Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1009: Ruan Mengmeng grows up

Chapter 1009 Ruan Mengmeng's Growth

"Lingbei ..." After a few seconds of roar, Ruan Mengmeng said again.

She looked at the man who was more eager in front of her, and asked, word by word, "Who sent you these things, your young master? Oh, did he pity me to send you this kind of thing?" "

Pity her, even the college entrance examination can fail, even a decent family can not afford to live?

"No, no ... Miss Meng Meng, you misunderstood ..." Hearing Ruan Meng Meng asked these words sharply, Ling Bei also raised his voice and said loudly.

"These things have nothing to do with our young master, but Yuyao is doing charity and it is given to you by the company. You are our glorious player of Yuyao Technology. Congratulations on getting our Yuyao technology glory package. Hehe ... ... these are all gifts we give you. "

Ling Bei wiped his sweat, and Grand Master told him that he must never tell him that this was his order.

She said these words aloud, immediately lowered her voice, and leaned closer: "Miss Mengmeng, don't get me wrong, it's not convenient for my younger master to show up, I said it intentionally. Actually, these things were sent by my younger master. The young master knew from Mu Jingxing that you were having a bad time, so he specifically asked me to come and help you. "

Heh ... heh ...

Good one for charity, good one can't show up.

Even giving alms to her and showing pity to her would make such a gesture.

She Ruan Mengmeng ... It's so cheap, she can't climb up to his young master.

"Ling Bei, thank you for your kindness, I think about it ..."

"Ms. Meng Meng, what do you want to know? Are you going to move or live here?"

Ling Bei had no doubt about him, and got closer.

"No, neither, I just thought about another thing."

Think about it, she must stand up on her own in this life.

She lived very well on her own, enough to live when she saw Li Junyu again, she could proudly raise her chin and tell him—

Don't use his charity.

Without him Li Junyu, she will live well enough!

Thinking of this, the girl gently beckoned towards Ling Bei.

"Lingbei, I ask you-have you ever seen a big casserole?"

"Ha?" Ling Bei froze.

"Come here, I'll show you today ..."

Ling Bei: "..."


Half an hour later, Ruan Mengmeng was carrying a school bag and carrying a simple duffel bag, and walked out of the magnificent hut.

After a while, Chen Qingzhi also chased out carrying two luggage bags.

"Meng Meng, Meng Meng ... wait, wait, mom ..."

"Meng Meng, why did you return the house to the landlord? Do you know how much those furniture are worth ?!"

"Also, you don't like Ling Bei, you just have to call him out, why should you return those admission notices and checks ... Meng Meng, Meng Meng ..."

"I know, you're blaming me, but you can also see what day we are living now. Being admitted to wisdom is a good thing for you, and you can get a sum of money. Unless I'm stupid, I have to Why not agree? "

"Hey, Ruan Mengmeng, I'm talking to you, you stand still for me!"

"You ... Okay, you go, Li Yaoyang doesn't want me, Xiaoxi doesn't want me, you don't want me anyway ... anyway, I'm your drag, you can live better without me ... you go Don't bother me anymore, don't come to recognize me as a mother !!! "

Finally, when Chen Qingzhi hissed out the last word exhausted, the young girl who walked ahead quickly stopped.

Ruan Mengmeng turned back.

On the bank of the scorching sun, the girl's bright and soft apricot eyes were shining with tears.

And Chen Qingzhi, who was behind her, was already in tears.

The girl's eyes flashed with movement.

She walked back step by step and walked to the crying Chen Qing.

Gently, holding her hand—

"Mom, don't cry ... I won't leave you. I ... will try to make money to take care of you. So, promise me that you will not be allowed to pay any more for your family, and you will not be allowed a penny, will you?

The girl's voice was soft because she had cried and had a low nasal sound.

Chen Qingzhi raised her beautiful eyes and looked at her.

Then he nodded heavily.

[Before 22 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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