Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 38 Lv8 Mathematics! ! Chairman, There Is A Blackwater Security Company Next To The Young Mas

Chapter 38 Mathematics of LV8!! Chairman, there is a Blackwater Security Company next to the young master! [Begging for customization]

On the other side of Blue Star, in Beautiful Country, is the FBI.

As the Marines entered New York City, a call came from the first secretary.

"Boss said that the authority of the Marine Corps has been transferred and is temporarily under your command.

"Thank you for your support, leader! - I will coordinate the action immediately!"

Listen to the other person's tone.

The FBI director quickly stood at attention and replied.

He also knew in his heart that his chances were running out!

The top secretary replied coldly.

"This is the last time! If you still can't catch Mr. Suu, just go to the federal court yourself."

After saying that, the other end of the phone hung up directly.

The FBI director's heart trembled!

The top leader sent a secretary to warn him, indicating that he was very dissatisfied with him!

Although it has only been more than an hour since the decision was made to carry out this operation.

However, he has applied for support too many times!

Moreover, too many resources have been wasted in order to capture Mr. Su!

The economic losses from the Jedi Project alone exceeded 100 billion!

If only he had successfully completed his mission.

But if there is another trap, I'm afraid he will have to bear all the blame!

By then, if he goes to federal court, let alone his future, he will never even think about it in his life!

This time, we must catch Mr. Su no matter what!

The FBI director broke out in a cold sweat.

I am very confident about this arrest!

What he fears is the consequences of failure.

However, as long as the Marine Corps arrives, it will be completely foolproof!

Thirty thousand Marines. At least it can match the 300,000 patrol bureau personnel!

Moreover, their efficiency is countless times higher than that of the patrol bureau!

This can be seen from the status!

even though.

In terms of rank, he is on the same level as the chief of the New York City Patrol Bureau and the commander of the Marine Corps.

However, the actual status of these three people is not equal!

As the director of the FBI, he can completely ignore the director of the patrol bureau.

However, he did not dare to look down on the commander of the Marine Corps!

The same rank is just an appearance, the other party's actual status is much higher than his!

And this time.

In the communication channel, a new signal is connected.

"This is the New Testament Department of the Marine Corps. We have been ordered to come and cooperate with the operation. We have full authority to obey the command!"

"I'm on my way to FBI headquarters now, ready to assist in coordination!"

What came from the communication channel was the voice of the Marine Corps commander!

Hearing this voice, the FBI director couldn't help but be shocked!

The opponent is worthy of being a regular army, with professional qualities!

In this comparison, the gap is immediately apparent!

They were coordinating the operation, but the patrol bureau and the gang were simply dragging their feet and unwilling to cooperate!

In contrast, the Marine Corps directly obeyed the command!

Their commander is directly on the way here!

Such a high degree of cooperation cannot be matched by several other departments!

"Huh, patrol, SWAT, gang?"

"When this operation is successful, I will settle the accounts with you!"

The FBI director's expression was ferocious.

Just because of the lack of cooperation from these parties, he almost suffered a big loss!

However, the FBI director at this time was full of confidence.

As the beautiful king's flagship force, the Marine Corps now fully obeys his command!

If we can’t catch Mr.Su this time, it will really be unreasonable!

At that moment, the FBI director quickly issued an order.

"Continue the encirclement immediately, and let the Marine Corps fill the gap between the patrol bureau and the gang!"

"I will send you the specific location of Mr. Su right away!"

And under his mobilization.

Ten thousand FBI agents and thirty thousand Marines all surrounded Su Yan's position!

In New Testament City, gunfire broke out in the streets!

Su Yan is still driving Wuling Hongguang and driving like crazy!

Sixty kilometers away, assistant Xiao Lu prepared a helicopter!

That was his backup plan. As long as he could board the helicopter, he would be safe for the time being!

Su Yan felt confident.

So far, I have been on the run for more than an hour!

And after such a long time, Meiliguo must have discovered the situation in Intel's chip laboratory!

At this time, all the core technologies of 1-nanometer chips have been automatically destroyed and cannot be restored!

Then, the other party will definitely understand.

At this time, the core technology of the 1-nanometer chip is only in my own hands!

in this case.

The other party is absolutely unwilling to kill him directly!

The other party’s purpose is at least to get the chip technology from itself!

So, under this situation, boarding a helicopter will be safe for the time being!

Although, it is far from absolute safety.

However, at least the initiative is much more than it is now!

