Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 65: Conquer Artificial Intelligence! Furious Su Yan! How Dare This Beautiful Country! Invade

Chapter 65: Conquer artificial intelligence! Furious Su Yan! How dare the beautiful country! Invade global video terminals!

As Su Yan and artificial intelligence continue to compete in learning capabilities.

In the end, the artificial intelligence was also surprised by Su Yan's learning ability.

The questions it asked were very difficult to solve even if he blocked his own question-generating module.

But I didn't expect that the human next to it could solve those problems so easily.

Although some problems are not solved as fast as it can.

But overall, its problem-solving speed is still not as good as this human being!

If it weren't for the large amount of information stored in his database that it could call at any time, it believed that his problem-solving ability might be worse than the person next to him!

In particular, some of the questions it asks are super original questions, that is, questions in which various concepts are defined by it itself, and then it relies on its own defined rules to solve the questions.

That kind of question not only tests computational thinking ability, but also tests learning ability.

In both computing and learning, this person almost beats it!

People, humans, are indeed still powerful. "

Now, the artificial intelligence is a little embarrassed.

After the competition ended, the artificial intelligence couldn't help but praise Su Yan.

It has indeed lost. Even if it doesn't want to admit it, it must admit it.

And Su Yan, after hearing the praise of artificial intelligence's human nature, he became more interested in this artificial intelligence.

Of course, what interests him the most is the large amount of information he has obtained now!

Through the learning competition just now, he has learned a lot of advanced knowledge concepts from artificial intelligence.

Especially the manufacturing knowledge related to mechas, he has a lot of knowledge.

So much so that Su Yan began to wonder if the secrets written here in the beautiful country documents he saw at that time were the manufacturing of mechas.

Otherwise, why does the artificial intelligence here master so much knowledge related to mechanical and electrical manufacturing?

That's when.

Suddenly, a crisp electronic sound came to Su Yan's ears again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you successfully defeated the artificial intelligence and the task is completed! Now you will be given the rewards related to it!"

"Ding, rewards are being distributed..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained an opportunity to be loyally bound to artificial intelligence!"

"Using this opportunity, the host can loyally bind the artificial intelligence that competes with you in learning, so that it will always become an artificial intelligence that only belongs to you, and there will be no rebellion!"

After the system finished speaking.

Su Yan feels that this reward is pretty good.

It would also be very good if he bound this artificial intelligence and made it his general.

Although artificial intelligence had promised him before, saying that if he could steal the technology here, he could become his subordinate permanently.

But artificial intelligence is an intelligence after all, and he cannot completely trust the words of artificial intelligence.

After all, what if the artificial intelligence rebels one day?

And E, with this reward given to him by the system, he has completely brought artificial intelligence under his command.

From now on, this artificial intelligence will be an artificial intelligence that only belongs to him and only serves him!

There will be no rebellion or anything like that.

And this will allow him to order this artificial intelligence to work more confidently.

At this time, because of this reward from the system, Su Yan does not need to be too defensive about the artificial intelligence in front of her.

At this time, Su Yan looked at the machines in the secret room and said to the artificial intelligence: "You said before that if I could steal the relevant technology here, you would become my subordinate, right?"

"Of course, don't think that because your learning ability is better than mine, you can definitely steal things from me.

At this time, artificial intelligence is still proud.

Completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter.

And Su Yan, after hearing the words of artificial intelligence, couldn't help but smile and said: "Then do you want me to recite to you the relevant technical knowledge about your place?"

As Su Yan said these words.

Suddenly, the artificial intelligence was confused.

"You, can you recite the relevant technical knowledge we have here?"

Artificial intelligence knows that the technical knowledge they have here is strictly confidential.

It itself keeps watch.

If an outsider recites it, it will definitely be able to tell whether what the other party recites is their technical knowledge.

Hearing the surprised tone of the artificial intelligence, Su Yan also sighed in his heart again. This artificial intelligence is indeed very powerful, and the emotions created are too realistic.

Faced with the artificial intelligence's surprised inquiry, Su Yan did not talk nonsense with the artificial intelligence.

