Chapter 1005

The throttle was muted--

The black Maybach, like a sharp sword, flew towards Mu Jingxing.

Mu Yan opened her hands and stood there, telling herself that she could not retreat.

But at the moment when Maybach slammed into him fiercely, although his feet persisted, he was nailed firmly to the ground.

But still unproductive, he was so frightened that he sat on the ground.

Did not retreat, but was scared to fall.

The Maybach, which was moving at a high speed, stopped almost in front of Mu Jingxing after issuing a sharp braking sound.

Not to mention that Mu Jingxing scared a cold sweat.

Even Li and Ling Bei, who were sitting in the car, were scared of cold sweat.

Lao Li exhaled secretly—fortunately, fortunately, the young master called him to brake at the last minute.

Otherwise, he is now ready to surrender to the police station.

The rear window was pressed, Li Junyu's dark, handsome and indifferent handsome face was revealed.

He looked down and looked coldly at Mu Jingxing, who was sitting in front of the car.

At this time, Mu Jingxing, who had recovered from the fright, almost jumped up.

Damn, his legs are scared!

If not for a sigh of relief, maybe even urine is scared out now.

"Yuejunyu, you have killed Master Ye if you have any skill! You are not very capable, why did you stop, hit, hit Master!"

Mu Jingxing got up from the ground and rushed Jun Yu to walk over.

Pulling the door, he wanted to pull Li Junyu out of the car.

As a result ... After pulling for a long time, the door was motionless.

"You ..." It was a little awkward.

Mu Yan lost face and was preparing to shift the subject.

But when he saw the man who had been looking at him with gloomy and cold eyes, his sharpened lips suddenly moved.

"You came here to block the door, just to tell me this?"

The cold, ruthless voice was a few degrees colder than when Mu Jingxing heard the man talk last time.

He couldn't help trembling.

But I don't know. Ling Bei, sitting in the front seat, suddenly had the illusion of spring coming at this moment.

I go……

How did the young master speak to this boy?

Compared to these days, the words that have been spoken to them all add up.

Mu Jingxing was reminded of his purpose by Li Junyu.

He instantly forgot that he was nearly hit by Li Junyu just now.

Hate Li Junyu and said, "You're so sorry to mention it, it's all because of you ... if it wasn't because you broke up with Mengmeng and hurt her heart, how could she make a mistake in the college entrance examination! Yue Junyu, whether you are a man or not You do n’t like her anymore, you have to break up, and you should n’t pick before the college entrance examination, you ... do n’t you know that she's dizzy ... ”

"Stunned?" The man seemed to catch the point suddenly.

Some pictures, from his memory, were turned out--

‘That… have you heard of bloodyness? ’

‘What about the halo stitch? Have you heard of the halo stitch? ’

‘Oh… my illness is actually the same as a halo and a halo. This is me ... this is halo calculation, which means halo calculation. ’

The girl in the memory was circled on the sofa by him, blushing, and brought up the scene with the word 'stunned' with him, as if yesterday.

I remember then, his dark eyes were covered with frost on the spot, thinking that the girl was insulting his IQ.

And now ...

The sharp brows peaked.

Li Junyu finally raised those cold eyes, facing Mu Jingxing.

"Say, what exactly is halo ..."

[Next chapter, before 23:30]

(End of this chapter)

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