Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 23: Gangsters Tremble! Even The Godfather Is Afraid Of This Existence! !

Chapter 23: Gangsters tremble! Even the godfather is afraid of this existence! !

I saw this godfather coming.

John, the underground emperor of New Testament City, changed his previous attitude and knelt down on one knee to salute!

Although he knelt down and worshipped.

However, in the heart of the underground emperor, he didn't feel anything was wrong.

Because the godfather in front of him, no matter from any aspect, is fully worthy of his kneeling!

He does have extraordinary financial resources and even owns a listed company.

However, the market value of any company managed by this godfather's family is several times higher than his!

He is indeed the uncrowned king of New Testament City, the underground emperor.

But this godfather is in charge of the gangs in the entire beautiful country!


John's father had also respectfully studied in this godfather's family, and it was the other party who brought him here!

In the hearts of all gangsters in the country.

This godfather is simply a god-like existence!

And facing John's kneeling.

The godfather didn't care about any etiquette anymore.

"What are your gangsters in New York City doing recently?"

He asked directly in a deep voice.

Nothing is more urgent than this right now!

We must quickly figure out the situation and ensure the safety of that young master! !

"Recent actions?"

John was just stunned for a moment and quickly reacted.

"Just half an hour ago, the FBI came to me and said there was a joint operation! In addition to me, all the gangsters in the new contract were also contacted!"

John quickly recounted what happened.

At the same time, he also took out a wanted notice and handed it to the godfather respectfully.

The godfather received the wanted order, glanced at it, and his face turned dark!

On the wanted poster was a photo of a handsome young man who looked young.

Below the picture, there are a few lines of notes.

Mr.Su, a native of Daxia, a chip technology scientist!

After seeing these lines, the godfather couldn't hold back anymore!


He jumped up suddenly and slapped him!

Snapped! !

The godfather slapped him so hard that a red mark immediately appeared on the face of Underground Emperor John.

After this slap, the godfather roared!

"Hurry! Let all the gang talkers in New York City come to me immediately! Immediately! The sooner the better!!!"

After receiving this slap, John was a little stunned, and stars were popping up in front of his eyes!

He was extremely confused, but he did not dare to disobey his godfather at all. He quickly called his subordinates to contact the gang talkers.

In fact, after receiving the notice from the FBI, these interlocutors met in private.

The place where they met was in his building.

Therefore, it didn't even take a few minutes to reach these people.

The godfather slapped him in the face, still angry, and his shoulders were shaking up and down.

Here, half is anger and the other half is fear!

On that wanted notice, it was that young master!

Although I have never met before.

But the Godfather remembers it clearly.

The big shot who called was clearly from Daxia, and his surname was Su! !

The man the FBI was hunting down these New York City gangsters turned out to be that young master! !

The godfather could not imagine it.

If he had arrived a step later, that person's salary would have been in the hands of the FBI.

What fate will they face!

That scene, just thinking about it, would make him tremble uncontrollably! !

Tap tap tap tap.

A burst of chaotic footsteps came from far away, and several people ran into the house. They were the talkers of the major gangs in New York City!


Seeing the arrival of their godfather, they all knelt down on one knee to salute just like John.

The godfather asked.

"Have you all cooperated with the FBI?"

The speakers were still kneeling on one knee.

When they looked up and saw their godfather's face, they felt a thump in their hearts.

Damn it, the godfather is angry!

However, none of them dared to hide it, and they all nodded.

Seeing these people all nodded.

The godfather was furious and kicked him out!


The speaker closest to him was kicked hard and rolled several times before he stopped.

"Notify all your subordinates immediately and do your best to protect Mr. Su! Absolutely, absolutely, we cannot let him fall into the hands of the FBI!!"

Seeing the godfather's attitude.

All the gang talkers couldn’t help but feel terrified!

For many years, they had never seen the godfather get so angry!

After all, with the other party's status, there is no need to get angry for a long time!

What seems to be a difficult matter for people at their level can be solved in the other party's identity with just a simple sentence!

What happened to make this godfather so angry? ?

What is the identity of Mr. Su that the FBI wants to arrest? ? ?

Although I was extremely surprised.

However, they would never dare to disobey their godfather's orders.

Although before, it was the FBI who came to cooperate.

However, in the hearts of these gang talkers, the ten FBI's combined are not as important as this godfather!

At that moment, they quickly called their subordinates and gave a few quick instructions.

Now all means of communication are unavailable, and people can only rely on people to deliver the message. Several subordinates received the order and rushed out immediately.

"When something big happened, why didn't anyone notify me?"

The godfather roared angrily and kicked out again!


Another talker was hit in the foot, rolled out a few times, and lay on the ground.