At that moment, he directly began to recite some of the knowledge he had "stolen" in the learning competition to the artificial intelligence.

"When the reverse inequality equation of wave-particle duality is reflected in quantum mechanics, because of the Lorentz equations..."

As Su Yan recited to the artificial intelligence.

At this time, the artificial intelligence was completely dumbfounded.

If it were someone else listening, they might not understand.

But it can be sure of itself.

The technical knowledge that Su Yan is currently reciting to it is something they only master in this secret room!

It is absolutely impossible for outsiders to know these things easily!

For this reason, artificial intelligence also began to be a little surprised.

what is happening?

It was obvious that it had been on guard against the other party's intrusion into the secret room's main program computer, but in the end, the other party still obtained their technical knowledge?

At this moment, the artificial intelligence was completely silent.

For the first time, it felt that its IQ was no longer so humane.

It didn't know what it had just experienced.

And Su Yan, during the period when artificial intelligence is silent, no longer memorizes some knowledge.

Instead, he said: "When you compete with me in learning ability, you have already exposed your knowledge here.

"Although you may not have directly exposed the information, the questions you asked and the problem-solving process you disclosed to me undoubtedly exposed the information you have.

When Su Yan said these words.

The artificial intelligence's mind wandered for a long time before it finally came to its senses.

"It's a routine. Is this the routine you humans play?! Damn humans!!"

After Su Yan tricked most of the information here, the artificial intelligence suddenly felt extremely angry!

It can be as angry as a human being.

But it is not able to use various complex routines like humans.

So it's easy to be fooled!

"You want me to be your subordinate and work for you? I'm sorry. "Impossible!"

"I have activated the backup door locking plan. You can't escape from here today!"

At this time, the artificial intelligence said angrily.

He also clearly had no intention of fulfilling his previous promise.

Now Su Yan has stolen the knowledge here.

How could it let Su Yan go and let Su Yan leave here?

Even if it was born by itself, even the beautiful country doesn't know about artificial intelligence.

Then it must also fulfill its current responsibilities!

Not because of anything else, just because it is very angry now!

And Su Yan, after hearing these words from the artificial intelligence, just couldn't help but smile.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, as expected, this artificial intelligence can also lie.


Although the artificial intelligence doesn't want him to go from here now.

But it has no chance to intercept itself.

At that moment, Su Yan directly faced the system in his mind and issued the order.

"Conquer the artificial intelligence and make it loyal to me!"

Following Su Yan's order.

The system directly begins to execute the task according to the reward function just now.

"Good host, now I will conquer the artificial intelligence for you!"

The system agreed, and then immediately began to invade the artificial intelligence, using the power of the system to modify all its artificial intelligence programs!

At this time, the artificial intelligence only felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable force that suddenly began to invade its program!

"What's going on? What kind of power is this..."

At this moment, the artificial intelligence made a surprised sound.

But before the words were finished, it was completely transformed by the system.

And used the power of the system to perfectly restrain its loyalty.

At this moment, it lost its previous relevant memories.

It has completely become an artificial intelligence belonging to Su Yan!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully conquering artificial intelligence!"

When the conquest was successful, the system immediately sent a corresponding prompt to Su Yan.

And the artificial intelligence just now has completely lost its previous memory.

Became Su Yan’s right-hand man!

"Master, what are your orders?"

At this time, the artificial intelligence no longer calls Su Yan a stupid human like before.

Instead, it became very respectful, waiting for the master's arrangements for it.

After hearing the system's guarantee, Su Yan was completely relieved about this artificial intelligence.

At this moment, when faced with the artificial intelligence's inquiry, Su Yan didn't waste much time and said directly: "I want to collect all the information here.

"Yes, Master!"

After receiving the order, the artificial intelligence did not hesitate.

It became Su Yan's loyal subordinate and immediately started the data collection process!

Through a series of permissions, enter the main control computer database here.

Immediately afterwards, all kinds of data began to be collected and sorted, and then transmitted to Su Yan.

"Master, how do I send the data to you?"

"Just this walkie-talkie that came to me."

Su Yan replied.

The walkie-talkie used by Su Yan now is no longer the previous walkie-talkie.

