Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 52 Escape Progress Skyrocketed! Bug Ability! God's Perspective! Login Successful! [Begg

Chapter 52: Escape progress skyrocketed! BUG ability! God’s perspective! Login successful!

When the strategic center of the beautiful country made the decision to dispatch Ford-class aircraft carriers.

They made the decision immediately without any hesitation or discussion.

For them, there are two main things at the moment.

One thing is to successfully track down the fleeing Mr. Su and then kill him.

Another thing is to prevent foreign invasion, that is, to prevent major disasters from coming here to help Mr. Su!

Although they all looked down upon Daxia, they did not dare to look down upon him.

Now that Daxia has decided to come to their sea area for military exercises, it is very likely that they will come here soon.

For this reason, they must also be prepared to prevent Mr. Su from being taken away by Daxia due to improper preparation and outstrength.

"Immediately issue an order to the Navy's Third Fleet to launch the Ford-class aircraft carrier and deploy it to the waters off the east coast of New York City!"

"And ordered the activation of a large number of aircraft carrier frigates to conduct a blanket search for Mr. Su within the waters along the east coast!"

"We must greatly weaken Daxia's morale. By then, the person who takes Mr. Su's life will receive a major reward!"

Following the order from the Beautiful Country Strategic Command Center.

At this moment, the subordinates of all parties also immediately conveyed the news quickly.

The Third Fleet of the Navy immediately received the report from the Strategic Center!

When they learned that the official superiors actually decided to dispatch Ford-class aircraft carriers, they all immediately

Good guy.

I didn’t expect that my superiors would dare to make such a big move this time!

Actually want to launch Ford-class aircraft carrier!

While shocked.

The Navy's Third Fleet headquarters did not dare to waste any time.

Hurry up and start mobilizing various personnel to unlock the highest authority required for aircraft carrier mobilization!

Later, after the permissions are transferred.

They also immediately activated dozens of aircraft carrier frigates to protect the Ford aircraft carrier!

After a series of matters related to the transfer of authority have been properly handled.

He began to arrange the subordinate personnel of the Navy's Third Fleet.

Get ready for action!

As the tiers of Marine Corps 3rd Fleet move among themselves.

The message was also delivered very quickly.

Su Yan's fleet team has also received the instructions from their superiors and is ready to start acting in accordance with the instructions from their superiors.

"Attention everyone, we have received the latest instructions from our superiors. The fleet members of our team have suspended the ground search for Mr. Su. They are now going to land on the aircraft carrier frigate and participate in the carpet search for Mr. Su at sea!"

"All members are requested to go to the dispatch center of the aircraft carrier frigate immediately and be ready to board the ship and go to sea!"

When Su Yan's team leader ordered 143 on the intercom.

The fleet members in the group also immediately became happy.

They immediately stopped searching the coastline for Mr. Su.

They all began to go to the dispatch center of the aircraft carrier and frigate, preparing to rendezvous and board the ship!

During this period.

Su Yan was also quite excited when she got the news.

He never expected that he could come into contact with the aircraft carrier so quickly.

Although he was on the aircraft carrier frigate at that time, responsible for the search for "Su Yan".

But this does not prevent him from doing other things by himself!

Now, with the powerful computing support of LV8 mathematical capabilities.

As long as he can find an opportunity, he can get things done quickly!

When the time comes, it would be even more satisfying if we can steal some confidential information.

Thinking of this, Su Yan couldn't help but look forward to it.

I am beginning to look forward to the next action after boarding the aircraft carrier frigate.

For this reason, Su Yan no longer wastes time.

Quickly follow your "companions" to the dispatch center of the aircraft carrier frigate!

On Su Yan's way to the frigate dispatch center.

Another thing that surprised Su Yan happened.

As he hurried forward.

Suddenly, a clear system prompt sounded in his ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your escape mission completion rate has reached 40%!"

"When you reach 40% completion, you get a chance to randomly draw abilities and an opportunity to upgrade an ability level at will!"

"Remarks, from the above two opportunities, choose only one and consider it carefully!"

When the system prompts suddenly sounded in her ears, Su Yan couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, his process of infiltrating the beautiful country's naval fleet could be counted as part of his escape.

In this way, it will be more nice!

Su Yan can see that on the background panel of his system, various abilities, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc., have reached a height that ordinary people cannot match.

