Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 113: Don’T You Pay Off Your Debt Before You Ask For It? Speechless! Keep Moving! !

Chapter 113: Don’t pay the debt first before asking for it? You are speechless! Keep acting!!

"All these bad things were caused by Su Yan from Daxia. It's time for Daxia to compensate us for our losses!"

"That's right! Since Su Yan appeared in our beautiful country, our beautiful country has experienced losses again and again. We must get the compensation we deserve!"

"Not only does it demand compensation, Daxia should also hand over all the forces behind Su Yan, and they must also accept the trial of our beautiful country!"

"Judgment? What a trial! Just pay compensation for the rest of your life until your death. There is nothing to judge! My beautiful country has never been so angry before!!"

"For what happened in the recent period, Yinxia must give a reasonable explanation!!"

At this moment, people in the beautiful country were very angry and sent hateful comments on major online platforms.

Not only on their own social media.

It will also go to Daxia and even other places around the world.

I wish Daxia would immediately apologize and compensate them.

And in the process of venting their anger everywhere.

What they don't know is.

At this moment, all the senior officials of Beautiful Country were laughing happily.

It was just as they expected.

They just casually fabricated a fake confidential document about Breaking Bad and turned the entire trend around.

Not only did it reverse the entire situation, but it also caused netizens on the Internet to denounce it.

They want to take a look at how Daxia is going to deal with this wave of cards!

at the same time.

This side of Daxia.

Daxia also already knows about the situation in Beautiful Country.

They were not surprised by this.

Because they know better than anyone else what is going on.

They have always known about Su Yan's secret plan.

Therefore, at this moment, they all knew that the so-called Breaking Bad in Beautiful Country and the so-called confidential documents related to Breaking Bad were all fake.

All of that was just Su Yan making trouble in secret.

In this matter, from beginning to end, it was Su Yan who was confronting Meili Guo.

Since he learned the real situation, Daxia was also very disdainful of the reaction from the beautiful country.

After all, Meiliguo fabricated a fake document to deceive others, and they really had nothing to reply to.

For this reason, we are facing condemnation from all sides from the people in the beautiful country.

Daxia just sent a concise and clear external statement to explain everything clearly.

“Announcement regarding events related to Breaking Bad in Beautiful Country.”

"Here, we in Daxia solemnly emphasize that there is no Breaking Bad in Daxia as the beautiful country calls it."

"Those contents published by Beautiful Country have been confirmed by us to be untrue!"

"And because the news is untrue, Daxia will not make any relevant announcements about this matter in the future!"

"In addition, we would like to emphasize again the issue of compensation for the damage caused by Su Yan as mentioned by netizens in the United States."

"Everything Su Yan did in the beautiful country was purely legitimate defense. It was the beautiful country's intention to murder Su Yan, which made Su Yan act in legitimate defense, which resulted in the huge losses suffered by the beautiful country!"

"For this reason, we will not provide any compensation for this reasonable behavior!"

"On the contrary, regarding the issue of Meiliguo causing the death of Daxia Su Yan, we have not yet asked for compensation. At present, compensation-related matters are still in our plans!"

"So before asking us for debt, you should first pay off the debt you owed before!"

When the announcement from Daxia was released.

Suddenly, the clamoring netizens in the beautiful country became speechless!

Good guy.

Daxia actually said that Breaking Bad is not from Daxia?

Confidential documents have been released, how can they believe it?

For this reason, they were all ready to refute Daxia immediately.

But the paragraph at the end of the announcement really shut their mouths!


Before they beautiful country, they really wanted to kill Su Yan.

I originally thought that Su Yan had stolen their technology.

It turned out later that the beautiful country did not want Su Yan to bring the nanochip technology back.

It's also because of this situation.

Meimeiguo launched a series of pursuits on Su Yan.

This resulted in serious damage to their country!

It is also in this process.

Only then did Su Yan begin to steal technology from their beautiful country in a vengeful manner!

All of this is tit for tat!

when, after the point of consciousness.

Netizens in the beautiful country suddenly didn’t know how to speak out.

And on the other hand.

What Daxia said, Breaking Bad did not come from Daxia, and they actually could not completely deny it.

