Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 62: Pull Down The Altar! The City Was About To Be Withdrawn Due To The Security Bureau'

Chapter 62: The city is about to be withdrawn due to the Security Bureau’s methods?

"No, don't let us in?!"

When the FBI people heard the words of the guards outside Cyberpunk City, they were dumbfounded on the spot.


Isn’t this group of people crazy?

You know, they are from the FBI, from the FBI of the United States!

The guards in the cyberpunk city refused to let them in?!

Members of the FBI know that this cyberpunk city is usually isolated from the outside world of the beautiful country, just like a small world in the country.

But no matter what, Cyberpunk City also belongs to them~Beautiful Country, right?

The FBI came in to investigate, but they weren't allowed in?!

At this time, the director of the FBI stepped forward.

He took out his FBI work search warrant from his body and said with a serious face: "No one is allowed to stop the FBI investigation. Please get out of the way immediately!"

As the FBI director finished speaking.

The FBI director thought his words could have a certain effect.

But unexpectedly, the guards at the city gate still refused to let him go.

"Sorry, the city lord has an order that FBI people are not allowed to enter. Please go back.

"If you want to force your way in, don't blame me for being rude."

The guards outside the door were not polite at all.

After hearing these words, the FBI people were even more surprised.

Good guy.

This is really planning to keep them out!

"Director, what should we do?"

At this moment, an FBI member asked the FBI director.

The FBI director is also thinking about it.

He knew that this cyberpunk city was just like a small country, and it also had its own army, the guards they saw in front of them now.

And the combat effectiveness of these guards should not be underestimated.

After all, these are the soldiers guarding the entire cyberpunk city, how can they be half-assed?

This also makes the FBI director feel difficult to deal with.

The FBI can't fight with these cyberpunk city guards, right?

They had already suffered huge losses when they fought against the Blackwater mercenaries.

Nowadays, there must be Blackwater mercenaries lurking in this city.

If we start a fight with the guards so recklessly now.

Then, their situation will definitely be very unfavorable next time!

After thinking about this.

The FBI director had no choice but to say to the FBI members around him: "Don't take action for the time being. I'd better contact the Security Bureau."

After hearing this, all the EB members present had to stay put for the time being.

They all know that because of the failure of the last operation, the senior officials are not confident enough about their FBI, so they have handed over the decision-making power of major matters to the Security Bureau.

For this reason, they can only wait for the decision from the Security Bureau.

And with the contact of the FBI director.

The Security Bureau also immediately answered the communication.

"How's it going? Are your FB people coming into the city?"

After the communication was connected, the director of the Security Bureau immediately asked.

This time, his superiors put the burden of the matter on his head, and he was always concerned about it.

Facing the inquiry from the director of the Security Bureau, the FBI director said helplessly: "No, now the guards of Cyberpunk City have stopped us outside the city and won't let us in."

"The guards in Cyberpunk City are stopping you and not letting you in?!"

After hearing this, the director of the Security Bureau was suddenly surprised and a little confused for a moment.

After all, the guards of Cyberpunk City can be considered half official of their beautiful country, right?

Why did they suddenly disobey orders and go against their FBI?!

For this reason, the director of the Security Bureau immediately asked: "What's the situation? Why don't you let the FBI people in?"

"It is said that the city lord of Cyberpunk City has ordered that none of us from the FBI can enter. It is probably the force behind Mr. Su.

The FBI director replied speculatively.

After hearing this, the director of the Security Bureau couldn't help but start to think deeply.

He thinks what the FBI director said makes sense.

Not long ago, he received explosive news from around the world, saying that the entire Cyberpunk City had been acquired by a mysterious force.

Presumably, the city owner of Cyberpunk City has also been acquired now.

Thinking of this, the director of the Security Bureau also started to have a headache.

Although cyberpunk is not the official version of the country.

But the key is that the governance systems in different parts of their country are different.

The relationship between the United States and the United States is that each state is governed separately.

Each state is like a different household in a community.

And their highest superior is just the property of the entire community.

Under such circumstances, even if they are the Security Bureau, they really have no way to take care of the things inside.

What's more, the city lord here was bribed by the forces behind Mr. Su.

And, this is also the reason that gives the director of the Security Bureau the most headache.

In this way, his search for Mr. Su will become even more difficult!

"Boss, how should I pay it back?"

At this time, the FBI director asked the director of the Security Bureau, his current superior.

And faced with the FBI director's inquiry.

The director of the Security Bureau is still thinking.

With thinking.

