Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 2 The Beautiful Country Is In An Earthquake! Alarmed The Fbi! !

Chapter 2 The beautiful country is in an earthquake! Alarmed the FBI! !

On the tested instrument, all green lights are on!

This means that the experiment was a complete success!

Whether it is stress testing or running fault tolerance, there is no problem at all!

This project, which lasted for three years, was a complete success!

And at the moment when the experiment was successful.

The chief of the laboratory had already gone out, took out his special mobile phone, and quickly dialed the number.

"Hello? Get me the senior management of the parent company. I have an urgent report. Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

The chief made a direct call to the parent company.

According to the past, this is actually not in line with the rules.

Although he is the chief scientific research expert of Intel's chip laboratory, he has a high status within the company.


A company the size of Intel.

For tax avoidance and other reasons, its businesses are split into a subsidiary company.

Intel Chip Lab is a subsidiary of the group.

According to the normal process, if there is anything that needs to be reported, the chief will convey it to the subsidiary department and then submit it to the parent company.

However, things are not normal right now! ! !

The 1-nanometer chip was successfully developed, let alone for their subsidiary.

Even for the entire group and even the world, that is absolutely explosive news! ! !

The senior management of the head office personally gave the nod to this matter.

And at this time.

At Intel Corporation, headquarters building.

An extremely luxurious and modern high-rise conference room.

Around the long table, big guys in suits and leather shoes have already taken their seats.

This is all the top executives of Intel Group.

Any one of them has the status of CEO or above of a subsidiary company, and is in charge of business in a region or even several countries!

And now, all these people are gathered in this conference room!

said with no exaggeration.

Each of the unified opinions they reached will affect the global electronic equipment market!

after all.

in today’s global trends.

For the upstream market where CPU is a single highly substitutable market.

Those companies with slightly weaker products and in the second tier have long been eliminated in the fierce competition!

At this stage.

on the global market.

There are only two competitive companies left in the CPU field!

The Intel Group is among these two companies.

Moreover, it still occupies an absolutely dominant position!

It can be said.

A casual word or decision from these high-level officials.

It will cause a major earthquake in the upstream market around the world!

But now.

These high-level officials all looked extremely itchy.

The coffee in front of them was changed again and again, but it still only slowly cooled down, and no one bothered to pick it up and take a sip.

All the high-level officials are eagerly awaiting the result!

And just then.

The cell phone on the Intel president's desk rang.

The president picked up the phone and had a quick conversation.

Then, his face lit up with uncontrollable joy!

"Everyone, news from the chip laboratory, the 1-nanometer chip has been successfully developed!!!"

The president of Intel put down his mobile phone and announced loudly to everyone!


For a moment.

The meeting room was boiling!

All the senior executives were cheering and cheering, regardless of their image!

All of these people here are senior executives of Intel and have shares in their hands.

Everyone knows what the successful development of 1-nanometer chips means to Intel and the global market! !

This level of chips has far exceeded the limits predicted by many experts! !

Moreover, even the extreme limits predicted by those experts are estimated to be reached in the next fifteen or twenty years.

And now, the news from the laboratory means that their chip technology is at least twenty years ahead of the world! ! !

Even a fool can understand the value of this, let alone the elites among the real elites like them! !


Although they occupy most of the global market share.

But that is mainly based on cost performance.

As an upstream market, profits are actually not that great.

This can be seen from Intel's market value.

But now, with this 1-nanometer chip, everything is completely different! ! !

This technology was completely developed independently by them, and it can directly form a technology monopoly! !

According to the chip technology on the market, there is no way to compare with their performance! !

Under such circumstances, even if they ask for exorbitant prices, downstream companies can only pinch their noses and endure it!

After all, there are many users who purchase electronic products who pursue extreme performance!

And being able to raise prices means profits!

Unimaginable profits! !

said with no exaggeration.

If profits can be increased by 1%, the market value of a company like Intel will probably increase by 35% to 50%!

not to mention.

In this situation, it is more than just a 1% profit!

Even if the price is doubled, people will still buy it! !

Just relying on the monopoly of this chip technology.

The market value of Intel Group has more than doubled dozens of times! !

Moreover, after a monopoly is formed, the high profit margin will push the market value higher and higher!

All the senior executives were excited.

However, at this time, a high-level person showed concern.

He is a director of Intel Group and the actual controller of several subsidiaries!

And the Intel chip laboratory where good news has just been reported happens to be under his jurisdiction!

The senior executive raised his hand slightly to indicate that he wanted to speak.

