Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1216: Watching Meng Meng suffer is a torture to him

Chapter 1216 Watching Meng Meng Suffering Is Torture To Him

I saw the girl in the photo lowering her head slightly.

A pair of charming apricot eyes were faint of water vapor, and curled eyelashes were still stained with tears.

The character she played had just cried, and the costume was in a soft and weak appearance, so that her low eyes were the most touching time.

Unfortunately, there is only one flaw in that beautiful little face.

The cheek on the left facing the camera was swollen high, and there were clear five-fingerprints on the white and clear face.

This red five-fingerprint made Li Junyu's deep ink pupil tighten tightly.

Almost subconsciously, he has already said: "It's all hurt, why don't you rest? There is also a master. Someone on the set publishes personal hatred. Why doesn't he stop it?"

Hearing the man's questioning in the cold, Li Peacock finally showed his gloating expression on the phone.

Hum, make you pretend to be indifferent.

Continue loading, why not!

Li Peacock said in a deep voice: "The master has always been dedicated, and the people in his crew are all doing punches and punches, and never need to be a stand-in, let alone a slap in the face. As for the rest, I also want to take Meng Meng to rest Ask the doctor to take care of her. But the master doesn't let anyone rest at all in order to catch up. Brother, my master won't listen to me, or would you tell the master yourself? "

After Li Junting said these words, he silently said sorry to Master Andrea.

Sorry master, in order to make some icebergs face their hearts, I have to drag you into the water.

Heiqi Master Andrea came to Li Pea without any psychological burden, and it was rare to find it with conscience.

"..." On the other end of the phone, the man who was silent after hearing Li Junting's suggestion never made a decision.

Asking him to say hello to Master Andre in person would be tantamount to getting involved in the life of the girl again.

Knowing that she could not give Mengmen any promises, let alone her future.

Li Junyu has already determined to stay away from her.

However, in the eyes it was the slightly swollen profile of the girl.

Letting him watch Mengmeng suffer is not a torture to him.

Li Junyu thought about it for a few minutes before he said, "I'm in a meeting, I'll hang up first."


As soon as the voice fell, the phone was hung up relentlessly.

Li Junting, who was too late to stop, couldn't believe the phone hung up in his hands.

"You ... the iceberg ... you actually ..."

Li Junting couldn't believe this was true.

He specifically looked for the angle, and took a photo of Ruan Mengmeng's most serious injury on his face.

His elder brother looked at it, he was indifferent! ?

Even if you dare not care directly, you can greet Master Andrea behind you.

Li Junyu, I Li Junting despise you, coward, cock!

Li Ersha was greatly stimulated and scolded in his heart.

On the other side, Master Andre is telling a drama with Ruan Mengmeng who is trying to test the lights.

Master Andrea: "Meng Meng, push the original bed scene a few days later, you have time to fight with Xiu Yu, but we have to pay close attention to these days and shoot the next fight scene."

The girl nodded: "Good master, I have recently taken the time to find a repair teacher to play."

The master nodded, and said in a tone that was a bitch-teachable: "You have made great progress in fighting dramas in recent times, which is not much different from the old-fashioned stars. But ... your emotional drama really takes more time He Xiuyu is still asking for advice. He is a film emperor. Although experience can drive your emotions, the most important thing is to look at yourself. "

Ruan Mengmeng works very hard. He has better control of the characters and better character control than he expected.

But it's just emotional drama.

Master Andrei always felt that there was a lack of investment and a lack of emotional attraction to the soul.

To be honest, when Ruan Mengmeng played the love scene, she didn't seem to have a conflict drama with Ruan Jiaojiao.

Thinking of this, Master Andrey's eyes fell on Ruan Mengmeng's slightly swollen left cheek.

The master frowned and called the makeup artist: "The wound on the left face has become too severe, so you can't keep up with the next shot. Wipe away the wound on the face and lighten it."

After speaking, the makeup artist acted immediately.

Li Junting, who was watching aside, realized that there were no five-fingerprints and swollen scars on Xiao Mitao's face.

That ... it was all made up of special effects!

Xiaotao was not injured at all!

Li Junting: "..."

[These two chapters have been written a lot, this chapter has more than 1,300 words, the previous chapter is more than 1,200 words, which means that I wrote 500 more words ~ great! There is one more, the following paragraphs are all highlights]

(End of this chapter)

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