrapped her around her waist and turned around. He fell under her, and his arms instinctively circled her in his arms. To protect her.

The glass slashed his shirt and plunged into his flesh.

Being held by him, Shang Shiyu almost burst into tears of joy, but when she reacted, she immediately got up from him.

"How are you?" She knelt on the ground, anxiously supporting his shoulders, worried, "I will help you up and let me look at your back."

"I'm okay, you retreat to the side." This side is full of glass splinters. It is too dangerous for her to kneel on the ground like this.

Tang Wei knew she would feel guilty, endured the pain, did not say a word, and reluctantly sat up. But his face was abnormally pale.

"Let me see your injury." Shang Shiyu moved his knees on the ground to go around behind him. Tang Wei didn't have time to reach out and drag her, she had already seen it. The red blood stained the shirt all over the back, shocking.

She took a deep breath, and tears of heartache and guilt came down. If she knew that her strong kiss would hurt him like this, she wouldn't do it!

He sighed, why does she love tears so much now? The cry made him flustered. He comforted her, "Don't cry, I'm fine."

"We'll go to the hospital right away, I'll take you to the hospital." She murmured, wrapping his arm to help him up.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

What came in was Yun Ling who had just returned to the backstage after being interviewed. Seeing this scene, she was shocked at first, then angrily went up, "Shang Shiyu, why are you here, what have you done to Wei?"

She scolded, and pushed Shang Shiyu's hand away. Looking at the wounds behind Tang Wei, he said distressed and eagerly: "Yu Sheng, come over and help!"

Yu Sheng opened the door and walked in. Seeing the scene inside, his expression also changed. The look was unusually solemn. He hurriedly stepped forward and stood up Tang Wei, "Four Lord, your wound..."

"I know it in my heart, it's okay." Tang Wei interrupted his more words faintly, his face paled, but his voice was extremely calm.

Shang Shiyu got up from the ground, "I will go to the hospital with you."

Yun Ling pulled her away like an enemy, "We are here, you don't need you!"

Yu Sheng glanced at Tang Wei, who was gradually weakened by the bleeding, and glanced at Shang Shiyu. Shang Shiyu was a little breathless with the blame in his eyes. But she still followed cheeky, "I'll follow you, as long as I see the doctor, I will leave."

Regardless of Yun Ling's disapproval of eyes, she followed like a little tail. When he reached the door, Tang Wei's footsteps suddenly stopped. Yu Sheng also stopped.

He turned his head and looked at Shang Shiyu deeply.

She thought he had agreed to let herself follow, and immediately took a step forward with joy, wanting to get closer to him. However, he heard a faint voice in his ears: "Shangshang, stop entangled."

The tip of her nose is sore.

He clenched his hands hanging beside him, and then said, his voice was crueler than before, "Leave me some beautiful thoughts, and also keep your dignity, okay?"

If you are struck by lightning, it just feels like that! The whole person seemed to be split in half alive, and the pain was dying.

All shameless entanglement will eventually turn into resentment.

But let go, she hurts...


When Yu Sheng helped him walk out of the venue, his face was already pale.

After setting him into the commercial vehicle, Yu Sheng stopped Yun Ling, "Miss Lin, go ahead and take care of you. I will send Si Ye to the hospital."

"No, he's already like this, how can you tell me to rest assured to work on me? I have to go with you."

Tang Wei poked his head out, "You are the focus now. Follow me to the hospital. I can't even cleanse the doctor."

Yun Ling was terribly worried, but what Tang Wei said was the truth. Seeing how weak he was now, she didn't dare to delay any longer. Just said: "Then you go quickly. However, you need to call me when you finish reading and let me know the situation."

The last sentence was said by Yu Sheng.

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