Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1056: Have a strange feeling

Chapter 1056: A Strange Feeling

On the other side, Ruan Mengmeng followed Jing Yihuan and Ruan Mianmian, and finally met the principal of Zhixue Kindergarten.

It is this principal He who is responsible for this interview.

She is a very amiable and looks good old lady.

In addition to President He, there is also Director Zhao.

However, the director Zhao seemed to be much smarter and smarter. In his 30s and 40s, with a pair of golden silk glasses, he seemed extremely difficult to deal with.

However, both of them smiled when they saw Jing Yiyi.

Fairly friendly and introduced myself.

After all, the Golden Lion Group behind Jing Yizhen is regarded as a top enterprise in the entire S country.

Not to mention, Jing Shao has a demon-faced, beautiful, upside-down face.

Even a woman as used to being serious as Director Zhao was shy in front of Jing Shao.

"Two sit." Principal He did not notice Director Zhao's small expression, but just greeted them very kindly.

Four people are seated.

Principal He and Director Zhao sat on the side.

Ruan Mengmeng and Jing Yiyi are like a loving couple sitting opposite them.

"Your children have been tested for quality in the next room. We will wait here for a while. During this time, our school will ask you two questions and check the family situation. Although you relax, you just talk Don't be too nervous. "

Principal He briefly introduced the situation of going to kindergarten, and opened the birth certificate and household registration book they brought.

These are the things that go on the sidelines, not the point.

But when President He accidentally glanced at Ruan Mengmeng's age, he couldn't help but yelled.

Jing Yizhen raised his eyebrows calmly and calmly: "What's wrong, principal Ho, any questions?"

"No, nothing ..." Principal He waved quickly, pretending to be fine.

But my heart was playing drums.

Jing Shao's wife had just passed her 20th birthday.

But both of their children are four and a half years old.

This lady named Ruan Mengmeng, did not give birth to Jing Shao's daughter before she was 16 years old.

This ... this is really unusual!

However, this kind of remarks at most dare to defam in his heart, never dare to leak it.

Jing Yizheng in S City, in addition to that face makes people familiar, it is even more dare not to underestimate the way he does things.

The headmaster of Zhixue Kindergarten said that although it was prestigious to go out, but really met such a wealthy family, it was tantamount to hitting a stone with a egg.

However, Principal He did not dare to say that Director Zhao who was sitting beside her was not someone who did not dare to say.

Director Zhao glanced at the information on the account book and couldn't help rushing: "Mrs. Jing, you have just turned 20 this year, why you have such a big daughter. Our wisdom is the place to do enlightenment education and cultivate talents. such……"

"My wife is like this, is there a problem? Or is there a clear-cut limit on the age of parents and children in the school rules of Zhixue?"

Before Director Zhao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jing Yizhen's extremely cold voice.

It looked just now that the man with a slight smile on the corner of his lips.

At this moment has completely lowered his face, revealing the unique strength of the superior.

This means that Jing Yizhen was already angry.

Director Zhao was not stupid, and immediately changed into a smiley face: "Of course not, our garden side just asks one more question as usual, no problem. But ..."

As the voice turned, Director Zhao found new doubts.

"Since it's Qian Shao's money, why don't children surname Jing Shao, but surname Ruan? It seems like something is not appropriate ..."

"There is nothing wrong with it. I love my wife, so my daughter wants to have a surname with my wife. When she grows up, she will be as beautiful and attractive as her. Zhixue also has requirements for the child's last name?"

"This ... no, of course not ..."

With a word, Jing Yiyu blocked Director Zhao's mouth.

Subsequent questions and answers were also fascinating. Soldiers came to block, and water came to cover them.

And Ruan Mengmeng, let it go all the way, and handed everything to Jing Yichen, without having to worry about it ...

However, she didn't understand why, she always felt a little cold on her back.

It seemed that some cold wind was blowing behind her fair neck.

[Beyond 1200 words: before 21:00 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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