Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1045: Open the door to send express

Chapter 1045

"Mom, what are you looking at me for?" Ruan Mengmeng bowed his head and drank the soup, raising the watery apricot eyes at Chen Qingzhi.

The girl was accustomed to the contrast of Chen Qing's dislike while showing concern for her.

In the beginning, of course, I was still not used to it.

But now, the more she gets along with her mother, the more she understands that her mother is a woman who says no, but her body is not honest, and there is a little proud girl.

"No ... nothing ... Mom wants to see you."

Chen Qingzhi thought of the kiss marks he had seen on Mengmeng, and he became more suspicious that Li Junyu had touched his daughter.

She thought at the time that the two had at least some ambiguity and did not progress to that step.

But even when the girl saw her short hair cut, she looked like a rose covered with dew.

A delicate face that can be broken, accompanied by those apricot eyes that sparkle in autumn.

Holding the bowl, Sakura's lips opened slightly and sipped the soup.

Just a casual glance at her made her feel trembling.

Her daughter ... too beautiful to watch ...

"I have something nice, and I'm not as beautiful as you." The girl hummed indifferently, and continued to drink her soup.

And Chen Qingzhi, looking at Ruan Mengmeng and even inadvertently raising his eyes, looked dazzling and dazzling.

The throbbing feeling is even more prominent.

Meng Meng in her family must have been slept by Li Junyu! !! !!

One of Chen Qing gritted his teeth and almost asked the words in his heart.

But thinking of Mengmeng these days, by busy each day, his eyes are no longer dim, but a little more energetic.

She did not want to mention the old things again, so that Mengmeng thought of the past.

Hmm ... what exactly should I ask?

Ask or don't ask?

Just as Chen Qing was hesitant, there was a knock outside the house.

Miao Qiugui, who was busy in the kitchen, wiped his hands and opened the door: "Here comes ... you are ... hey, what are you doing and who let you in ..."

Before Miao Qiugui had finished speaking, the Chen family was suddenly intruded by several men in black.

He was in a suit and tie, an expressionless man.

Ruan Mengmeng heard the grandmother's shout and quickly put down her bowl and went out with Chen Qingzhi.

When they rushed to the porch, they saw their grandmother stopping a few black men.

Behind those big men, there was also a tall and thin man.

The tall and thin man was holding a sleeping little girl in his arms.

"Who are you, what are you doing!" The girl used to hold her grandmother in her arms, blocked her and Chen Qingzhi behind her, and looked at those men in black with vigilance.

She and Chen Qingzhi have met Li's men.

Naturally, these black men are by no means ordinary thugs.

"Excuse me, is this the home of Chen Xiangming and Miao Qiugui?" The man holding the girl was in an official tone.

Upon hearing that the other party actually knew himself, the grandmother responded: "Yes, I am Miao Qiugui. Who are you, why don't I know you?"

Tall and thin man: "You don't need to know who I am. You just need to know. We are entrusted by your granddaughter to deliver something."

The girl glanced and said subconsciously: "Impossible, I don't know you at all, how can I ask you to send something to grandma and grandfather."

She's grandmother's granddaughter, and she doesn't know these people at all.

However, the tall and thin man did not show the panic that the lie was broken.

Instead, he frowned slightly, looked at Ruan Mengmeng, and then determined: "Are you ... Ruan Mengmeng?"

"That's great. Actually this kind of thing is for you ..."

[Before 22:20 in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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