Especially mathematics, it has reached the terrifying level of LV8.

If it were before, Su Yan might have upgraded his existing abilities, such as physics, chemistry, etc., out of consideration for scientific research.

But this time, Su Yan does not intend to improve the abilities he already possesses.

Firstly, it is of little use for him to improve these existing abilities.

Secondly, he needs to escape now, and he also needs to have better opportunities to find ways to contact the aircraft carrier, steal the aircraft carrier's technology, and even drive the aircraft carrier back home.

It is precisely because of the above considerations.

Su Yan decided that this time he would extract new abilities.

So, now, facing the systematic inquiry.

Su Yan mentally answered the system: "Choose to extract new abilities."

"Good host!"

After receiving Su Yan's order, the system immediately began to extract new abilities for Su Yan.

"Extracting new abilities for the host..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have gained a new ability, God's perspective!"

"Explanation, God's perspective can allow the host to obtain terrifying bug-level learning and mastering abilities, allowing the host to temporarily master everything that can be learned in a very short period of time!

After the system finished speaking.

Su Yan couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised by the effect of this ability.

The skill of God's Perspective is simply tailor-made for him now.

Although he has a strong learning ability with the learning system, he cannot quickly master it on the spot.

With the ability of God's perspective, he can temporarily learn and master many things in a short period of time.

Even if it is temporarily mastered, it is very good. Not only can it be used for emergencies, it can even be used to save lives.

As a result, his actions in the Third Fleet of the Marine Corps have become more comfortable.

Later, after gaining the ability, Su Yan stopped talking to the system.

Taking back the system, Su Yan decided to test his current ability.

At this time, Su Yan said silently in his heart: Turn on the ability of God's perspective.

As he finished reciting silently in his heart.

The next moment, Su Yan suddenly felt as if a wonderful change had occurred in her body.

He was seen looking at a fleet "comrade" walking in front of him.

As the eyes cast.

Su Yan was surprised to find that the fleet "companion" in front seemed to have become his sixth sense.

He can clearly feel every movement of the opponent's body!

And, this wasn't what surprised him the most.

What surprised him most was that he almost only glanced at the fleet member in front.

You can directly analyze his behavior and actions.

And it can also be perfectly imitated!

While others were not paying attention, Su Qi tried to imitate the walking style of the fleet member in front.

Under his imitation.

His various movements and the various angles of force exerted by his limbs are all in perfect fit with that person, and the fit is 100%!

For this reason, Su Yan quickly stopped imitating to avoid being discovered by interested parties.

At the same time, I couldn't help but marvel in my heart.

This God’s perspective learning ability is really powerful.

This is no longer learning, it is simply copying!

Before this, Su Yan used various calculations on data to simulate the behavior of others.

This kind of simulation can only be regarded as a deduction. Although it is perfect, it still requires a certain amount of cooperation on its part.

But now, there is a BUG-level learning ability from a God's perspective.

He can directly copy and learn!

It just so happened that now he was preparing to land on the aircraft carrier frigate.

By then, his plan will progress more smoothly!

Subsequently, under the scheduling arrangements of the Third Fleet Headquarters.

Su Yan's fleet team finally successfully boarded the frigate.

Before boarding the frigate, personnel from all parties conducted personnel checks again to prevent insiders.

And Su Yan passed all these smoothly without letting others find any flaws.

The aircraft carrier frigate Su Yan is on is also relatively large and looks extremely luxurious and advanced.

At this time, after entering the aircraft carrier frigate, the fleet members did not have the time to go to the deck to blow the sea breeze.

They all entered the interior of the frigate and performed various operations in the control room, controlling the frigate's navigation and scheduling.

Inside the frigate, they can still see everything on the sea through the military filming equipment outside.

At this moment, they also arranged for all parties to pay attention and search for Mr. Su.

"Everyone, cheer up. This operation is not just to search for Mr. Su. You also need to deepen your familiarity with and operate the frigate through this operation!"

"In addition, the Blackwater mercenaries will definitely not give up. They may launch an attack on our frigate at any time. Each of you must be prepared to fight.

Inside the frigate.

The captain of Su Yan's fleet team once again gave orders to everyone.



Many fleet members agreed immediately.

Then, everyone began to perform their duties and deal with various things that needed to be done when the frigate was operating.

Su Yan's side.

