Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1027: No face

Chapter 1027

The entire live broadcast space was occupied by the pictures of the dragon king Jinguang glittering clouds.

[One, two, three, four, five, six or seven ... this, this is a hundred golden dragon kings! 】

[I rely, 100,000 yuan is just thrown out and rewarded, really big brother! Gangsters ask for red envelopes, Gangsters support! 】

[Catch a big guy, watch the big guy ... lick the big egg dragon's treasure chest. 】

A hundred dragon egg treasure boxes smashed by the Golden Dragon King instantly attracted countless viewers in other rooms on the live broadcast platform.

A large number of passers-by came in, and the popularity of the ‘Let me have long hair and waist’ live broadcast, which quickly jumped from the hundreds of thousands of people, hit the million threshold.

Ruan Mengmeng, who has never seen such a big scene in the past, came to Longteng for the first time, and almost looked dumbfounded.

A Golden Dragon King is 1,000 yuan, and a hundred Golden Dragon Kings are ... yes ...

The girl was dizzy and had a headache.

Fortunately, at this time, when I saw the 100,000 yuan rewarded by the big brothers on the barrage, I realized that just a while ago, I actually had 50,000 yuan.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of being dizzy with happiness.

Live broadcast, it really makes more money than playing on behalf of ...

The girl was dizzy and suddenly remembered that she hadn't thanked the rewarding fellow.

Immediately go to the reward list to see-

Alas, such a simple name, there are only three numbers.

Ruan Mengmeng said to the microphone: "Thank you to the 100 Golden Dragon Kings for their reward. Thank you for your support."

Rookie female anchor, first sky drop dragon platform.

During the day, the platform boss Jing Shao was named and supported. At night, a mysterious local lord came to the live broadcast room and hit 100,000 rewards directly as a meeting gift.

Hmm ... no wonder everyone said that the newcomers are monsters.

This lady who treats me with long hair and waist is not only a monster, but also a faceless monster.

There are so many well-known anchors coming and going on the Longteng platform.

What can cause this big sensation is either the long-known game god.

Either it is a goddess who looks beautiful and sings well, attracting countless male fans.

Either the stars in the entertainment industry come to play tickets and interact with fans.

But for the first time, like ‘Let me have long hair and a waist’, it ’s the first time it ’s been broadcast for the first time.

Seeing the lively people eating melon excited.

The people who came to pick up the golden dragon eggs were also excited.

At this moment, a line suddenly floated on the screen. It was huge, several times larger than other people's fonts, and glittering.

It is completely the big character of the local gold.

[Not allowed to show face]

Simple four words without extra symbols.

But because of that golden cancan font, it is a distinguished and unique Peugeot that consumes more than 100,000 local tyrants.

Instead, it was extremely obvious in the middle of the screen where the barrage was flying around.

"Well, don't show your face?" The girl couldn't help but read the four big golden characters on the barrage.

After reading it, I suddenly reacted. What does this mean?

Is it because she said just now that she is going to buy a camera?

[My second Olympics, why not show my face! We want to see what the young lady looks like! 】

[That ’s a terrific tyrant, why do n’t we let our sister see you]

[The anchor doesn't care about him, it's a bit boned, don't give in to money! 】

[Local tyrants ask for support ... Local tyrants ask for red envelopes ...]

[Big guy is not bad enough for leg pendants, will hug you like 666]

[Upstairs is boneless, despise! Miss Sister's voice is so sweet, add a WeChat ...】

Various barrages flew across the screen.

Everyone was expressing their opinions.

Just then, another row of Golden Dragon Kings passed by.

[Floating trough, there are one hundred Golden Dragon Kings again]

[Sink, fight on the fight ...]

I saw a row of system yellow words brushed--

[‘North North I Love You’, I ’ll reward the anchor ’s “Let me have long hair and waist”, one hundred Golden Dragon Kings. 】

[Before 22:40 before the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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