Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1029: I'm disgusted with Ruan Mengmeng

Chapter 1029: Ruan Meng Meng Is Disgusted

[Sleeping without watching Guan Live]

333 made no other request, but made this strange and inexplicable remark.

‘I ’m afraid it ’s not a big guy who ’s making trouble, right? Huge rewards, she just let her off the broadcast ... Sure enough, rich is willful ’

Ruan Mengmeng thought so, and said to the microphone, "Our anchor has signed a contract with the platform, and we have to broadcast a certain amount of time every day to go offline. It has just started today, and it is not enough time."

The girl was obviously flickering at 333.

Others may have such hard rules, but the contract that Brother Jing gave her was the most lenient.

Brother Jing even asked that she could broadcast live, but it must not affect her studies.

Therefore, her live broadcast has never had a time limit.

However, because the live broadcast has just begun, Ruan Mengmeng still wants to do a good job for sustainable development.

"333, if you are sleepy, you can rest yourself ..."

After that, the girl doesn't care about this inexplicable 333, click ‘start matching’ to start a new round of games.

Somehow attracted two local tyrants, giving her a reward of 400,000 really flattered her.

However, although Ruan Mengmeng lacks money, he is not yet fully enslaved by money.

The rich gangster gave her a huge sum of money, and she thanked her.

Even if the big guy said she was ugly, she could bear it.

But if she wants to make some excessive demands, forgive her.

Seeing that ‘treat me with long hair and waist’ did n’t obey his words, not only started to play games by himself, but also interacted with other players with voice.

Swipe, a few lines of gold appear on the screen—

【go to bed now】

[Do not be ashamed of the technology]

[Ca n’t watch too much food]

[It's better to sleep if you watch live]

[No more replays]

Jin Cancan's words represent a distinguished identity.

Obviously, he was the one who gave the anchor a huge gift. He just said it out of the box, instead of being a loyal fan, it was like black powder where it came from.

[Look, the local tyrant is terrific, the local tyrannical ah, others and Miss Yao have said that they must complete the live broadcast task, can you not mess up! 】

[That is, can you do whatever you want with money? We are all following the small waist, the old fan from the original platform, it is not easy for the small waist to play an upset game, it is not easy to go to the big platform to develop, can the tyrants come to trouble? 】

[Yes, yes, it ’s all about spending money. People ‘North North I Love You’ are not as many things as you are. Love to see or not to watch, Miss Sister is very tired, do not say bad things to Miss Sister! 】

After watching the lively passers-by just leaving, these remaining audiences basically followed ‘Let me have long hair and waist’ and migrated from the previous small live broadcast platform to Longteng Live Broadcast ’s diehard fans.

Seeing her own lovely young lady with sharp operation, she was vilified by the tyrants.

Have jumped out and followed the 333 theory.

Even Ling Bei, who was holding her head upset, was not happy at this time--

"My second Olympics, dare to say that our Meng Meng Meng's technology is too bad and shameful? You're afraid you don't know how to write the dead words! There are a few stinky money ... If it is known by my young master, spend money every minute Pump you up! "

Although Ling Bei did not see the true meaning of ‘treat me with long hair and waist’.

But subconsciously, she has been treated like Miss Mengmeng.

Seeing ‘333’ constantly brushing Jin Chancan ’s words, occupying the main position on the screen, he quickly brushed out the big gold characters—

(End of this chapter)

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