Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1022: Mysterious call

Chapter 1022

[Ms. Waist must hate getting married, want to fall in love, want to get married! 】

[No, don't ... and Miss Waist is mine, don't fall in love with others, Miss Sister looks at me, look here! There is no shortage of hotbeds for younger sisters. I want to warm up younger sisters at night ...]

"Hmm ..." Ruan Mengmeng, staring at the computer screen, laughed accidentally.

She subconsciously touched her and her short hair ...

When I thought of starting the live broadcast, I cut my hair quite seriously and cut off all the black and soft long hair.

Now think about it, if Ruo was still yesterday.

"No, how could I hate marriage, I don't even have a boyfriend ..." The girl used to interact with fans.

The corners of her lips tilted slightly, her eyes flashed.

Talking about such topics is no longer like the heartache when first asked by the audience.

She can now interact with fans in a very bland tone, and can even make fun of her hair.

And no one will ever know the meaning of ‘treat me with long hair and waist’, in fact, it ’s just that she gives herself a breathing space.

She can't do it yet, and hasn't the courage to do it.

By then, it can be done.

When she has long hair and waist, she will have the courage to find that person.

By the time she had long hair and waist, her heart wound must have healed.

By the time she had long hair and waist, she should have forgotten him.

With her long hair and waist, she must be able to call his name in a sparse, ordinary tone.

"Li Junyu, let's divorce ..."

When she has long hair and waist, she will find him in person and say this to him.

[If Miss Waist doesn't have a boyfriend, consider me]

[You walk away, my waist is mine, no one of you is allowed to **** ...]

[Well, you guys are enough. What do you women grab? Even if you grab it back, do you have that function? Sister, look at me ... I'm a boy, although you are still underage, you can wait for me ...]

[Despise disdain——]

[While the bear goes ...]

Just as Ruan Mengmeng looked at various barrage screens and was teased by those enthusiastic fans, a line of words flashing on the screen suddenly caught her attention.

[Are you rmm? 】

rmm ... is the abbreviation of Ruan Mengmeng.

So this person, he knows himself!

The girl's first reaction was, was her face exposed? !!

But the next second, she remembered that she didn't even buy a camera, and how did the exposure come about?

So, this person ... was heard from her voice?

Lying down, she had clearly lowered her voice several times, but she was actually found?

The girl wanted to pretend to be dead, pretending she hadn't seen it.

But I was afraid that the other party would continue to ask, so he quickly pressed his voice and said, "Sorry, everyone in the audience, I'm sorry, there is something urgent here that I cannot continue.

After speaking, the girl immediately shut down the live broadcast and did not dare to stay for another second.

She didn't understand what happened, anyway, when she saw the three acronyms of rmm, the first reaction was to escape.

When Ruan Mengmeng closed the live broadcast and calmed down, she suddenly felt that she was reckless.

"What do you run? Isn't there three hundred and twenty silverless here ... you should pretend you didn't see it and continue to broadcast ..."

Thinking about it this way, the phone on the side suddenly rang.

The teenage girl was startled.

But the next second I thought, this phone is a new number, it should not be someone she wants to hide from.

So she took a deep breath and answered the phone—

"Hey ... Meng Meng, where have you been? I'm worried about you."

The man's magnetic lazy voice came from the phone.

[Before 22:30 in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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