Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1035: One cold and one warm

Chapter 1035: A Cold And A Passion

Apparently it was an application for adding friends from 333.

After adding friends, 333 did not speak for a long time.

Ruan Mengmeng is the live broadcast time.

She can't leave other viewers alone, she can only temporarily reduce the chat window, cut to the game screen first, and start broadcasting.

Wait for the end of a round, when you start the queue again, and then make time to send out a message.

[Let me have long hair and waist: Hello, are you here? 】

[Be my long hair and waist: 333? 】

[Let me have long hair and waist: hello ~ with a knocking expression on the door]

Three pasts were issued one after another, and the other party did not respond at all.

Ruan Mengmeng thought that '333' was offline, and she switched to the friends bar to check it.

Seeing that ‘333’ ’s avatar was still bright, apparently online, she finally revealed a suspicion.

‘It ’s really weird. I added a friend and did n’t say a word ...’

If the girl thought, a new round of the game had begun.

She has no time to think about it, she can only switch back to the game screen and take the challenge seriously.

[Waist Waist is Awesome! This walk is simply coquettish ...]

[I like to watch the operation of Miss Waist Sister most, this dynamic vision, this reaction, I can only see the operation in slow motion playback, decisively kneeling to Miss Sister]

In the live broadcast room, there was another round of bombardment.

The audience who can stay watching this upset game is very enthusiastic and loyal.

Among them, the attitude of the North-North I Love You is the most enthusiastic.

Not only did she call Madam Waist madly, several Jinlong Kings smashed down when she was excited.

Although there is no '333' local tyrant, 'North North I Love You' has clearly become a standard loyal fan.

Speaks nicely, rewards positively, and maintains ‘treat my hair and waist’.

Once black powder emerges, it must jump out at the first moment to ridicule the black powder and let the black powder shut up.

Throughout the broadcast, he couldn't find a second fan who behaved more faithfully than him.

"Okay, that's it for today's live broadcast ... I'm going to have something tomorrow, I won't be in the afternoon, everyone will come back tonight."

The girl finished the list of the last number. At a glance, it was already 1pm.

Thinking of 'dating' tomorrow afternoon, I am going to get off the plane in advance.

[Waist waist to rest early ~]

[See you tomorrow night ...]

[Small waist 888]

Fans smartly said goodbye to the girls.

Ruan Mengmeng said goodbye one by one and finally turned off the live broadcast.

At this moment, thinking of the few unsolicited messages, she opened the friends bar and glanced again.

The ‘333’ avatar is still highlighted, but it ’s still not offline.

It's strange, why not talk back?

The girl pouted and was about to exit the live broadcast platform and shut down.

A dialog box pops up in the lower right corner.

[User Beibei I love you, request to add you as a friend]

Beibei, I love you and her friend?

This ‘North North I Love You’ is an active fan, and has always been very disciplined, except that she always kept asking her to turn on the camera, but the other is quite good.

The girl thought about it and clicked to confirm.

As soon as my friend added, Beibei I love you message was sent over.

[Beibei I love you: Miss Yao Yao, I really like you, confession, please caress ~]

Ruan Mengmeng: ...

Sure enough, the enthusiasm was terrible. The girl thought about it and knocked a few more restrained words without losing the past.

[Be my long hair and waist: Thank you for your love]

[Beibei I love you: ah ah ah ah ~ I got the likes of my sister, great! 】

Ruan Mengmeng: ...

[Before 20:50 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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