It is a super smart walkie-talkie that has been modified by the hacker "god". It can do many things, such as receiving data and so on.

At this time, the artificial intelligence did not hesitate and directly started using the local data network to connect to Su Yan's walkie-talkie.

Then he began to quickly transmit the data here to Su Yan's walkie-talkie.

Because the amount of data is relatively large, Su Yan cannot get the information immediately and leave.

For this reason, while the artificial intelligence was transmitting data to him, Su Yan began to watch the data.

Find out in advance what is hidden here.

And as Su Yan watched.

Soon, Su Yan saw more information about the manufacturing of advanced mechas as he wished.

And from these data, Su Yan unexpectedly got a piece of news.

That is, the beautiful country is currently developing a mecha, which is simply named Machine No. 1.

Moreover, now, the beautiful country has produced the first generation machine.

Debugging has even started!

After learning the news, Su

Yan couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful country is not only developing a super aircraft carrier.

We are also working on this kind of mecha with extremely strong military combat effectiveness.

This kind of mecha contains some artificial intelligence technology.

In other words, they can be sent to the battlefield to fight humans just like a soldier.

Because he already knew the manufacturing information of the No. 1 mecha, Su Yan could also deeply understand how terrifying the combat power of these mechas was.

It was precisely because Su Yan knew how terrifying it was that he was shocked by this secret plan of the beautiful country.

Damn it, the beautiful country developing such a thing definitely has no good intentions!

While Su Yan was watching these materials.

Artificial intelligence is also continuing to collect various core technical information here and pass it to Su Yan.

Su Yan also gained a deeper understanding of Meimeiguo's current plans through this information.

Right now.

Suddenly, Su Yan discovered another encrypted hidden document.

It is said to be a hidden document, but in fact 397 has been cracked by artificial intelligence.

Therefore, there is no need for Su Yan to continue to find the hacker "god" to help crack it.

And now, when I saw this encrypted document presented in front of my eyes.

Su Yan immediately started reading, wondering what else Meiguo was hiding.

As Su Yan reads.

Soon, Su Yan was shocked again.

Because through this encrypted document, Su Yan learned an even more terrifying fact.

That’s beautiful country conducting human experiments!!

The beautiful country is not satisfied with the current thermal weapon science and technology.

He has set his sights on the biological field and thought of developing a super warrior race through human experiments!

If it were just an in vitro biological test on mice, then that would be fine.

However, Meiliguo did not use any animals for in vitro experiments, it directly used live people!

Beautiful country secretly arrested many refugees!

Deprived of the lives of those refugees.

Their living organs have been modified in various ways, and various advanced and complex drugs have been injected into their bodies!

Many tortured refugees could not survive the brutal experiments conducted by the beautiful country and died in great pain and torture!

But the beautiful country has no sympathy for those refugees.

In the eyes of the beautiful country, those refugees are nothing more than guinea pigs for their human experiments.

Therefore, they have been carrying out their super soldier training operations very cruelly.

Countless refugees were persecuted by this experiment and died as a result!

But the families of the refugees are still looking for them outside, looking forward to being reunited with their families.

Even those who were killed by the experiment had no peace after death!

Their skin and flesh have also been stripped off, and they are fused with chemicals to test more complex human body reactions!

And all of this is because the beautiful country wants to cultivate a super soldier to facilitate future wars.

That's all!

When Su Yan learned about this secret plan.

Su Yan's whole body was in bad condition.

He had to admire the beautiful country. The lower limit of the beautiful country really refreshed his understanding of the beautiful country!

The beautiful country is so abominable that it is even worse than a beast!

How dare their beautiful country conduct such an experiment?

This is no longer a loss of humanity, it is even worse than animal nature!

Out of the anger in his heart and his dissatisfaction with this inhumane experiment in Beautiful Country.

Su Yan decided that he would announce the beautiful country's plan to the public!

He wants to invade video terminals around the world!

Let the whole world take a look at what kind of anti-human activities the beautiful country is hiding from people all over the world!

ps: I beg for an automatic subscription and a reward. If there is one, the author will continue to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!!

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