Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 61 I Want A Whole City! ! ! Everyone Was Dumbfounded! ! !

Chapter 61 I want a whole city!

In the capital, in a magnificent courtyard.

At this time, Su's father was still paying close attention to his son's actions.

He already knows that Su Yan has arrived in Cyberpunk City and has already launched his operations in Cyberpunk City.

At the same time, on the other hand.

Over at the think tank building, think tank experts from all parties also received the news immediately. Anyone who knew the FBI was going to Cyberpunk City to investigate.

For this reason, think tank experts also quickly informed Su Yan and Su's father of the news.

And Su's father couldn't help but frowned after hearing the news.

Now, although there are Blackwater personnel secretly protecting his son.

But the beautiful country, after the operation failed once, will definitely not give up and should mobilize more combat power.

In this regard, Su's father felt that it might not be enough if only Blackwater personnel were protecting his son.

To be more precise, he felt a little unsafe.

After all, the troops on Blackwater's side are not overwhelming.

If they really want to compete, the FBI can't even think of getting rid of Blackwater personnel so easily.

So, just to be on the safe side.

Father Su felt that he should do something more now.

But for the time being, Su's father couldn't figure out what to do.

For this reason, after some thinking, Su's father decided to contact his son.

Ask Su Yan if she has any ideas now, or if she has encountered any difficult problems.

And under his connection.

Su Yan quickly contacted his father.

"Hello, Dad?"

"The FBI people are heading towards you. Do you have any countermeasures in mind now? Or do you have any ideas?"

"I haven't thought of a countermeasure yet, but don't worry, Dad, I will act carefully."

"As for ideas, it is indeed a bit difficult for me to do this at the moment. The main reason is that it is too troublesome for me to steal the core technology here. All the things are not my own. I need to be careful before I can get close to those technological products."

After Su Yan finished speaking.

Su's father also quickly understood his son's dilemma.

My son now wants to get involved in technology.

But the whole city does not belong to the son, and it is not easy to deal with the son.

When you learn this.

Su's father suddenly sat up straight, as if he had an idea!

If he bought the entire cyberpunk city, wouldn't his son be more secure?

By then, if the entire Cyberpunk City has the surname Su, they can take care of their son.

With the help of a city's manpower, the FBI could not easily capture his son.

As for his son, he can more conveniently dispatch various technological resources and learn the technologies involved.

After having this idea in my mind.

Father Su immediately decided to acquire Cyberpunk City!

Su's father naturally knew something about Cyberpunk City.

He knew that it was the most advanced city in the beautiful country and the largest city in the world.

It was immediately filled with all kinds of upper-class people and advanced enterprises, and the capital inside was flowing.

But, so what?

In the past, his hand just didn't reach that place.

Now, if he wants that city, he can take it.

He will use the power of money to make crazy acquisitions.

Under the control of the capital in his hands, the capital in Cyberpunk City is just like a child.

As Su's father made a decision.

Because the matter of acquiring Cyberpunk City was relatively complicated, Father Su arranged for his butler to come over and let his butler handle the matter.

At this time, Su's father glanced at the butler who was guarding him and said, "I have to do one thing now. I want to acquire the entire cyberpunk city."

"Okay, sir."

The housekeeper who followed Su's father had long been calm about this kind of thing.

Faced with Su's father's order, he was not surprised or hesitated.

At the moment, go directly to arrange matters related to the acquisition of Cyberpunk City.

At the same time, Cyberpunk City.

At this time, everyone here is still intoxicated in their extravagance.

Little did they know that their place was about to change.

Although today, the whole city is full of technology, capital is constantly flowing in various large enterprises, injecting various economic vitality into this city.

However, in such ordinary circumstances.

Inside the headquarters of major companies in this city.

Almost at the same time, I received a strange call!

Arasaka Foundation.

This is a family business from Sakura Country.

They provide various services including security, banking, legal and so on to corporate giants.

It is one of the most influential giant consortiums in this cyberpunk city.

The weapons, vehicles, etc. they produce are top-notch goods that law enforcement agencies and security armed forces often purchase.

Looking at the entire beautiful country, and even the whole world, the Arasaka Consortium is a rare existence.

If it weren't for the Arasaka Consortium not deliberately reaching out to the outside of Cyberpunk City, then all the major consortiums around the world might be trembling because of their Arasaka Consortium.

After all, this city is known as a small country and a small world.

Many companies here run Cyberpunk City as a country, and even beautiful countries find it difficult to intervene here.

This is also the reason why Cyberpunk City can be so full of futuristic technology and so prosperous and special.

At this time, inside the headquarters building of this huge consortium.

In the private office, Chairman Tatsuhira Takahashi felt that he had been strongly insulted!

Because at this moment, he received a strange phone call.

