Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1218: Brother, Mengmeng is uncertain

Chapter 1218 Brother, Meng Meng Is Unknown

The black luxury car was running at the airport highway. After the car, Li Junyu was closing his eyes.

The co-pilot Ling Bei was sitting in a dangerous position, and even his breathing became shallow, and he did not dare to make any noise to disturb the man resting after the car.

Since receiving the second younger's call that day, the younger master's dedication to official affairs has become stronger than ever.

Almost day and night, I devoted myself to my work. I just talked about the domestic acquisition case, and now I suddenly want to fly abroad to acquire a new company.

Ling Bei has been with Grand Master for so many years and has never been so tired.

However, the young master seemed to be exhausted, and had worked for 48 hours before without squinting.

Ling Bei quietly turned back, looking at the man sitting in the back of the car with a cold and frowny eye, who was closing his eyes.

I just hope that during the flight, the young and old masters must not handle business affairs, and it is better to take a good rest.

Just as Ling Bei was about to turn around, a rush of cell phone ringing suddenly sounded in the closed compartment.

‘MD! The young master just took a break, and who doesn't have long eyes actually called at this time! ’

Ling Bei's heartfelt, his cell phone has been muted, only Li Junyu's cell phone will ring at this time.

The man had apparently been awakened by the ringtone.

The long and narrow Feng eyes narrowed slightly, and the dark pupils passed half cold and lazy.

I was woken up with my eyes closed and rested, which was the most impatient time.

Sitting in the back seat, Li Jun Yu ink pupil drooped and glanced at the phone screen.

The words 'Li Junting' are striking.

Click to cut off the incoming call and turn it off by the way.

Li Junyu didn't want to bother with the uneasy second child.

Ling Bei also wanted to ask, his mobile phone immediately shook.

He looked down and got, two less.

I don't know if I should answer or not, Ling Bei turned back to ask, but saw the man frowned and closed his eyes.

Li Junyu's eyes didn't open, and his voice was indifferent: "Tell Ershi, I'm not here."

He no longer wanted to hear any news about Ruan Mengmeng.

It's not disgust, but it's not dare.

Even Li Junyu himself didn't expect that one day he would be afraid to hear from someone.

Work can paralyze him, and hearing her news will only make him want to come closer.

Ling Bei quickly turned back and did not dare to make any noise to the young master.

He quickly slammed the vibrating cell phone and sent a text message to Li Ershao: [Second, I am not convenient to answer the phone now. In addition, I'm not with the young master. 】

As soon as the text message was sent, there was a response there.

[Fart, why did n’t you answer the phone when you were n’t with my brother! Ling Bei, please answer the phone and let my brother listen. Mengmeng is in trouble. !! !! 】

"Life and death matter"?

Seeing Er Shao's information, Ling Bei was about to turn around, but his body suddenly stopped.


Last year Er Shao also called and said that Meng Meng was about to be killed.

As a result, they sent someone to the studio to inquire about it.

Master Er has always liked to exaggerate, this time I do not know if it is true or false.

But it's about Meng Meng Meng, Ling Bei dare not report.

He held the mobile phone and turned back: "Master, would you like to call Er Shao? Well ... look at this, Er Shi said that Meng Meng is in trouble, life and death matter."

After speaking, Ling Bei handed the phone over.

The man who closed his eyes and leaned on the back seat slowly opened his eyes, and there was a gloomy gloom in the narrow eyes of Feng.

And he opened his eyes, and that ‘life and death’ message was in sight.

Li Jun frowned and took the call from Ling Bei.

Just at this moment, Li Junting's call came again.

"Hey ..." Li Junyu's indifferent voice sounded.

To Ling Bei's surprise, he actually answered the phone.

Li Junting: "Brother, it's terrible ... Meng Meng filmed a landslide and was buried in stones. Now it's unknown ..."

"Li Junting, if you dare to lie to me with such a thing, you will go up on behalf of that laboratory monkey next month."

After speaking, the man cut off the phone without hesitation.

On the phone, Li Junting: "..."

Mom, he didn't lie, he was telling the truth this time!

(End of this chapter)

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