After all, their officials only showed them a so-called confidential document.

They don’t know whether the so-called confidential documents are true or not!

With the silence of many beautiful country netizens.

The entire Internet is gradually becoming calmer.

And in the meantime.

Some netizens in Daxia, out of anger, also began to sneer at those netizens in Beautiful Country.

"Compensation, compensation for you, you damn thing? We don't know what Breaking Bad is, but we know that it was your beautiful country that killed Su Yan from Daxia!"

"We also strongly urge your beautiful country to compensate us as soon as possible. Our Su Yan is not worth anything, so it is only worth a beautiful country. Please become part of us as soon as possible!"

"Haha, after reading the comments made by netizens from the beautiful country, I really laughed. I really just bit a fish bone and blamed the fish. If I don't have a more correct attitude, it will become even worse!"

"Anyone who wants compensation should first send it to you. If you don't have it, you can send it to your father. If that doesn't work, if you have the guts, just hand it over yourselves!"

As many netizens in Daxia fought back.

Now, the netizens of the beautiful country who were already silent do not know how to speak out.

They suddenly felt that they had been making trouble on the Internet for a long time, but they seemed to have achieved nothing!

For a time, they felt a little aggrieved.

But still don't know what to do.

In desperation, they could only become a little more arrogant under the pursuit of netizens from Sakura Country and other countries.

And as time goes by.

Their arrogance is getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, this incident ended as a farce.

Apart from being injured, they did not get any benefits!

At the same time, the senior officials of the beautiful country are here.

They didn't pay much attention to Daxia's statement, they all regarded it as amusement.

As for the domestic fishing boats that have calmed down, they feel very satisfied.

At least after experiencing this series of Internet turmoil, their fishing boats have returned to calm.

Afterwards, they can continue their actions.

“This time it’s really a big bloodletting. I don’t know if Breaking Bad is gone, but something new will come out.

"I hope not. After the appearance of Su Yan, we were forced to bleed to death. When we destroyed Breaking Bad, we had to endure the pain and bleed again. If this continues for the third time, who can bear it? ?”

"No one can bear it. We all can't bear it now. We really don't know what to do next."

"It doesn't matter, it's just two cities. Considering the size of our beautiful country, it's not big enough to be shaken.

"At least this time, we are sure that Breaking Bad will be eliminated, and we are not worried about any subsequent problems."

"Continuing to develop, we will surely return to our past glory!"

Following the discussion among the senior officials of Beautiful Country.

They all gradually changed from regret to determination.

I had to bleed again, but that was nothing.

They believe that after solving everything that needs to be solved, they can still return to the past.

And now is the time for them to regain their strength!

For a time, the senior officials of Beautiful Country also began to make arrangements to move the capital in the future.

Then we continued to plan for subsequent development.

And what they don't know is.

While they were all comforting themselves internally.

Here in Chi City.

Su Yan was still in the previous high-end coffee shop, slowly tasting coffee and paying attention to the situation on the Internet.

“I didn’t expect this incident to end so quickly.

At this moment, Su Yan couldn't help but murmured while looking at the news on her phone.

Then, looking at the less and less coffee in the cup, Su ordered another cup from the waiter.

Then, he leaned on the back of the figure's chair and began to think deeply.

Think about his next move.

"Last time, I originally planned to go to Xius City to destroy He Weapon, but now I have to leave from New Capital City, so I came here."

"The next action should be mainly to destroy the weapons that destroy the river. Hughes City is a bit far away from here. It is better to go to that base..."

Su Yan was thinking while drinking hot coffee.

After some thinking.

He felt that it didn't matter which base he went to next.

After all, his plan was to destroy three He weapons bases in one day within the next four days.

Destroy all the remaining twelve river weapons storage bases in the beautiful country.

In this way, at least according to the information he has, there will be no more river weapons.

The threat of river weapons he can face will also be greatly reduced.

After that, he went to eliminate those key weapons technicians.

In order to achieve his goal, turn the beautiful country into a riverless country.

"We don't have much time today. It's too late to rush. Let's start taking action tomorrow."

At this time, Su Yan glanced at the time and muttered to himself.

