Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1058: Li Jun deceives children

Chapter 1058 Li Jun's Deception

As soon as Ruan Mianmian entered the interview room, she felt that her body was cold.

It was obviously summer and the air conditioner was turned on, but why the cold wind makes her feel creepy?

The little boy touched it subconsciously, showing his white arms outside the skirt.

As soon as he looked up, he was sitting behind the table, and the uncle who was special, special, special, special and particularly good-looking attracted attention.

Although the little guy is smart, he is still small, he grew up in country M, and has a poor vocabulary.

Therefore, even if the uncle in front of him is so surprised to see him, he can only use five special and excite his appearance in his heart.

Ah, Uncle Bijing ... Oh no, it's alas.

An uncle who looks better than her uncle ...

Seeing such a good-looking uncle, Ruan Mianmian's children have looked straight.

I completely forgot my purpose of coming in, and my little legs made a 'click' sound on the floor, and ran over.

Even if ...

Even though this uncle looked so cold and cold, he felt his body tremble.

But let her, subconsciously want to get closer.

"That ... Excuse me ... are you a teacher here?"

The child Ruan Mianmian probably inherited Chen Xiangming's face control gene from generation to generation.

Just as Ruan Mengmeng first saw Li Junyu, she was foolish.

The man sinks deeply into the jade-like eyes when he sees the "flower-faced face" that this little guy does not hide.

It was exactly the same as that little milk cat.

The man's phoenix eyes narrowed, passing a touch of danger.

His deep eyes fell on Ruan Mianmian's pink toot, but his face was very soft and cute.

Similar features to Ruan Mengmeng, watery apricot eyes, cute pear vortex, it seems that Ruan Mengmeng is a replica.

The more Li Junyu looked at, the more it became, the more it became like a sullen heart, the more difficult it was to calm down.

It is impossible for him to give birth to such a child when he is less than 16 years old.

For his first time, he was clearly under him ...

But seeing this child with her own eyes, seeing her unclear clear apricot eyes, seeing her head tilted toward him.

There is also the whole young face, although it is not long, but it has a vaguely similar outline to the girl.

Li Jun's cold and stern features could not help but be covered with frost.

All over the body, almost shrouded in a violent and gloomy air field.

Ruan Mianmian's small head was crooked.

She tilted her head and looked at the handsome uncle in front of him strangely ... oh no, it was the teacher.

I just feel that this pretty teacher is not very happy.

Is it ... is she offending the teacher?

"Pretty teacher, you're angry ... Mianmian is very obedient, Mianmian doesn't make the beautiful teacher angry."

Xiao Mianmian thought of what Ma Ma told her to do well, and quickly squeezed out her best, the signboard smiled sweetly.

Who knows, with this smile, the two dimples on the little face looked even more dazzling.

Suddenly, Li Junyu's eyes were tingled with the dazzling smile of the little girl.

Why is this child, even laughing, similar to his girl?

It was decided early in the morning that you can no longer think and see no more.

Not only to explain to the mother, but also to poke the promise over there, but also to protect her.

But in the end, he not only couldn't control himself, he communicated with her on the Internet.

Today, I am still sitting here, and I have become a so-called 'pretty teacher'.

Using false identities, investigate her and her so-called children.

Li Junyu sneered for himself.

However, even if he knew that he should stop, he still asked in a low voice, "Ruan Mianmian, the teacher must answer your questions carefully and not tell lies.

"Tell the teacher ... who is your mother?"

[Before 22:20 in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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