And the helicopter is at a small airport sixty kilometers away!

Now, the remaining distance is only twenty kilometers!

However, Su Yan had doubts in her heart!

My escape was surprisingly smooth!

Although before, when he saw those cars of the same brand on the street, he guessed that someone was helping him behind the scenes.

However, it shouldn’t have such a big effect!

Even if they secretly help their own side, they dispatch 10,000 vehicles.

As long as the patrol bureau comes forward, they will be suppressed soon!

At most, it will only take more than ten minutes!

But his one-hour escape went very smoothly!

Not only did he escape the FBI vehicle tracking.

Moreover, he also killed six FBI agents and rescued his assistant Xiaosheng!

In this hour, although there were many dangers.

But in the end, it was surprisingly smooth!

Previously, Su Yan had discovered that a large number of FBI personnel were surrounding him from different directions!

In fact, not only the FBI, but also the patrol bureau, the special service team, and some unidentified people with weapons are all surrounding him!

Originally, the situation was already quite serious. Su Yan tried several times but could not find a gap in the opponent's encirclement!

However, the opponent's siege suddenly collapsed on its own!

All patrol bureau personnel have been withdrawn!

And those plainclothes officers, who were numerous in number, started fighting on their own!

Although I don't understand what is going on inside |

However, this gave Su Yan a perfect opportunity to break out of the encirclement!

If not, he might be surrounded by the opponent soon!

"Who is helping me?"

Su Yan stepped on the accelerator, but she was confused in her heart.

He knows it in his heart.

Even if you get Mathematics LV7, you will have an extremely amazing calculation ability.

However, it is still too stretched for escape!

He can only maintain Mathematics LV7 deduction for tens of seconds, and the distance is within a hundred meters!

Facing the opponent's overwhelming roundup, it is not enough to escape!

After all, the power gap between him and the opponent is really huge now!

Although Su Yan only saw a corner of the encirclement.

However, it can be completely inferred from the density of people in this corner.

This time, the other party may have mobilized tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands, to capture him!

But now, the opponent's encirclement collapsed on its own.

There must be someone secretly involved in this!

However, what puzzled Su Xin was.

Who on earth can have such great energy?

No matter in Daxia or in the beautiful country, he didn't know such a person with such great hands and eyes!

Although it can be said that after Su Yan awakened the learning system, her scientific research strength has become one of the top ones.

However, this matter has not been spread out!

Even others in the Intel lab discovered that he had made such a big breakthrough more than a year ago!

And Intel Labs definitely doesn’t want the news to leak out!

Although I don’t know who is helping.

However, Su Yan is certain.

The energy of the other party is really great!

The previous fleet alone used thousands of vehicles and thousands of drivers, which was already an amazing amount of energy!

After this, the FBI was forced to choose to cut off the Internet!

And now, this force behind the scenes can even open up gaps in the roundups of the FBI and the Patrol Bureau!

This kind of strength is simply unimaginable. It is probably stronger than some capital consortiums!

"Could it be that Daxia is taking action?"

Su Yan murmured to himself.

This path obviously doesn’t make sense!

After all, he's in Intel's chip lab.

As for the other party, they are strictly guarding against technology leaks!

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Daxia to know about the situation of his own chip development!

However, other than Daxia, which force can have such great power and not hesitate to openly confront the FBI?

You know, behind the FBI is the entire beautiful country!

Su Yan was extremely confused.

That's when.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded in his mind.

"Ding dong, the host's escape progress has reached 15% and reached the second stage" to unlock the stage reward!"

Hear the system voice in your head.

This made Su Yan stunned.

Has the escape progress reached 15%?

Although, during the escape process, he also glanced at the system panel.

The escape progress in the system panel is slowly increasing.

However, the situation was urgent and he did not have the energy to pay too much attention.

And now, the escape progress has actually reached 15%, unlocking a new stage reward!

This made Su Yan feel refreshed!

Su Yan has already had a deep understanding of the role of rewards in this system!

The previous reward for raising his math skills to LV7 has already helped him a lot!

Without the deduction ability brought by Mathematics LV7.

There was no way he could save his assistant Xiao Lu from the six FBI agents, let alone get backup!

That’s just the initial reward!

And now, what will be the reward content in the second stage?

Su Yan couldn't help but look forward to it.

And the system voice in his mind sounded again.

"Second stage reward: The host can choose a skill and upgrade it by one level!"

