Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1209: Did you break up with me for another reason?

Chapter 1209 Did You Break Up With Me For Other Reasons?

Li Junyu's bottomless black eyes flashed a shadow of Yin.

He suddenly became irritable.

The moment I received the call, my complex but happy feeling fell into an empty disappointment.

"No ..." Suddenly, the girl standing opposite him spoke.

Ruan Mengmeng has more than courage. She thinks it is necessary to ask clearly today.

She looked at Li Junyu, regardless of whether she was embarrassed or not, seriously said, "It is one thing to pay back the money, and it is another thing for me to come out to you."

"Li Junyu, I want to confirm one thing with you. I want to be honest, you broke up with me, is it really because ... do you mind?"

The girl stared straight at Li Junyu, her fan's curled eyelashes did not blink.

The pair of apricot eyes that seemed to talk, did not want to miss the slightest change in his face.

That ‘you mind’ is like a secret word that only Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu understand.

Break up for a long time.

Li Junyu thought that from the moment he lost Ruan Mengmeng, they would never have the opportunity to sit down and talk about it.

But today, unexpectedly, the girl took the initiative to ask him for this.

Li Junyu was sinking deep into the ink pupils of the sea, passing a dim shadow.

He didn't want to talk about the reasons for the breakup.

The past has passed, and he knows that his original breakup has caused indelible harm to Ruan Mengmeng.

It was because he knew that he couldn't repeat the old thing and he didn't want to do it again.

How to mention it again?

Tell her the truth ... Oh, impossible.

But if you don't tell the truth, do you deceive her again and hurt her again.

Tell her again that the reason why he wants to break up is that he is not enough to clean her up?

If he can't, he can't.

At the beginning, the reason for the breakup was so cruel, it was to completely cut off and cut off.

But this complete split, although it made Ruan Mengmeng safe, hurt her deeply.

Thinking of the depression of the girl and her helplessness and timidity in those days, Li Junyu couldn't wait to ruin herself.

Once again, he ... can't do it.

"Li Junyu, you speak ... I want to hear it from you." The girl standing opposite, slap the bank card on the table and asked.

The more Li Junyu could n’t just say ‘disgusting’ her, the more she felt suspicious of the original breakup.

That day, her birthday, scheduled wedding, the most important day.

When she gave him to her, she was suddenly pushed away.

Grandpa died, the secret of his life, and then suddenly was broken up by Li Junyu.

Everything came too fast, too suddenly.

So fast that she couldn't keep up, and had no time to make any preparations, she was shot head-on by the high waves, and they were scattered in a piecemeal way.

That time, he said to break up and she was completely stunned.

Ignore many details, there are many places worthy of further investigation.

If it weren't for today, reviewing the plot with Meng Siwen and listening to Meng Siwen's analysis from the standpoint of an onlooker, she would not even have the courage to relive everything when she broke up.

And now, Li Junyu's expression of forbearance, his tightly frowning eyebrows, and the bottom of his eyes ...

Ruan Mengmeng can see clearly that things are definitely not what she thought!

"If you don't speak, I will be your acquiescence." Ruan Mengmeng suddenly wanted to understand many things.

She is no longer irritable or flustered.

The girl sat down and sat opposite the man, and said lightly, "So ... we broke up and have nothing to do with‘ cleanliness ’at all? Is it for another reason, you broke up with me for another reason, did n’t you?”

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes were firm and his eyes burning.

Li Jun's eyes were dim, silent for a moment, and finally raised his eyes.

He stared deeply at her delicate little face, and finally slowly spoke: "If I answer 'yes', what do you do?"

[Complete the update, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

(End of this chapter)

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