Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1031: Bei Bei heart

Chapter 1031: Suffering in the North

The next day, Ling Bei yawned at work.

Watching the live broadcast last night was so hilarious that I forgot the time and almost didn't get up this morning.

As soon as Ling Bei entered the elevator, he met his brother.

"Ling Nan, why is it so early today? Master has arrived?"

Today, Lingnan should go to Liyuan to pick up the young master, so Lingbei didn't go and came to the company in advance.

Ling Nan stood in the elevator and glanced at his elder brother: "Well, Master came here early in the morning, and it is said that there are new projects to be arranged."

About the company, Ling Nan never cares about it. He is only responsible for protecting the personal safety of the young master.

Ling Bei nodded, ‘oh’, he did n’t care.

Leaning on the inner wall of the elevator, I recalled watching the video of ‘Let me have long hair and waist’ to play the game last night.

Seriously, whether or not the younger sister was Miss Mengmeng, he was determined.

Talking is good, playing games and sharp, although not much interaction with fans, but it reveals an unspeakable sense of refreshment.

Just listening to her soft words, she is enjoying herself.

Oops, think of it this way, Ling Bei can't help but wonder, is that ‘treat me with long hair and waist’, is n’t it Mengmeng?

After all, in his impression, although Meng Meng is pretty and cute, she is a little Superwoman with a casserole-like fist.

Imagine Miss Mengmeng, with a soft voice, asked him if he had seen a fist as big as a casserole.

Ling Bei shuddered, but it was a little cold.

"Brother, what are you doing? The elevator is here, go quickly." Ling Nan's rough voice interrupted Ling Bei's thoughts.

After Lingnan's reminder, Lingbei discovered that the elevator had reached the top floor.

"Oh, oh ... nothing, think of something." Ling Bei did not dare to disclose the news of Miss Mengmeng to others.

He followed Lingnan quickly out of the elevator, pretending that nothing was happening.

When he got out of the elevator, he turned around and saw an unexpected figure.

"Lingdong !!!" Lingbei's eyes widened.

"When your kid is back, don't tell your brother!"

Compared with Ling Bei's excitement, Ling Dong, who had just returned from a distant and extremely cold place, seemed extremely calm.

"Some time ago, I was approved by the young master and came out of the Arctic Circle. I went to Europe to handle a little personal affairs for the young master. I just returned to the company today."

Ling Bei went to Africa, but came back without knowing to wake up, and still waved up.

And Ling Dong ...

Although he ranks second among the four siblings, he has a more mature and vicissitudes heart than Ling Bei.

After all, not everyone has ever had the experience of feeding ice bears and walrus eating fish like drift ice.

"Just come back, just come back," Ling Bei muttered, and then frowned.

Suddenly looking at Ling Dong and Ling Nan with a strange look.

"Well, you two, do you have any spare money? Borrow a little bit from your elder brother. The elder brother recently lacked money, and you both borrowed 200,000 from your elder brother."

Ling Nan frowned: "200,000 ... what are you borrowing so much money for?"

Ling Dong was also puzzled: "Brother, you usually have no place to spend money, and you don't have a wife and children to raise. Where is your money going to millions of dollars a year?"

"My money has been rewarded ..." Ling Bei suddenly realized what she was saying, and quickly covered her mouth.

"Reward !!!" Ling Nan and Ling Dong's faces changed, and they almost thought that Ling Bei had been cheated by somebody, and immediately pressed him.

Until a moment later ...

"Brother, how old are you, and you are addicted to things that children only like." Ling Dong commented.

"It's ... Brother, you're too immature ... don't say 200,000, twenty dollars can't be lent to you."

Ling Nan said scornfully and followed Ling Dong away.

There was only one Lingbei, standing behind the two brothers, wishing to cry without tears.

You ... none of you understand his painstaking ‘I love you’!

He's so hard, not for the young master! !! !!

[Next chapter before 21:30]

(End of this chapter)

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