Then, the godfather got more and more angry as he thought about it, and kicked each of them one by one, kicking all the talkers of the biggest gangsters in the New Testament!

All the talkers were kicked down and lying on the ground in a state of disgrace. No one dared to stand up.

But in their hearts, they are all complaining.

This time, it is indeed their problem!

Although, when the FBI came to the door, all communications in New York City had been cut off.

However, with their status and skills, they can still deliver a message to the godfather!

Previously, gangsters all over the United States did have this rule!

When encountering major issues, you must ask your godfather to make a decision!

In fact, this rule is not squeezing or controlling them.

On the contrary, it is protecting them!

The history of gangs in the past one hundred years is enough to illustrate this point!

I don’t know how many times, how many gangsters have been saved from annihilation because of the reminder from the Godfather family!

That was the previous generation, the godfather of the previous generation, observing from an angle they had not thought of, and the crisis they discovered immediately reminded them!

But this time the incident happened suddenly, and they all forgot to report it to their godfather!

The gang talkers were blushing and embarrassed to stand up.

"stand up!"

The godfather shouted coldly.

After a few kicks, he finally let out some of his anger.

Only then did several gang talkers dare to stand up and stand in a row in front of the godfather with their heads lowered.

The godfather glanced at these people and spoke coldly.

"Do you know what 'Jedi' is about?"

Before, Underground Emperor John had already told the whole story.

Therefore, the Godfather already knew about this 'Jedi' plan.

Although the FBI did not tell the gang much intelligence, it only involved some aspects of their communications.

However, with the godfather's vision, he can already infer a lot from it!

In this ‘Jedi’ plan.

Just stopping all means of communication will cause economic losses of billions!

And watching the gangsters talking, everyone nodded.

The godfather's expression turned cold.

"Have you ever thought about how much money New York City will lose by implementing this 'Jedi'?"

"Then think about it again, when did the Federation of the United States ever make a loss-making business??"

"Have you ever thought about the status of a person who made them willing to spend so much money to hunt him down?"

"Are any of you, including me, worth the price? Have you ever thought about it??"

Listening to the godfather's series of questions.

The expressions of all the gang talkers, including the underground emperor John, changed.


The point that the godfather pointed out was something that none of them had thought of before! !

Communications throughout New Testament City were cut off for a day.

This economic loss may be in the hundreds of billions!

Moreover, this does not include various hidden losses.

Those hidden losses will definitely not be smaller than the apparent economic losses! !

Add up the seven, seven, eight and eight, and the losses are simply incalculable!

Who is this Mr. Su that the FBI is willing to spend so much money to hunt down? ?

Think of this.

The faces of several gang talkers turned pale and turned pale with fear.

Several of them have industries in their hands, although their holdings are not small, and they have several listed companies.

However, all their assets may not add up to 100 billion!

And just to hunt down Mr. Su, the FBI is willing to spend hundreds of billions, or even more! !

The minds of several speakers went blank.

in their cognition.

I have no idea what kind of person he must be to be worthy of such a price! !

in their minds.

A huge question hangs around all of it.

Who is this Mr.Su? ? ?

They were so horrified that they couldn't help but look at the godfather one by one.

The godfather snorted coldly.

"Don't look at me, I don't know his true identity either."

"But, one thing is clear to me."

"The forces behind the other party want to kill me, and it won't take three days."

"When I face them, it's no different than when you face me."

The godfather said, raising a finger and making a gesture of wiping his neck.

The godfather's words were spoken lightly and without much emotion.

However, when it fell into the ears of these talkers, it was louder than thunder!

These gang talkers were all frightened!

They had no doubt about the authenticity of the Godfather's words.

With the godfather's status and energy, there is absolutely no need to lie to them!

Can the force behind the other party kill the godfather within three days? ? ?

Several gang talkers simply couldn't imagine it!

You know, to reach the level of a godfather, you can be called a master of both hands and eyes!

Not only the mafia forces in the beautiful country, but also all bowed to the jurisdiction of the godfather.

Even with the beautiful country officials, their relationship is quite harmonious!

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire underground world of Beautiful Country is the back garden of this godfather’s house!

What kind of force can be so terrifying that even the Godfather is afraid of it? ?

They know the gap between themselves and their godfather.

Even if the godfather does nothing, the current power alone is enough for them to catch up for dozens of lifetimes!

So, how powerful are the "they" in the Godfather's words? ?

This is too scary! !

at this time.

All the gang talkers were extremely happy.

Fortunately, the godfather arrived immediately and nipped the disaster in the bud.

Otherwise, if their people really help the FBI catch Mr. Su...

You don't need to think about it to know what a terrifying and devastating blow they will suffer! !

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