Then, he continued to taste the coffee slowly, thinking about things related to the manufacturing of mechas and the upgrade of super serum.

Prepare to continue operations starting tomorrow to destroy river weapons in other bases.

0…Please give me flowers…

the next day.

As the sun rises.

Su Yan, who lives in a hotel in Zhicheng, got up early as usual.

Because I have made a plan for myself in advance.

So after getting up.

Su Yan quickly dressed, went downstairs to have breakfast, and then prepared to go to the next river weapons storage base in the beautiful country.

The place he was going to was a river weapons storage base under a nearby river.

It is also the base closest to him.

For this base under the river, Su Yan still feels a bit fresh.

After all, the base he went to last time was underground.

But this time, it turned out to be built under a river.

He is also very interested in the construction of underwater facilities in Beautiful Country.

For this reason, this time, he also hopes to steal more new technologies after going there.

"I'm going to the next base already."

In the process of rushing, Su Yanggu hacker "god" said.

So that when he arrives at the base, he can quickly get in touch with the hacker "god" and invade the local area network there.

The hacker "god" also responded immediately and respectfully after receiving the message from Su Yan.

"Okay, young master, I am ready now. I am always on standby and ready to accept your orders at any time."

As the hacker "god" finished answering.

Su Yan didn't say anything more, but continued on his way and moved forward.

The location of the next base was close to him but not too close.

In order not to expose his suspicious whereabouts, he went there on foot.


Fortunately, because now he has a super warrior physique.

So he only needs to be a little tired to achieve an amazing hurried effect.

that's all.

With his own personal physique, he traveled quickly.

Su Yan quickly rushed towards the next military base.

Almost half an hour passed.

Su Yan's figure appeared next to a river.

There are many weeds here and no one is everywhere. It looks unremarkable.

But based on intelligence, Su Yan knew that this river led to the military base at the bottom of the river where he was going.

Because other places are already full of surveillance and people.

So if he wanted to save some time due to cognitive impairment, diving into the river here would be the best option.

Just keep swimming along this river bottom.

However, the beautiful country also has corresponding defense measures.

Downstream of the river, a grid of water will appear.

The waters there are connected by many high-voltage lines.

If there is no electricity, people can swim through it again.

But because there is electricity, when people swim across there, they will definitely die.

However, Su Yan is not afraid of this.

With the physique of a super warrior, he has no problem withstanding such a small amount of electricity.

But at this moment, considering that swimming in the water will make your clothes wet.

Su Yan controlled the mechanical box that had been following him nearby and summoned the machine box.

Immediately afterwards, he put on the mecha and then jumped into the river.

Led by the mecha, he quickly swam towards the base under the river!

Because the mecha will always be invisible to the surrounding detection radar signals.

Therefore, Su Yan does not have to worry about his exposure when swimming in the river.

As the mecha took him forward.

Not long after, he swam into the power grid in the downstream area.

High-voltage lines everywhere flood these rivers, releasing electricity.

As a result, not a single fish swimming here can survive.

Fortunately, these power grids are not very dense.

If Su Yan lets his mecha drill through the power grid, there will still be no problem.

The mecha itself has the function of preventing electricity.

So at this moment, even if Su Yan does not have a super warrior physique, he is still not afraid of the electricity in the water.

For this reason, when swimming here.

Su Yan swam away with almost no effort.

The next moment, as the mecha continued to approach.

Su Yan also unlocked his cognitive impairment.

There is also a part of the area under the river that is specially designed to block the flow of river water, thereby preventing the river water from entering the base.

It was through this area that Su Yan successfully escaped from the drainage underground area with the help of the cognitive hindrance function.

After taking off the mecha, he hid the mecha in a hidden location under the river.

Then, he sneaked into the underground base as if nothing happened.

Because the underground base protection measures here are the same as before, they use authority laser defense.

Therefore, in the absence of physical obstacles, Su Yan relied on his super warrior physique and other people's cognitive obstacles to enter, which made it easier for him to enter.

Hardly any time was wasted.

In the end, Su Yan successfully sneaked into the Hexia military base.

And successfully came to the main control room! People!.

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