Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1064: con man

Chapter 1064: Liar

"It's okay mom, it's not very tight, I can handle it."

Ruan Mengmeng avoided Chen Qingzhi's sight and wanted to bypass her and return to the living room.

Who knew that just after taking a step, Chen Qingzhi was held back: "Ruan Mengmeng, you lie to me less. You are my daughter, do you lie to me that I can't see it?"

Girl: ...

It sounds so familiar to me, isn't it just grandma who talks about mother all day long?

Ruan Mengmeng kept silent, bowed his head, and didn't talk.

"Okay, really it ’s out of money, is n’t it? Mengmeng, it ’s not your mother who says you, why do n’t you tell your mother that ... you gave me so many homes last time, and so much to your grandparents, you ,you really……"

Chen Qingzhi's gentle and beautiful features suddenly wrinkled into a ball.

Don't look at her hard mouth, it is actually distressed Meng Meng.

The money was earned by Mengmeng and worked hard, and it was either spent on her, or two elderly people or Ruan Mianmian.

But she herself ...

A good young girl, changing a few T-shirts and jeans all summer.

I have never bought a beautiful dress.

"It's okay mom, I can make money, you can rest assured. Things that can be solved with money are not big things. I have recently paid a lot of rewards, and you can rest assured that I will make more money for you to come back."

Upon hearing her daughter's remarks, Chen Qing's complexion was slightly better.

Although she didn't know much about computers, she passed from behind Ruan Mengmeng's screen that day, and when she saw rows of golden dragons flashing on her screen, they all looked bling and should have a good income.

"I know, you said that rewards will be held for three months ... But Mengmeng, I think that Jing Shao seems pretty good to you. You and him are impossible ..."

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, so you don't have to ask any more, mom." The young girl heard Chen Qingzhi and mentioned Jing Yiyi again, and quickly switched off the subject.

"Okay, it's almost time for the live broadcast. I'll go live first, that's it ..."

After speaking, Ruan Mengmeng ran back to the room and closed the door.

Their family, from her mother to her grandmother, was savvy one by one, and none of them was easy to cheat.

Even Xiao Mianmian asked her last time if she was tight.


Sitting in front of the computer, Ruan Mengmeng logged in to the game as usual.

Recently, isn't she tight?

All the money was thrown in the tuition fees. After Brother Jing's help was severely rejected by her, she has really been super-eating recently.

Seeing that there were less than two weeks, it was time to report to the school.

The girl was deeply skeptical that even if she did not sleep for 24 hours, she might not be able to earn enough tuition and living expenses to report to the university.

"You have to think about ways to make money ..."

Just thinking about this, log in to Longteng platform, and have not had time to open the live broadcast Ruan Mengmeng.

Suddenly seeing the lower right corner of the screen, a friend application pops up.

[Hello, I'm Wu Yongyong, the team manager of the Fengyao team. After seeing your live broadcast operation, the coaching staff of our team is very optimistic about your technical level and tactical awareness. I would like to ask you if you are interested in joining our frontier and joining the e-sports circle together. If interested, please add XXXXXX WeChat friends. 】

"The current liar, the trick is quite novel." The girl glanced at the content of the temporary dialog box and closed it.

Put on your headphones and you're ready to start broadcasting.

However, her gaze was arbitrarily raised, and a striking advertisement hanging on Longteng's live broadcast platform accidentally bumped into her gaze.

[Before 22:20 in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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