Hearing the sound of this system, Su Yan was overjoyed!

This reward is even better than the previous initial reward!


The initial reward is a randomly selected skill upgrade.

But this time, you can choose to improve your skills on your own!

At the moment, Su Yan quickly checked the system panel.

Mastery of host skills:


Chip Technology: LV6;


Optics: LV5;


Anti-reconnaissance technology: LV4;

At first, after Su Yan awakened the system, he directly chose to tackle chip technology.

Therefore, although he has mastered dozens of skills.

However, the top ones are the three subject skills related to chip technology.

Math, Physics, and Tech Jars!

Among them, math skills have been upgraded to level 7 after the last system reward.

The remaining two have both reached level six, a level that is only half a step away from the top figures in history!

As for most other skills, they are only at level four or five.

Looking at his dozens of skills, Su Yan made some calculations.

Each skill classified in the system has a gap of one level, and the span is extremely huge!

And improving the level is also quite difficult and requires a lot of practice!

Even if Su Yan has a learning system, after three years, she will only have three level 6 skills!

This was the result of spending almost day and night in the laboratory and exercising!

And the further you go, the more practice you need to level up!

For example, Su Yan has been working on chip technology for three consecutive years, but it is only level 6!

Among them, the process from level 5 to level 6 alone took him more than a year and a half!

Before, it only took less than a year and a half to go from level zero to level five!

Now, Su Yan has a chance to choose freely!

Su Yan's thoughts changed rapidly.

According to the current situation, anti-reconnaissance technology is definitely the most needed!

However, the upgrade of anti-reconnaissance technology from LV4 to LV5 is not enough to deal with the situation before us!

LV4 is equivalent to a master level that has been studied for decades.

And LV5 is equivalent to a world-class master.

However, facing the current encirclement of the opponent, upgrading the counter-reconnaissance to LV5 may not be of much use!

Su Yan couldn't help but have a thought in her heart.

Previously, his math skills were upgraded to LV7, which helped him completely beyond his expectation!

Moreover, he has already tried it once, and the effect is indeed incredible!

That kind of deduction ability is almost godlike!

Moreover, Su Yan had a vague feeling.

When the skill level is upgraded to LV7, "it's like entering a whole new field!"

After all, according to the previous system.

Reaching LV6 in a skill is equivalent to being only half a step away from the most accomplished master in human history.

Being able to reach LV7 is almost equivalent to exceeding the limit!

What if we upgrade to another level?

The calculation ability brought by Mathematics LV7 is already so terrifying that it can directly trigger the butterfly effect.

So, what will be the effect if it reaches LV8?

Thinking of this, Su Yan made up his mind.

"Upgrade, math!"

At the same time, Su Yan is also looking forward to it.

Originally, he had no hope of escaping from the roundup before.

However, the skills of Mathematics LV7 have brought about huge changes!

So now, will LV8’s math skills be improved even more?

And in the next moment.

The system sound sounded again.

"The skills have been upgraded! The host's math skills have been upgraded from LV7 to LV8!"

0…please give me flowers…

The moment the system sound falls.

Su Yan was shocked!

He felt it instantly.

This level of improvement is much greater than the previous span!

The scene of upgrading to LV7 reappeared in his field of vision again!

Everything in his field of vision turned into a string of strings that could be calculated!

This time, the calculable range is countless times larger than before!

With the ability of Mathematics LV7, Su Yan can only calculate characters within a range of up to 100 meters!

But now, the math skills have been upgraded to LV8, and the calculation range has been expanded dozens of times!

And, that’s not all.

What surprised Su Yan the most was.

Originally, these skills of his were like trees planted on the ground, with heights and heights, and the relationship between them was not very close.

And the moment the math skills reached LV8.

The roots of the tree that represents mathematics are actually faintly connected to other disciplines in the ground!

LV8’s math skills are actually connecting to other skills!

Physics, chip technology, meteorology, geography

The technical disciplines that were originally far apart have almost become a whole under the connection of mathematical skills!

under this effect.

This kind of miraculous computing power can even spread to other subjects!

With the upgrade of Mathematics LV8, Su Yan can now even analyze and calculate characters tens of thousands of meters away!

Su Ji raised his eyes slightly.

Now, he can calculate it by observing the mathematical characters that make up the clouds!

The wind speed at high altitude is accelerating, the air pressure value is changing, and it seems that there will be a storm coming in the future!

This is the effect of the diffusion of computing power into meteorology!

