He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 897: Moved (1)

Qi Qi's eyes met his, and his red lips opened. Tang Jue thought she was going to say something ruthless to refuse him again, and the big palm dragged her over, trying to plug her lips first.

However, the thin lips approached, and before they were attached, they heard her softly: "Tang Jue, are you really a bad person?"

Her eyes fixedly looked at him, and in Chunche's eyes, there was confusion and exploration.

There is a hint of hope...

Tang Jue was shocked.

The motion of kissing her, paused.

He stared at her deeply, and asked softly: "You don't want me to be a bad person?"

"Yes, I hope that my father's death has nothing to do with you..." Speaking of this, a thin layer of mist appeared in Qi Qi's eyes, and various emotions were tangled, making her a little bit painful. I hope that there are hidden secrets in this that I don't know. I even hope that all this is just another misunderstanding of you... Tang Jue, I hope you are a good person."

Tang Jue's eyes flashed a complex dark light. He didn't answer her, but suddenly asked: "Qi Qi, tell me the truth, are you... you are so touched by me?"

Qi Qi bit his lip and dare not say.

Tang Jue continued to coax patiently, "If you leave aside the past, you are actually thinking about me in the past few days when I am away, don't you?"

Some answers are already ready to come out. If it was before, Qi Qi could still lie to herself, but now... in just a few days, the entanglement of longing has made her no longer able to lie to herself, nor can she lie so confidently in front of him. .

No one can resist a person like Tang Jue. If it hadn't happened before, she would have fallen, and she would not have to wait until now.

"You answer me first--" Qi Qi tentatively didn't dare to tell the truth first, "Why offer me to study, why help my aunt twice, and why should I help me live with you? Tang Jue, you Is it because of my father’s guilt and anxiety, or just want to play with me, or..."

Qi Qi said this, she stopped and did not continue. I am afraid that I will be sentimental after all, and I will insult myself.

Tang Jue grabbed her soft hand and pressed it **** his chest. In the heart of his hand, he could feel the firmness of his muscles, and...every beating of his heart was so real and so powerful.

He retreated from the inattention and laziness of the past, and his expression was more solemn than ever. "Seventh, what I do to you is never told by my mouth, but with your heart to feel my heart."

Qi Qi seemed to touch the sincerity of his heart, and it was so hot. That kind of warmth passed along the palm of her hand to the tip of her heart. She fixedly looked at him, with turbulent fluctuations in her heart.

I only heard him continue to speak: "Except for you, I have never had a heart for any woman for so many years. And you, as long as you want, those lenses are good, the retro camera you want to see, and your aunt I can take all of them and hold them in front of you. And I--want your heart!"

In the last few words, he increased his strength a bit. The look in his eyes is even more firm.

After the words fell, he added another sentence: "It must be!"

Qi Qi's heart lake was not at peace, because of this confession, the waves were turbulent and full of ripples in an instant.

She wanted to remind herself of the heavy hatred between her and Tang Jue, but at this moment, his passion was completely dissipated, and all her persistence was defeated.

Her eyes were a little sour, and her heart was full of bitterness, "But, how are we together? Tang Jue, can we really be together?"

After two consecutive questions, she seemed to ask him, but it was clear that she was asking herself. So uncertain, "My father won't forgive me, and my uncle won't... even myself..."

She bit her lip.

I will spurn myself.

It is a shame to fall in love with your enemy!

There was a layer of moisture in her eyes, and tears filled the corners of her eyes.

Seeing her tangled in pain like this, Tang Jue felt a pain in her chest, put her back into the quilt, raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eye, kissed her on the forehead, a little pity appeared in his eyes, "Qi Qi , 12 years ago, how did your uncle tell you?"

That kind of pity, never given to anyone easily, came out from the bottom of his eyes and his tone, making people want to be drunk and stay awake.

Qi Qi tightened the sheets under him with both hands, glanced at Tang Jue, his eyelashes trembled, and his eyes slowly closed.

"My uncle told me that it was your people who shot and killed my father, and... it was your order..." Her voice was already a little unstable. Especially when she talked about the last few words, her eyes closed tighter in pain.

However, Tang Jue was still asking: "What about the process?"

She bit her lip.

After taking a hard breath, he finally spoke again: "My dad and my uncle are working together to enforce the law, because my dad's uprightness has annoyed you..."

At this point, Qi Qi couldn't continue, even if his eyes were tightly closed, the corners of his eyes were still stained with moist tears.

Tang Jue pointed to her tearful little face, "Qi, open your eyes and look at me."

Seventh did not move.

Tang Jue added another sentence: "Open your eyes."

After a while, she finally opened her eyes. Two people, their eyes met, Tang Jue looked at her for a long time, his eyes were so deep and complicated, as if thinking about something. For a long time, as if he had made up his mind, he said cautiously: "Qi, in fact, your uncle..."

"Miss Qi!" At this moment, a voice from outside suddenly interrupted the two of them. Tang Jue frowned, glanced at Qiqi, and said, "What's the matter?"

The sound is cold to the bone.

If it hadn't been for the knowledge that the butler was well-balanced and wouldn't disturb them when he shouldn't show up, he would never even take care of it.

The housekeeper was sweating straight outside, but he had to say, "Um...a Mr. Mo called Miss Qi. It was said that Miss Qi's mobile phone was not answered, so the call came to the landline at home."

Qi Qi used the landline to call Mo Xun before, so Mo Xun wrote down the number.

Tang Jue knew who it was as soon as he heard "Mr. Mo", and Juejun's face was even more ugly. "Is it because he has too little trouble with the Mo Group and is so idle?"

She actually dared to look for his woman in the middle of the night, and even dared to call Tang Sect's landline, it would be too unreasonable for him, the young master of Tang Sect, to look at him too much.

"It seems that Tang Yu shouldn't have let him spare him too early." Tang Jue looked at Qiqi, "You think, don't you?"

"Mo Xun must be in a hurry to find me." Qi Qi's tears have already been received now. She stood up slightly, answered, and asked the housekeeper, "Did he say anything about it?"

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