Suddenly, all eyes in the conference room were focused on this senior executive.

After all, this epoch-making research result was produced in his laboratory!

The senior executive looked troubled.

"Well...there seems to be a problem here."

"I just asked. The core link of this project was made by a technician named Su Yan."

"But this Su Yan is not our official employee. He signed an agreement to enter the laboratory!"

"And according to the agreement, the property rights of the part he studied are completely owned by him..."

"In other words, the 1-nanometer chip technology belongs to Su Yan, not our group!"

Bang! !

Before the senior executive finished speaking, the president of Intel was already furious. He slapped his hand hard on the long table, making a loud bang!

"What do you do for a living? Huh? This kind of core technology is actually handed over to outsiders for research and development?? Forget it. If you find that the project is making progress, why don't you sign him over quickly??"

The president of Intel was extremely angry. He glared at the senior executive of the subsidiary and issued a series of questions!


The senior executive suddenly looked embarrassed.

He has indeed not captured Su Yan and incorporated her into a formal employee.

Originally, he was going to think of a solution slowly.

However, he didn't expect that the project would progress so quickly. Before he could do anything, the project was already completed!

Now, when the CEO asked a question, he didn't dare not answer, so he had no choice but to tell the truth.

"This technology was not independently developed by our laboratory and assigned to him, but started by Su Yan himself!"

"The resources he used, including the cost of the equipment, were all paid for by himself."

"At first no one believed he could make it, but later on, he really made progress, and in the end, the entire project team slowly became a supporter of him!"

"During this process, we also proposed several times that we wanted to hire him as our regular employee. Each time, the salary was more than doubled, but the other party declined!"

"However, we still left a lot of room for maneuver. We said that after the project is successful, we will directly allocate shares to him. The other party has also become more relaxed, so there should be great hope to recruit him!"

The senior executive told the whole story.

After listening to this, the president of Intel looked uncertain.

In fact, it can be said that there is no big problem with the countermeasures taken by this high-level person.

The group has relevant regulations on raising salaries and recruiting non-staff technical personnel.

According to the situation described by this senior executive, it does not deviate too much from the regulations.

But, that’s for the average technician! ! !

Now this Su Yan is the core person in charge of 1 nanometer chip technology! ! !

Is that an ordinary technician? ? ?

Can this be handled according to common sense? ?

This kind of talent must be recruited quickly, even if it involves coercion or inducement, or even by any means! !

However, this senior executive actually allowed the other party to study it for three full years, and the project was successful but not yet won! ! !

This made the president furious.

Does he know how much damage will be caused to the group if he fails to capture Su Yan?

He didn't win Su Yan, so he was not qualified to continue to be this director!

If it were normal.

He will definitely use means, as he did before, to unite with other shareholders to drive this senior executive out of the board of directors.

But now, the president of Intel has no time to deal with this high-level executive!

He ordered urgently.

"Quickly prepare the helicopter and go to the chip lab! Quick, quick, quick, quick!!"

He wanted to rush to the chip laboratory as soon as possible and directly recruit Su Yan as the president of Intel! !

Several powerful executives also quickly followed.

They had a vague impression of Su Yan, remembering that he was a kid from a rich family.

Otherwise, the other party will not have the financial resources to support this project, even if it is only his own part.

But what kind of company is Intel? ?

As long as there are enough benefits, no one will be tempted!

"Quickly, prepare 10 billion funds for me and ask for them to be transferred out at any time!"

"There is also a share transfer letter for the chip laboratory, let them prepare it quickly!!"

The president walked quickly and gave orders one by one.

He is ready to launch a money offensive and take down Su Yan directly!

In addition to 10 billion funds.

He also prepared shares in the entire subsidiary!

Just to get the chip technology in Su Yan’s hands!

As long as you hold this technology in your hands, let alone 10 billion, even 100 billion or 1 trillion will be completely worth it!

The chip lab and Intel headquarters are in the same city, and it only takes less than half an hour for a helicopter to get there!

And here in the laboratory.

The carnival atmosphere continues.

Every researcher is extremely excited.

Although the core content of this project has nothing to do with them.

In fact, they all looked down upon the scientists of this Great Xia Kingdom at first.

But this does not prevent them from also receiving a large bonus! !

Everyone was in an atmosphere of ecstasy.

However, Su Yan, who was supposed to be the protagonist, did not join.

At this time, he was silently checking all his previous plans.

"Yeah, everything works fine."

Su Yan nodded secretly.