The stranger on the phone actually wanted to fully acquire their consortium?!


After hearing the words of the person on the phone, Takahashi Tappei, who was already drunk, became angry and slammed the table, startling the female secretary who was sleeping in his arms!

"Bo, boss?"

The female secretary sat on Tappei Takahashi's lap and looked at Tappei Takahashi in disbelief.

Takahashi Tappei, on the other hand, said angrily to the other party on the phone: "If you dare to acquire our family business, you are finished. Prepare to be exterminated by the nine clans!

As Takahashi Tappei finished his words.

In anger, Tappei Takahashi was about to hang up the phone, and then asked his men to check the source of the call, and then look for clues to kill the person who wanted to acquire their property.

However, when Tappei Takahashi pressed the hang up button, he realized something was wrong!

He unexpectedly discovered that no matter how he hung up the phone, the phone just wouldn't hang up!

It was as if his phone had been hacked by an inexplicable hacker!

You know, his mobile phone is an encrypted mobile phone owned by the family business!

Anyone who can break through the encryption block on his cell phone with just a phone call is definitely not a good person!

At that moment, Tappei Takahashi broke out in a cold sweat and became a little sober.

He has been in the capital world for so many years, how could he not understand the current situation?

Obviously, he just said the wrong thing!

In panic, Takahashi Dahei wanted to hang up the phone again.

And if you want to shut it down, hang up the phone by shutting it down.

But I found that it was all in vain!

While Tappei Takahashi was frantically trying to hang up the strange call.

The voice on the phone rang again.

"You seem to understand? Then I guess you don't need to explain any more, right?"

The voice on the other side was so calm that it almost scared Tatsuhira Takahashi to the point of peeing.

At this moment, he completely woke up.

No matter how stupid you are, you still know that you have gotten into trouble that you shouldn't have!

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I just spoke without thinking. I deserve to die!"

Tappei Takahashi immediately apologized to the other person on the phone, with goosebumps all over his body.

However, the person on the other end of the phone ignored his words at all.

Instead, he said: "There are only two choices before you now."

"The first option is to be acquired by us honestly and obey all our arrangements. In this way, you only need to destroy the legs and one hand of the entire family and you will be forgiven.

"The second option is to be acquired by us through violent means. If it is acquired by this method, you will bear the consequences when the time comes."

"Remember what you said about killing the Nine Tribes? Don't worry, we won't kill your Nine Tribes, but we will make your Nine Tribes live under the fear of having no arms, legs, noses, or ears forever."

"At the same time, we will also reserve the right for your family to reproduce. However, your family will also live under such torture for generations."

When the voice on the other end of the phone came calmly.

Tatsuhira Takahashi almost fainted from fright!

He believed that the other party's tone was definitely not joking with them!

In other words, the lightest punishment they receive right now is to have both legs broken and one hand broken!


Seeing the strange behavior of Takahashi Tappei, the female secretaries panicked.

As for Takahashi Tappei, his face was pale and he couldn't even hear what the female secretaries were saying.

The lightest punishment is severe.

But the higher punishment is more terrifying!

By then, their entire family will be under house arrest without arms, legs, noses or ears for generations to come!

At this time, the person on the other end of the phone painted a sweet cake for Takahashi Tappei, saying: "If you are obedient and behave well, maybe you will only be punished outside the body.

After this sentence is spoken.

Takahashi Tappei suddenly seemed to have seen a life-saving straw!

At that moment, Takahashi Tappei breathed rapidly and immediately agreed: "Okay, I, I promise to be fully acquired by you, and I will follow your arrangements, but the premise is that you must acquire me immediately.

The reason why I say that I want to acquire it immediately.

Is it because Tappei Takahashi wants to verify whether there is someone on the other side of the phone who can really compete with them?

If the other party does not acquire their family's property so quickly, it means that the other party may not be as scary as he thought.

Maybe he can agree superficially and then compete with the other party!

The other party, after hearing Takahashi Tappei's request, just smiled slightly.

"Five trillions of existing funds can be credited to your account now, prepare to accept it, and remember to check your company's capital flow."

The words fell.

Tappei Takahashi immediately saw that there was an additional 5 trillion yuan in existing capital flow in their family's industrial account!

Come as you say, without any hesitation!

At this time, Takahashi Tappei's brain suddenly went blank, his whole body was paralyzed, and his body was weak and sleeping on the armchair behind him!

Five trillion yuan of funds can be mobilized and used by the other party at will?

What the hell, if the other party wants to kill them, it's probably like pinching ants.


For this reason, Tatsuhei Takahashi finally became deeply aware of the terror of the other party!

With the strength of the other party, their family can never mess with him!

"You also remember to be obedient and don't forget the rules we have set. Your next actions must be in accordance with our requirements.

