Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1033: Find out she's deliberately avoiding herself

Chapter 1033: Discovering She's Intentionally Avoiding Her

After lingering for 0.02 seconds, Ling Dong finally recovered.

Fortunately, he knew that their young master who was cold and abstinent could not be as unruly as Ling Bei.

It turned out that the young master went to watch the game live, just to understand other competitors.

After all, the young master is ready to enter the ranks of game live broadcast, so knowing oneself and knowing one another can be invincible.

"Good master, our Royal Technology is originally a company that develops and operates games. If we can develop the live broadcast business, it will definitely improve our company's comprehensive strength and the multi-line development of various games in the future."

Compared with Lingbei, Lingdong is a real hard-working type.

He searched with his mobile phone a little bit, and then began to analyze: "If you want to start a live broadcast company, young master, according to my search, the two largest live broadcast companies on the market are Doo Bear Live Broadcast and Longteng Live Broadcast ... You see we need You do n’t need to dig out some well-known anchors from these two, but ... ”

"No, I already have a candidate, and I will tell you how to do it after the company prepares."

Before Ling Dong finished speaking, Li Junyu was interrupted by his extremely cold voice.

The man chilled his face: "In addition, the live broadcast company cannot run under the names of Yuyao Technology and Li Sheng, and arrange a face to take charge."

After observing last night, Li Junyu has found the girl's resistance to all the popular games under ‘Yuyao Technology’.

Thinking of this, the man's bottomless eyes glanced through a trace of cold light.

"You are solely responsible for this matter, and you are not allowed to tell anyone." At the end, it seems that something was remembered, adding a sentence.

"Not even Lingbei."

Ling Dong took the lead, and immediately said that he would never reveal half points.

When Ling Dong went out, Li Jun's clear fingers were on the table.

I watched ‘Let me have long hair and a waist’ and got up early in the morning.

This is a whole day.


time flies.

Ruan Mengmeng, who has lived on Longteng's platform as ‘Let me have long hair and a waist’, has spent a week safely.

For a week, because the sound is good, the technique is sharp, and the unpopular game is played.

Although the speed of increasing the powder is not as fast as those popular hot games, gradually, it has also cultivated many diehard fans on the Longteng platform.

The most famous of these are the two big fans-tyrants ‘North North I Love You’ and ‘333’.

Compared with the various slogans of ‘North North I Love You’, the act of warming the little angel by heart warming.

'333' is simply a combination of local tyrants and black powder.

Almost every night, at least 100 Golden Dragon Kings are thrown to Miss Yao.

But almost every night, I will ignore the others as if I still read the scriptures, and in the live broadcast room, I will use some of the others who are very `` bitter and mean '' and `` vicious and hot '' to attack the poor Miss Waist.

And Miss Yao waist, will continue to swipe the screen in the local tyrants, after speaking black words, give him a 24-hour silence package.

This cycle, for seven days in a row, is just as happy.

[Here it is, it's almost 8 o'clock every night, the most popular local tycoon rewards! 】

[I have prepared a small bench, seeds, drinks, and wait for the Golden Dragon King to be delivered by the 333 big brother ~]

[Comrades, it's time to hurry up! Look at my 30-year-old hand speed, grab the golden dragon egg in seconds! !! !! 】

At 7:55 pm, the live broadcast room was already very lively.

After a whole week of observing, everyone has already mastered the skilled rules.

Every night at 8 o'clock, ‘333’ local tyrants will come to the live broadcast room of ‘wait for my long hair and waist’, and reward 100 Golden Dragon Kings.

Therefore, before 8 o'clock, many passers-by fans, the crowd have crowded into the live broadcast room, just to grab the golden dragon eggs that fell after the reward.

And at this time, it is often the most popular time for ‘Let me have long hair and waist’.

For a week, the big brothers scattered money, which has made the popularity of this live broadcast room straight to the 10 million mark.

[Before 23:10 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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