He now leaves quietly and no one will notice.

The assistant had arranged for a car to wait at the door. With his identity, he drove directly to the entrance of the laboratory and could get on the car fifty meters away.

The chip laboratory is located in the suburbs, with a 30-kilometer drive to the nearest small airport.

At that airport, he had prepared a helicopter whose mission was to take him to the Daxia National Pavilion.

After arriving at the National Pavilion, he was safe and could return to Daxia directly with the chip technology.

In the Intel laboratory, all the parts of his independent research have been programmed.

The moment he leaves, they will all be destroyed.

From the chip laboratory to the Daxia National Pavilion, a short distance of more than 100 kilometers, Su Yan designed more than 300 solutions to deal with various situations.

The purpose is to return to Daxia safely with technology!

Su Yan confirmed it one last time.

All steps are fine.

He walked quietly outside the laboratory.

Others in the laboratory were still immersed in the carnival, and no one noticed him.

But the moment he walked out of the door, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes happened to greet him.

"Dr. Su, hello, hello, I am the president of Intel Group!"

He reached out his hand enthusiastically, wanting to shake hands with Su Yan.

However, Su Yan frowned.

He has an impression of this president.

The other party came to the laboratory to inspect before and praised many scientists.

However, he named them and declared that people from the Great Xia Kingdom were not good!

Fortunately, there are no Daxia people in his laboratory, so he can be so cutting-edge!

And several executives accompanying him have been echoing and trampling Daxia Kingdom to a pulp!

Thinking of this, Su Yan sneered.

"Oh, you're the CEO? Let me ask again, can people from Daxia do it?"

As soon as Su Yan said these words, the president suddenly felt embarrassed.

Deep down in his heart, he really looked down on the Daxia people!

But I didn't expect that Su Yan from Daxia would directly develop such high-end technology!

He was only embarrassed for a moment, and then put on a smile.

He had been working hard in the Shang Dynasty for many years, and he had already mastered the speed of changing his face!

"The level of Daxia people is beyond praise! I have always praised them! No, recently we are trying to recruit a group of the best..."

The president opened his mouth and wanted to recruit Su Yan directly.

However, he was interrupted by Su Yan!

"Thank you, President, for your kindness. I'm working on the key today and I'm very tired. Let's talk about it another day."

Su Yan waved his hand, then walked directly past the president, walked outside, got into his car, and sat in the back seat.

The president of Intel was directly interrupted by Su Yan, who was still embarrassed.

But when he saw Su Yan's car, his eyes widened!

I saw.

The car Su Yan got on had a very simple appearance, without any car logo, but it gave people a sense of power from the inside out, very domineering!

"That's... Army One??"

The president of Intel was in disbelief and asked the accompanying executives in a low voice.

How could this little scientist have a car of this level? !

This is better than any of his cars! !

Moreover, even if he had money, he couldn't buy this car! !

This is a limited edition from the world's top car company. It is absolutely safe and will only be sold to customers who have real protection value! !

"I'm afraid so."

The senior executives accompanying him also looked grim.

Originally, they thought that Su Yan was just an ordinary scientific researcher.

But I didn't expect that the other party actually had a car of this level!

Even in a beautiful country, you probably have to be at the level of governor to be eligible to buy it!

It seems that Su Yan's identity is far from as simple as what they grasp!

With the money offensive they have prepared, they may not be able to win over Su Yan!

"Boss, what should I do?"

one executive asked.

The current situation was completely beyond their expectations!

This Su Yan is no ordinary scientific researcher at all!

And at this time.

The face of Intel's president changed again and again.

Finally, he uttered a sentence, very unwillingly.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

Hear what the president said.

Many executives were immediately surprised.

When the CEO said this, it was equivalent to giving in and putting the recruitment matter on hold!

None of them could believe it!

You know, if you put it aside for one day, the group's losses will be calculated in hundreds of millions!

However, after they thought about it, they all understood.

The car the other party drives is probably not something you can buy with money!

And if you offend the other party, I'm afraid it will be even worse than the loss!

The technology is in the hands of others. If they choose not to cooperate with Intel, they will have no place to cry! !

Now, the best option is to pay a huge patent fee and buy out the right to exclusively produce chips!

Although the profit is much less.

But it’s enough to crush all companies in the world on the same track!

And at this time.

But there was an executive who quietly put his lips close to his collar.

"Call the FBI, I'm number 027."

"Su Yan, the developer of 1-nanometer chip technology, just rejected Intel's recruitment invitation!"

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