Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1014: change

Chapter 1014: Change

"Mom, you're crazy! I've been bullied like this, you ... why are you hitting me?"

This time, it really snored Chen Qingzhi.

She's all talked about her own hardships, why is the old lady doing something to her!

"Well, don't be too aggrieved. If you are strong, you shouldn't sign such an agreement at first ... Money is not necessary, but who is a mother and can not even own children?"

"Chen Qingzhi, I think you are overwhelmed and blinded by the rich and wealthy. If you want to marry that family, you will panic and sign the so-called prenuptial agreement! I will hit you today, hit you hard You wake up completely! "

After speaking, Miao Qiugui raised the spatula, chased Chen Qingzhi, and knocked on her head.

It wasn't enough to be angry until Chen Qingzhi was greasy and cried.


After a long time, Chen Qingzhi, who had taken a new bath and changed her silk pajamas, was finally relieved and sat down to eat with her daughter and parents.

Who knows, the old lady just spoke as soon as she sat down.

"What are you wearing?"

Miao Qiugui frowned, it seemed that she was not used to wearing Chen Qingzhi, and it looked very expensive at first sight.

"This is silk pajamas. They are made by LP. They are very comfortable. They are very skin-friendly when I wear them. I can't sleep well in other pajamas. Meng Meng bought this specially for me ... My family Meng Meng can be filial Now. "

Chen Qingzhi used to have almost all pyjamas in his pajamas.

Of course, they are all the latest and limited editions of the season.

Unlike the one worn now, it's just a basic model.

Miao Qiugui frowned: "Silk pajamas, aren't they cheap?"

"Not very expensive." Chen Qingzhi shook his head. "This is the most basic model, which is more than two thousand ..."

She spoke very lightly.

Whoever said it was finished, Miao Qiugui held chopsticks and slammed on the back of his hand.

"Mom, what are you doing ... you just said you've hit enough to stop hitting me, why do you do it again!"

On the back of Chen Qingzhi's weak, boneless, white hands, a red mark appeared.

"You're embarrassed to ask? That's more than two thousand ... Huh, I can't tell you!"

The old woman crossed her face and said to her, "I asked Meng Meng when you took a bath just now. Your mother and daughter now have no spare money. Why do you wear more than 2,000 pajamas?"

"Oh, it ’s not that you make money, you are not tired, right? Chen Qingzhi, I tell you, my grandson has been given to you by others. If you dare to bully my granddaughter, believe it or not, I will kick you out!"

After the old lady had finished speaking, she brought the bowl of bone soup that was originally in front of Chen Qingzhi and brought it to Mengmeng.

"Meng Meng, these two bowls of soup are yours. You worked hard, drink a little more. As for your mother, she only has her more than two thousand pajamas. She doesn't want to eat this coarse tea and light rice at home. "

After speaking, it was even a chopstick that grabbed Chen Qing's hand.

Chen Qingzhi: "..."


Chen Qingzhi was hungry for two consecutive meals, and the old lady was shut out for lunch and dinner.

Finally, at 8 pm, she couldn't stand her hunger.

He took off the precious pajamas and replaced them with ordinary cotton pajamas that the old lady had prepared for her, before slowly touching the door.

"Mom ... I'm hungry ... Is there a supper?" Chen Qingzhi walked to the old lady and asked quietly.

The old lady who was boiling water turned back and saw her daughter change her precious pajamas, and her face finally got better.

"You wait, I'll give you a bowl of noodles." The old lady finished and looked back.

A delight on Chen Qing's face, Chu Chu's moving eyes followed.

"Thank you, Mom." She said softly, and was preparing to quit.

But the old lady shouted: "Well ... wait a minute ... Meng Meng just went out after dinner. Do you know where she went?"

[Next chapter before 21:30]

(End of this chapter)

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