Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 27 Positioning Successful! Found Su Yan!

Chapter 27: Positioning successful! Found Su Yan!


Father Su finished this sentence.

The three people in charge of the Bear Country, including Kawasaki, all sprayed!



"Are you serious??????"

Everyone couldn't believe their ears!

A first-tier satellite is already worth a sky-high price of 6.8 billion! !

Ten pills, that’s 68 billion! !

This amount is already higher than Bear Country’s annual sales revenue! !

Several heads of the Bear Country couldn't help but widen their eyes.

As for the middleman Kawasaki, his eyes were already filled with stars and he was almost losing his mind!

Father Su had made a promise to him before!

He can get as much as he spends on the satellite!

Originally, Kawasaki thought that the "a few" Su's father said was just a modal particle.

Unexpectedly, he really only wants one satellite! !

A total of ten!

This is a commission of 68 billion! !

Kawasaki was so happy that he almost fainted.

And on the other side of the video call.

Su's father confirmed lightly.

"Yeah, ten."

"Send me your account!"

Hear Su's father confirm.

The three people in charge of Xiong Country all looked like they were just waking up from a dream.

It’s not like they haven’t seen the market before.

The other party really gave too much! !

Sixty-eight billion, ten first-tier satellites! !

Moreover, look at Mr. Su's posture.

I'm already asking about my account, as if I'll withdraw money if I don't agree! !

"Mr. Su, please wait a moment. We will go through the handover procedures first and deliver the ten satellites to you immediately!!"

The person in charge of Xiong Country’s diplomacy responded quickly.

After seeing Su's father nodding.

Several people started the docking process right away!

The three of them are all leaders of their respective departments. With all their efforts, the process proceeds very quickly!

Soon, all the procedures were completed!

"Mr. Su, just sign and the contract will come into effect!"

The person in charge of Xiong's foreign sales uploaded an electronic contract and said enthusiastically.

Now, he somewhat understands the mentality of those big businessmen!

In just a few minutes of online conversation, a big deal worth tens of billions was finalized! !

No one can withstand this kind of impact! !


Su's father clicked on the contract, glanced at it, and signed directly.

In the contract, it is just some things like permissions and remaining working years.

In fact, he doesn't care about this contract at all!

He spent 68 billion to buy ten satellites just to get in touch with Su Yan again!

As long as these satellites work now, that's fine.

As for the future working years, Su’s father didn’t pay any attention to it!

Then, he directly initiated the transfer!

"Ding dong, Mr. Su will transfer 68 billion yuan to your account!"

A crisp transaction prompt sounded.

The hearts of the three people in charge of Xiong Country trembled!

Sixty-eight billion, arrived!

"Mr. Su, the ownership of these ten first-tier satellites now belongs to you! We have ten groups of technicians here who can help you check..."

The head of Xiong's foreign sales said while holding back his excitement.

Father Su waved his hand.

"Just hand over the authority, I have a technician here!"

"Oh, okay, okay!"

The control authority of ten first-tier satellites was transferred to Su's father.

As for Su's father, he made a direct call to the think tank!

"Hello? The satellite has been purchased. Are the plans ready?"

Hearing Su's father's words.

The think tank expert was so excited that he almost dropped the phone in his hand!

"Ready! We can push forward immediately!"

He replied quickly.

"Okay, I'll hand over the authority and implement it directly now!"

"Tell them to hurry up! I want to see my son as soon as possible!!"

"Okay, Mr. Su, don't worry, we will start immediately!"

After putting down the phone, the think tank expert still maintained a dull expression.

"what happened?"

"what's the situation?"

Seeing him like this, the others couldn't help but ask questions.

The think tank expert shook his head vigorously before he recovered.

"Mr. Su said that he has purchased ten first-tier satellites! We are handing over the authority and let us implement the plan directly!!"

The think tank expert finished.

Everyone was shaken suddenly!

Originally, they all regarded this plan as an impossible condition! !

No one expected that in just a short time, Su’s father would have the satellite ready!

Moreover, there are still ten! !

In addition to the seven required in the plan, there are even three spares left! !

You know, it hasn’t even been fifteen minutes since they submitted their plan! !

All the think tank experts were shocked and inexplicable.

Then, they quickly got into the mood and started executing the plan.

"Deploy technical personnel immediately and take over satellite management!"

"Technicians are already in place!"

"All ten satellites are in good condition and can operate normally!"

"All satellites, start signal focusing!"

"Satellite communication has focused on the beautiful country and is focusing on New York City!"

"Satellite communication has focused on New York City!"

"Successfully captured the image!"

"The 'Jedi' plan was cracked successfully!"

The technicians are very efficient.

Just ten minutes after receiving the satellite.

They have successfully captured footage from the beautiful city of New York!

And what they did was also displayed on the screen in front of Su's father.


See the scene of New Testament City appearing on the screen.

Father Su couldn't help but roared excitedly!

This plan, with an evaluation success rate of 98%, indeed lived up to his expectations and successfully cracked the 'Jedi'! !

Then, Father Su waved his hand.

"Locate my son's location immediately!"

"I want to make sure he's okay with my own eyes!"

Following Su's father's order.

All the technical staff started working hard to locate Su Yan's position!


Although satellite signals are connected, some communications have been restored.

However, the mobile phone that Su Yan called back before has been lost, and there is no way to directly locate it for the moment!

"Search with all your strength! We must find Mr. Su as soon as possible! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!!"

Think tank experts yelled commands.

His technical staff also quickly divided their respective areas, and all of them worked hard to search frantically in New York City!

There is no other way but to find Su Yan in this way!

Each person has an area, just like checking surveillance, use satellite images to search directly!

in this case.

Although this method is the most primitive, it is also the most effective! !

"Send more manpower! Even if we have to find a needle in a haystack, we must find my son!"

Father Su ordered excitedly.

Now, the 'Jedi' has been broken through, and there is only one last step left before he can see his son! !

Under his command.

Batch after batch of additional manpower arrived quickly and started searching directly!

In just a few minutes, more than 10,000 people had already invested!

And with the joint efforts of so many people.

Finally, a voice of great joy sounded!

"Report! Mr. Su has been located!!"

"What? Let me see!"

After hearing this report, the think tank experts couldn't hold back anymore and hurriedly checked.

Then, he roared with great excitement!

"It's really Mr. Su! Mr. Su, I'll send the video to you right away!"

As he spoke, the think tank expert operated twice on the computer.

Immediately, the picture was transmitted to the screen in front of Father Su.

In the picture, it is a perspective from a high place.

In the entire picture, there is only one young man in the frame.

The young man was hiding behind the car, looking forward from time to time.

"Very good!!!"

Father Su was extremely excited.

Although it is from a top-down perspective, only half of the face can be seen.

However, Father Su can be 100% sure.

This young man is his son, Su Yan! !

His son is still safe and sound! ! !

And at this time.

Su Yan in the picture quietly lowered her hand, and the bottle in her hand rolled out along the street.

Immediately afterwards.

boom! ! ! !

In the satellite signal screen, there was an earth-shattering explosion!

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