Suddenly, an idea came into his mind!

According to the information obtained so far, it seems that the forces behind Mr. Su have not explicitly asked Cyberpunk City to protect Mr. Su. They just do not allow the FBI to enter the city.

Under such circumstances, wouldn't it be possible to ask the relevant police officers in Cyberpunk City to help them find someone?

Anyway, Mr. Su is now disguised as someone else.

The police officers in the cyberpunk city even received the news that they wanted to protect Mr. Su.

That is also very likely to misjudge and help them catch Mr. Su!

However, if the police officers inside are asked to look for someone, the director of the Security Bureau feels that the possibility of finding him is unlikely.

But no matter what, under the current circumstances, it is definitely unwise for the FBI to go directly to the guards of Cyberpunk City.

Only by asking the police in the city to help find someone can there be any hope.

For this reason, at this moment, the director of the Security Bureau said on the phone: "Don't go in and search for the time being. Give Mr. Su's disguised information to the guards. The guards should not know Mr. Su's disguised information.

"Then tell the guards and ask them to go to the police in the city to help find Mr. Su. Tell them that you are looking for the murderer. After the police find it, they will kill the murderer directly and give the body to you. .”

As the Director of Security Bureau finished speaking.

The FBI director immediately understood the meaning.

Now, they have investigated that Mr. Su’s hidden identity in Cyberpunk City is called Dim.

They can ask the police in this city to help them find Dim!

When the time comes, it would be a good choice for the police to kill him directly.

For this reason, after understanding the meaning of the Director of the Security Bureau.

The FBI director agreed and hung up the phone.

Then, he walked up to the guard in front of him.

Looking at the guard, he said: "We don't have to go in, but there is a murderer in this city, and we won't chase him."

"Since you won't let us in, let your police officers help us find him. If we find him, shoot him to death and then send his body to us.

"I will give you the information about that person now."

After speaking, the FBI director handed a card to the leading guard.

Written above is Dim's personally identifiable information.

That is, Mr. Su’s new identity now.

The guard, after taking the card, took a look at it, nodded, and said:

"Okay, I understand. Then I will ask the police in our city to help find this murderer. After he is killed, his body will be given to you. You can just come to the city gate to collect it."

Upon hearing the guard's agreement, the FBI director immediately became happy.

Judging from the guard's tone, he didn't seem to realize that Dim was Mr. Su. It seemed that Mr. Su's disguise was pretty good.

However, in this case, the police officers in the city may not have enough bullets to shoot Mr. Su to death.

As long as they planned to kill Mr. Su, they will receive part of the reward regardless of whether they can get Mr. Su's head.

At least you won't be punished.

"Okay, we have already promised you things. You should leave quickly. You FBI are not welcome in our city!"

At this time, the guards saw the FBI people still standing at the door and became a little impatient.

"Okay, okay, let's evacuate now!"

The FBI director said quickly.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, when did their FBI become so low-level?

But there was nothing they could do. They were also worried that the guards would suddenly regret and be unwilling to help them.

For this reason, after agreeing to: the guards

The FBI director also hurriedly evacuated with his subordinates.

After all the FBI personnel evacuated.

The guard who just accepted the Dim information card just smiled contemptuously.

"Haha, do you really think we are willing to help you with the FBI?"

At this moment, looking at the card with information about Dim in his hand, the guard tore it into pieces.

One reason for doing this is that he didn't want to help the FBI in the first place.

The second reason is because the city lord ordered that no one should be harmed.

The person in the picture looks like Daxia at first glance.

For this reason, how could he agree to the FBI's request?

And when the FBI withdrew.

They didn't go far either.

After all, they also have to wait here for the execution results of the Cyberpunk City police officers.

For this reason, they came to the city gate again the next day.

Ask the guards if the murderer Dim has been caught.

The guards' answer was no.

The FBI was not surprised by this.

In their eyes, the police here are far different from the FBI.

The FBI may not be able to find this person, so how can the police find it so easily?

However, because they cannot enter the city.

So, they had no choice but to wait.

But on the third day, when they came to the city gate again.

The guards gave them the answer that Dim was still not found.

This made the FBI people a little bit unable to bear it.

What the hell, now is the time for them

To put it simply, every inch of land is precious!

No matter how much you wait, Mr. Su may have to finish learning everything here and run away!

However, because they conducted external inspections and found that Mr. Su had not left the city, they chose to wait for the last day.

0…Please give me flowers…

On the last day, if the police still can't find it, they really can't wait any longer!