And not just meteorology.

Su Yan can already predict it.

This extraordinary ability brought by Mathematics LV8 has great potential when combined with any other subject!

This made Su Yan overjoyed.

Even if you have been mentally prepared.

However, the improvement brought about by this upgrade was far beyond his expectation!!

However, at this moment.

Su Yan has not yet fully grasped the changes brought about by Mathematics LV8.

On the streets of New York City, something unexpected happened suddenly!

I saw a large number of teams appearing at the end of my field of vision!

After just one glance, Su Yan's expression became stern!

Those people were all wearing camouflage and carrying guns on their backs!

It is different from the previous FBI and Patrol Bureau.

This group of people are almost all armed to the teeth!

"This is...the Marine Corps??"

Su Yan's expression suddenly changed, he turned the steering wheel fiercely and turned the car around urgently!

And at the same time.

There is new progress in the think tank building in Daxia!

The last three spare first-line satellites have been allocated!

This time, the technicians did it extremely secretly and were not discovered!

"We have located Mr. Su's location!"

one of the technicians yelled.

"Global live broadcast, start immediately!"

Father Su ordered in a deep voice.

And at the same time.

A think tank expert pointed at the satellite image and said loudly!

"Wait a minute, Mr. Su should have some power that can be used in his current position!"

Now that the observation of the scene has resumed, they have more chips in their hands!

The think tank expert twirled his fingers and searched quickly.

In less than a minute, he screamed in surprise!

"There is a security company thirty kilometers away from Mr. Su!"

Immediately afterwards, he directly showed the queried information!

"Titan Security Company handles both bodyguard and mercenary tasks. As a security company, it ranks among the top three in the world!"

"All their members are special forces retired from various countries, and their strength is world-renowned!"

Suddenly, all the think tank experts present were refreshed!

This kind of security company can be hired as long as you pay enough!

We don't expect them to defeat the Marine Corps, as long as they can delay it for a while, that's enough!

On the one hand, it can give them time to activate other trump cards!

On the other hand, with the global live broadcast, every second that passes, the pressure on the beautiful country's fishing boats will increase a lot!

On the communication side, Su's father gave an order.

“Buy this company now!”


Everyone accepted the order, and accountants and lawyers were quickly on standby.

Negotiation expert Yang Yi directly dialed the other party's number!

"Hey, hello, we want to acquire your company!"

"Are you playing a prank?"

The person on the phone clearly didn't believe it.

But Yang Yi was not willing to waste time at all and directly quoted the price!

"Is the one-time price of 100 million enough?"

This is the budget given by Su’s father, which is absolutely sky-high!

Even if the other party is one of the top three security companies in the world, their market value is less than one-third of this amount!

"Our acquisition application has been approved, please check it!"

Without waiting for the other party to reply, Yang Yi spoke quickly again.

"What??? Three three three three three three hundred billion???"

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously frightened!

Then, the other party's tone was filled with a bit of surprise that could not be concealed!

"Wait a minute, I'll check it right away!"

After a while, the other party responded directly.

"We agreed! When will the contract be signed?"

After the inquiry, the other party seemed to be more anxious than Father Su!

After all, although they are ranked among the top three in the world in the security industry.

However, their market value is not even 100 billion!

"Sign now! The electronic contract has been sent! The money will arrive in your account soon!"

"In addition, dispatch all personnel immediately to stop the Marine Corps!"

Yang Yi said quickly, not wanting to delay even a second!

"Yes! Boss!"

"All personnel from Titan Security Company are on the move!"

On the other end of the phone, the other party immediately changed his attitude!

After all, it is the third largest security company in the world, and its business level is really hard to say!

As long as you give them enough money, they are willing to fight not only the Marines but also the aliens!

The think tank, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief.

Titan Security Company doesn't have to wait too long, even if it's only ten minutes, it's enough!

However, at this time, a think tank expert suddenly exclaimed.

"No, it's too late to match!"


The expressions of everyone present suddenly changed.

But the think tank expert frowned tightly.

"It will take at least fifteen minutes to get to the young master from Titan Security Company!"

"And now, the other party has discovered the young master, and I'm afraid the siege will be completed within ten minutes!!"

Hear what this expert has to say.

The expressions of everyone present, as well as Su Yu and Su's father, all changed drastically!

It’s really too late!!!!!

ps: I beg for an automatic subscription and a reward. If there is one, the author will continue to explode tomorrow!!!!!

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