At this time, the other person on the phone added another sentence.

"Yes, I understand!!!"

At this moment, Tappei Takahashi immediately gave the loudest reply!

Thinking of what the other party said to him before, Tappei Takahashi's heartbeat is still extremely disordered!

Next, only if they perform very well will they only suffer superficial pain!

Otherwise, their whole family will be waiting for Liangliang in the future!

He must not make any mistakes next time!

At the same time, Takahashi Tappei thought so.

What happened next deepened his thoughts again!

Because at this time.

He suddenly saw dozens of pieces of news on the computer screen in front of him that almost shocked his heart!

"Just now, big news! Cyberpunk City Goodra Company has been completely acquired by mysterious forces!!"

"Just now! The Thorton Company in Cyberpunk City has been completely acquired by mysterious forces!!"

"Just now! The Tianhai Consortium in Cyberpunk City has been completely acquired by mysterious forces!!"

"Just now! From Cyberpunk City..."

w just!......"

For a time, a large amount of breaking news filled the entire online media!

On the Internet, the whole world started to stir up a sensation!!

People all over the world were surprised to find that the entire Cyberpunk City's companies had been acquired by a mysterious force!

Now, the entire cyberpunk city's enterprises have fallen under that mysterious force!

In the Arasaka Building.

When Tappei Takahashi saw the news, he was completely shocked and extremely incredible!

Unexpectedly, the entire Cyberpunk City's businesses were taken over by a mysterious force!

There is no doubt that this is the force that purchased their Arasaka!

At this time, High School Daping became even more panicked.

Think of what I said to the person on the phone before.

He now wants to kill himself!!

At this moment, he also set the strictest requirements for himself in his heart.

You must do your best to complete all the other party's instructions!!

at the same time.

The other corporate bosses in the entire Cyberpunk City naturally think the same as Tappei Takahashi.

Although none of them seek death as much as Tatsuhira Takahashi.

But when they learned that the other party actually acquired the entire cyberpunk city, they couldn't help but be shocked!

You know, this is a true cyberpunk city!

Is there really someone in the world who can acquire the entire Cyberpunk City?

In the past, they definitely didn't believe that anyone could acquire it.

But now, no matter how much they don’t believe it, they still have to believe it!

Because it actually happened to them!!

For this reason, they did not dare to be negligent, lest they fail to kick the stone and injure their own feet instead!

And, if they can perform well.

They also believe that there will definitely be a lot of benefits for them in the future.

Thinking of this, they also hope that they can perform well.

At the same time, the entire Cyberpunk City was shocked by the acquisition of companies in the city.

They don't know that even the officials of Cyberpunk City have been bribed!

Under Su's father's various coercion and inducements.

All the officials in Cyberpunk City sided with Su's father.

This city is now named Su!

Of course, in order not to cause too many troubles, Su's father only controlled things secretly and could not see it on the surface.

For this reason, at this moment, after taking this city.

Father Su only gave two orders.

The first order was to protect the Chinese.

The second order is not to allow FBI personnel to enter the city.

The main reason why he didn't know what to do and directly said that he was protecting Su Yan was because his father was worried.

I am worried that if he directly mentions this matter, some officials will defect.

After receiving these two orders from Father Su.

At this moment, the entire Cyberpunk City began to act strictly in accordance with these two orders under the arrangement of the city lord.

Although I don’t know why the other party gave them these two orders.

But now that they have become each other's people, they naturally have to carry out this order seriously.

Not to mention that they can get many benefits from above by executing orders.

Even if I told them to disobey, they wouldn’t dare!

After all, the other party is a person who can acquire the entire cyberpunk city with just one hand.

They can’t be offended!!

Moreover, wouldn’t it be stupid to deliberately offend the other party without taking advantage of the numerous benefits the other party has given them?

I guess even a fool would not do this!

At the same time, the FBI.

After they investigated that Mr. Su was in Cyberpunk City not long ago, they rushed here quickly.

On the way here, they also saw on the news that Black Cyberpunk City was miraculously acquired by a mysterious force.

They couldn't help but feel very shocked by this.

They believe that the force that acquired Cyberpunk City must be the force behind Mr.Su!

Mr.Su is in Cyberpunk City, there is no doubt about it!

Under almost certain conjecture.

Eventually, not long after.

The FBI finally arrived in Cyberpunk City!


Just when they arrived at the gate of Cyberpunk City and were about to go in to investigate.

Something unexpected happened to them.

I saw a large number of guards standing guard at the gate of Cyberpunk City!

And, when I saw them coming.

He came directly in front of them and stopped them!

"I'm sorry, there is an order from above that all FBI personnel are prohibited from entering the city!"

The guards at the door said sonorously.

After hearing these words.

The FBI people were stunned for a moment!!

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