Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1205: Her parents killed his mother

Chapter 1205 Her Parents Killed His Mother

When Ruan Mengmeng watched the script, she cried.

I couldn't stop crying.

She seemed to see the shadow of herself and Li Junyu on Lu Yaoyao and Fu Junqing.

Incidentally, her name and Lu Yaoyao both have the same format.

Fu Junqing and Li Junyu even have a repeated word in their names.

This is definitely a torment for girls.

These days, following the study of Master Andre and re-taking the mental journey of the heroines in the famous films, the more she learns to resonate with the heroine in the film, to experience and substitute their feelings.

And Lu Yaoyao ... she hardly needs to be substituted.

What she should say and what she should look like.

The sweetness when in love, the loss when rejected, the hard work when you try again, the sadness when you break up breaks down.

All that is almost a re-walk, it seems to Ruan Mengmeng that she is in front of her.

"Meng Meng ... I'm sorry, is it this script that made you sad? Is it really so sad? You shed a lot of tears ..." Meng Siwen patted Ruan Mengmeng's back, and he was a little bit dazed.

She had shown this script to her uncle before, and her uncle also criticized her for writing too much blood.

Because of this, she deliberately modified it several times.

In order to make the logic perfect, it doesn't look so bloody, so far I haven't even written the final result.

Meng Siwen put a lot of effort into this script, and once wrote and cried.

But even her 'mother' in this script didn't cry like tears like Ruan Mengmeng.

Meng Siwen did not feel very touched, and felt that he finally found a conscience.

She comforted Ruan Mengmeng for a while, wiped her tears, and gave her a hug.

When the girl's tears finally stopped, Meng Siwen asked very slyly: "Meng Meng, you can be so moved, I'm so glad that I like my script ... Well ... Can you give me some advice? I haven't Write the ending because you ca n’t know for sure. "

Obviously I want to ask Ruan Mengmeng if he is willing to take the film, but good actors are hard to find, but conscience is harder to find.

Meng Siwen managed to meet people like Ruan Mengmeng who had a lot of feelings about this drama. She couldn't help but took out her own problems.

Ruan Mengmeng looked at Meng Siwen with tears in her eyes, and she was puzzled.

Meng Siwen said, "I prepared two endings. One was that Fu Junqing broke up because he found that he was terminally ill. In order not to drag Lu Yaoyao, he broke up with pain. Finally, Lu Yaoya cried when he knew the truth and ran back. Looking for Fu Junqing, but Fu Junqing has passed away. "

"But this ending is too old-fashioned. I don't think it is good enough. The audience can guess it if they think about it."

Meng Siwen shook her head, and speaking of the script, she lost her usual timidity and shyness.

While Meng Siwen was talking, Ruan Mengmeng involuntarily appeared in Li Junyu's mind.

Terminally ill, did you break up?

The girl thought of Li Jun's gloomy and cold eyes, cold eyebrows, wide shoulders, narrow waist, and beautiful and exquisite body when she took off her clothes.

It doesn't look like a terminally ill patient!

Ruan Mengmeng asked subconsciously: "Then there is another ending?"

As soon as Meng Siwen clapped his hands, "There is another ending that is wonderful. It is absolutely unexpected and reasonable. I plan to let Fu Junqing discover that his mother who died early was killed by Lu Yaoyao's parents. Fu Family and Lu Although the family is a good friend for many years, the Lu family has taken advantage of the resources of the Fu family many years ago, and has expressed an interest in the Fu family. "

"The Lu and his wife created a fake car accident. In that car accident, Fu Junqing's father survived, but his mother died tragically. After many years, when Fu Junqing had fallen in love with Lu Yaoyao, his father found out the truth. To avenge Lu and his wife, revenge Lu Yaoyao. For the beloved woman, Fu Junqing traded with her father to protect her, but also to stay away from her ... "

Speaking of this, Meng Siwen grabbed Ruan Mengmeng's hand and was excited: "How is Mengmeng, is this plot good? Do you think this arrangement is both logical and unexpected, and it will definitely make the audience unable to guess!"

[Beyond 1200 words: update completed, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

Meng Siwen: Please call me Little Dog Blood Princess, oh no, it's a **** assist ~

(End of this chapter)

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