The results on the fourth day were as they expected.

Sure enough, none of the police officers in Cyberpunk City found Mr. Su's information.

This directly made the FBI people angry.

"What a bunch of trash. What do the police officers in your city do? Are you looking for anyone?!"

At this time, the FBI director stood at the gate of Cyberpunk City and said angrily.

Listening to the FBI director's angry words, the guards were still very disdainful.

What the heck are their FBI people?

They were not even allowed to enter the city, yet they were still so arrogant at the door.

The members of the FBI were so angry that they gritted their teeth after seeing the disdainful expressions on the guards' faces.

But at this time, the FBI director smiled.

He looked at the guards in front of him and said: "Don't worry, we don't plan to enter by force now, but we will be able to enter smoothly later.

After saying that, the guards present were subconsciously confused.

Immediately, they also heard a car driving towards them in the distance.

Judging from the appearance of the car, it looks like it belongs to the National Security Agency!

It turned out that within these three days, people from the Security Bureau had already guessed that the police officers here could not find anyone.

For this reason, they came up with an idea, which was to release dirty information about the city lord of Yaobo Punk City!

Although, under normal circumstances, they cannot interfere with the power of the city lord here because of the beautiful system of divided governance.

However, if the city lord here has dirty information, then they still have the power to make the city lord step down.

Originally, they were still worried that if they fabricated dirty information out of thin air, would there be no way to make the city lord here step down?

But after two days of exploration and searching, they discovered that the city's lord, Dar, didn't need them to fabricate dirty information. He had a lot of dirty information himself!

Including smoking unknown substances, forcing others, assassinating competitors, etc.

These black materials can all be testified by various real relevant people, and there is absolutely no possibility of fabrication!

Therefore, now, people from the Security Bureau came here directly.

"Your city lord didn't give an order not to allow people from our security bureau to enter, right?"

At this moment, after getting off the car, the people from the Security Bureau came to the guards and said with a smile.

"This, this is not the case."

The guards recalled the rules set by the previous city lord and couldn't help but reply.

"That's fine, your city lord will step down soon."

The Security Bureau personnel looked at these guards and couldn't help but smile.

Immediately, they said nothing more and strode directly towards the city.

Although they, people from the National Security Bureau of the United States, have little fighting ability, they do not have the ability to search for others.

But they have the power!

As the country's top security agency, they have the power to investigate anyone.

As long as there is real evidence, they can make the person they are investigating step down.

If those people dare to refuse, it is equivalent to going against the power of the entire beautiful country.

Even if those people temporarily resisted and escaped, it would be useless.

After that, they will become the country's most wanted criminals and undergo various investigations and searches by the FBI.

It is precisely because of the legal power of the entire beautiful country as a backer.

So now, after grasping the real dirt on this city lord, they have absolute power!

Soon after.

When they arrived at the power office where City Lord Dar was located.

On Daer's side, he didn't give any orders to stop him. He thought the Security Bureau came to him to ask about the mysterious forces.

Regarding that mysterious force, he had already thought of a way to fool him, so he wasn't too worried.

For this reason, Dahl directly agreed to let people from the Security Bureau enter.

However, when people from the Security Bureau entered his office and spread out all his dirty information.

Dalton was dumbfounded.

Obviously he didn't expect that people from the Security Bureau would come to punish him!

"Other people with similar status to me have dirty information. Why don't you arrest them and just arrest me?"

"I am the person with the least amount of dirt! You, you only arrested me, why did you arrest me first?!"

At that moment, Dahl was shocked and wanted to quibble.

But then, he realized that all the dirty information was real and he couldn't escape it!

Even if he escaped now, it would be useless. That would be tantamount to going against the entire beautiful country, and he would be doomed in the future.

"Mr. Dahl, you have been arrested."

The people in the Security Bureau couldn't help but laugh.

"Why on earth were you arrested?"

"Go to prison and reflect!"

Under the action of the Security Bureau.

Subsequently, the city lord Dar was forced to step down.

Just as the security bureaus wished!

And after removing the city lord from power.

The Security Bureau does not dare to directly take advantage of the situation and forcefully confront everyone in the city.

After all, it was not only the city lord who was bribed, but also all the forces here.

It doesn't mean that they can win directly if the city lord is removed.

If we start taking direct and rash actions now, 80% of the time the plan will fail.

For this reason, the Security Bureau's plan is to replace the city.

They prepare a new city lord.

The foundation is not stable, so you don’t dare to go against the FBI, right?

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