Facing the captain's arrangements, Su Yan also pretended to be energetic and took action seriously.

The task assigned to him by the captain was to observe the sea surface and beware of enemy attacks.

For this reason, Su Yan also pretended, carefully observing the large observation screen in the observation room, and always paying attention to the situation on the sea.

Because there are only three fleet personnel responsible for observation.

So at this time, the other two observers in the observation room maintained a highly concentrated state of attention.

Compared to the two of them, Su Yan is simply fishing here.

However, because of the ability to learn from God’s perspective.

So at this moment, Su Yan can learn the behavior of the two observers around him, copy their movements and behavior, and pretend to be a

Perfect and serious look.

While Su Yan pretended to be serious.

He also began to think and calculate in his heart.

Now the aircraft carrier frigate has boarded.

What method should he take to steal the core information here?

Thinking of this, Su Yan also quietly observed the surroundings.

Then I discovered that the surroundings were surrounded by a mechanical environment, with various mechanical equipment and instruments filling every corner.

Outside the observation room where he is located, there is also a room full of various metal instruments.

It seems that it is all connected together.

Thinking of this, Su Yan also began to confirm and verify whether his idea was correct.

Because I can observe everything around me in a digital form.

So Su Yan turned on the data analysis ability of his LV8 and analyzed all the surrounding electromagnetic data.

Electricity produces magnetism, magnetism produces electricity, and electromagnetism produces signals.

The electricity and magnetism in these metal instruments are transmitted to various instruments through data lines, wireless and other means.

At this moment, every piece of data, no matter how big or small, cannot escape Su Yan's eyes.

And through the exploration and analysis of these data.

Su Yan discovered that electromagnetic signal fluctuations in different frequency bands were distributed in every corner of the entire frigate.

Moreover, they are all connected together to form a whole.

It just confirmed his previous guess.

Su Yan became excited again.

Since the data and signals between the entire frigate are connected together.

Then it would be easier for him to steal the data from it.

At this time, he took a peek and noticed that no one around him was paying attention to him. Everyone was focusing on what they were doing.

For this reason, Su Yan also gently clicked the intercom button on her waist three times.

The hacker "god" has already tampered with all the programs of the walkie-talkie.

Click three times in a row to contact the hacker "god".

At the moment, with Su Yan clicking the button three times, Su Yan also successfully contacted the hacker "god"

However, the hacker did not speak directly.

Because clicking this three times enables binary communication.

Su Yan can transmit binary data to the hacker "god" by repeatedly clicking on the walkie-talkie button at different frequencies, allowing the god to know the information he wants to convey.

The binary information transmission rules are also set by the hacker "god" himself. Only Su Yan and the "god" know what the content is transmitted.

Because Su Yan's learning ability is very strong, it took almost no time to learn this technique of secretly transmitting information.

His learning speed even amazed the hacker "god".


With the help of Su Yan's strong learning ability.

At this moment, Su Yan successfully transmitted what he wanted to express to the hacker "god" by pressing the intercom button at different frequencies.

"I need to obtain the highest authority for the core database of the frigate I am on."

"Because everything here is a local area network and cannot be invaded by the outside world, so now I stay with you, you assist, and I will operate it."

After the binary message is delivered.

The most powerful hackers immediately followed Su Yan's request and began to cooperate.

At that moment, he immediately sent the relevant information back there.

The method of sending back the message is still binary, but it is sent back according to the different vibration frequencies of the walkie-talkie.

Feeling the slight vibration of the walkie-talkie on his waist, Su Yan quickly learned the binary information given to him by the hacker "god".

Then through the calculation of the brain, it is converted into content that one can understand.

After getting the relevant information, Su Yan couldn't help but reveal a smile that was invisible to others.

Afterwards, he didn't waste much time.

Directly start to broadcast the signal frequency through the walkie-talkie, interfere with the signal of the device in front of you, and operate it from a distance.

Because the equipment here is all integrated, Su Yan can directly connect to the frigate's core database center from where he is.

At the same time, his connection results will also be displayed on the observation screen in front of him with a very small display area, and they will also be visually encrypted and converted. Ordinary people can't do it at all.

I just can't understand those pictures.

Soon after.

After this series of operations were completed by Su Yan.

Finally, Su Yan successfully logged into the core database of his frigate!

ps: I beg for an automatic subscription and a reward. If there is one, the author will continue to publish 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!!

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