He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1796: Affectionate Buried by Time (14)

"What?" she asked instinctively.

He had deep eyes, did not speak, but raised his other hand to loosen her long hair scattered around her cheeks. Jing Yu's heartstrings tightened suddenly, and his heart rate was lost. She turned away instinctively, avoiding his burning fingers.

He didn't approach, just asked: "Who did it?"

Jing Yu was taken aback.

Whether it was this move or his question today, it was far beyond the scope of the relationship between them, which made her feel bewildered.

They are unfamiliar to this point.

"This is my personal matter, and Mr. Yu won't be interested." She put her hair down again, covering her face, as if this was also her own protective color. Those embarrassing things, she unintentionally said out.

Yu Zeyao's eyes darkened a bit.

Atmosphere, embarrassing. Fortunately, the cell phone rang in time. She pulled her hand out of Yu Zeyao's hand and bowed her head as if she was turning over her bag.

Taking out the phone, she scanned the word "Jin Nian" on it, and she smiled at him slightly, as if nothing happened, "I got out of the car first."

Yu Zeyao didn't say anything, just frowned and looked unhappy.

Jing Yu got out of the car. Just about to answer the phone, I suddenly remembered something and turned back. Talk to him through the lowered half of the window, "If you are not in a hurry, you will wait for me here, I will go up and take the tie and clip it down." After all, they won't have a chance to meet next time.

"No need." Yu Zeyao's tone was not very good, "When I come back, I will come to you again."


Jing Yu wanted to say something, but his car made a beautiful arc on the street and disappeared from her sight.

She stood there, looking at the taillights of the car, and then looking down at the pills she had just turned over. There were sporadic waves in her heart, but she soon returned to peace.

Qi Jinnian's phone is still ringing. She answered, Qi Jinnian's weak voice came, "Yu'er, when are you coming back?"

"Already downstairs."

"I'm so hungry, you can buy me a pack of instant noodles in the supermarket downstairs."

"It's bad for your health to eat less of this kind of stuff. I'll cook noodles for you when I come back."

"You are the best, what!" Qi Jinnian gave her a loud kiss on the phone.

Jing Yu stepped upstairs. What happened just now was just a very small episode for her, and her thoughts didn't turn around on this matter anymore.

About, he just asked casually out of curiosity.


Yu Zeyao's car had just come out of the dormitory building, and solemnly their car had followed carefully behind.

Halfway, he got out of the car and sat in the back row. The driver came to take over the car.

Sit down solemnly next to him.

"Sir, let us leave the matter of sending Miss Jing in the future. The environment is dangerous now, in case something happens."

"I can handle it." Yu Zeyao said nothing.

Solemn and thoughtful, then he said: "Song Guoyao has been promoting the marriage of Mr. President and Ms. Song recently. Therefore, Mr. Yu also called me just now. Let me persuade you to relax in front of Minister Mo. Erkou, his daughter is sincere to you."

"Let someone check for me, what happened to her in the hospital today."

His words made the solemn stunned for a moment. Some did not understand who this "she\he" refers to. In the next moment, I caught a glimpse of Mr.'s expression and immediately understood.

It seems that Mrs. Mo's thoughts are not here at all.

"I'll check it right away."


The next day.

Jing Yu went to the police station to take notes. As soon as the people left, the police officer greeted him: "Miss Jing, we arrested all the people who threatened you yesterday. You can take a closer look and see if they are these people."

Jing Yu went in and saw that there were many people squatting on the wall, one by one with their hands clasped, their heads drooping as if staring at a cloudy cloud, without the arrogance of yesterday.

"You guys, raise your heads for me!" The police officer shouted, and everyone had to raise their heads. Jing Yu saw that it was really those people who were yesterday. She counted them, eight, not a few. But these people's faces were swollen like pigs' heads, and they should have been slapped a lot.

"I thought the remaining ones would be difficult to find, but I didn't expect the efficiency to be so high." Jing Yu sighed.

"In fact, it is not that we are efficient. Just now, these people were thrown from the car. Their faces were swollen like this. There are no slaps in the face, and fifty are indispensable. Moreover, these people, one by one, are indispensable. There are several cases, and now that I am caught, this prison sentence is definitely inevitable."

Jing Yu listened, didn't say anything, and went to make a transcript.

After finishing the transcript, the police officer couldn't hold back, and asked curiously: "Miss Jing, do you have any incredible friends?"

"Huh?" Jing Yu didn't understand.

"According to these guys, they ran to the next door overnight to avoid the wind, but they were caught from the outside. Dozens of slapped people stunned them and were thrown at them when they woke up. The entrance of the police station."

"..." Jing Yu was also stunned for a moment, feeling that the other party was like telling a story.

However, she thought about it and couldn't think of a friend like herself. In the end, shook his head, "Probably they offended a lot of people outside."

"Yes. These arrogant groups are so arrogant that they don’t even look at our police. This time I was beaten up like this, and it was very pleasant. By the way, this is your card. Look back and see if you have any money. ."

Jing Yu took the card back. After recording his confession, he walked out of the police station. A sports car suddenly rushed over and whizzed past her. She was shocked and took a step back, but she didn't expect the car to come back again. The window was lowered, and half of the young man's face appeared in the window, "Are you Jing Yu?"

Jing Yu looked at each other in confusion. She didn't remember that she knew this person.

The man looked up and down on her, and then he came to a conclusion: "It's pretty pretty."

Jing Yu: "..."

Then, the window closed and the car disappeared.

Jing Yu was confused and inexplicable.


In the sports car, Wen Yanzhi called Yu Zeyao.

Yu Zeyao asked: "Is it all done?"

"That's it! I slapped them 50 times to avenge your little beauty, how about it, is it enough?"

"50 slaps per person, don't you think your hands hurt?"

"I'm going to start, I'm worried that I will call them half of my life with a slap in the face." Wen Yanzhi's words are not meant to be blown. He has first-rate fighting skills. It’s like a pig’s head."

"It's done. I'm hanging up."

"Hey, don't hurry up. Guess who I just met?"

"do not care."

"Just your little beauty, don't you care?"

Yu Zeyao was silent.

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