Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1225: Ruan Mengmeng is spreading on the Internet

Chapter 1225 Ruan Mengmeng Is Preaching On The Net

Ruan Mengmeng raised Apricot's eyes, and gave Li Junyu a slight glance.

She saw the man's dark eyebrows deep, and his dark eyes mixed with complex emotions.

"Unfamiliar." The girl sank her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm not familiar with him, Boss ... please take me home."

I don't want to have any more disputes with Li Junyu.

Even now, when looking back, Ruan Mengmeng has faintly felt that his look this time seems different from previous times.

However, the wounds cannot be healed again.

There is no way to easily accept his approach.

Ruan Mengmeng said, she kept her head down, urging Feng Yiyu to leave.

Because of this, she missed the man's eyes and passed away.


The next week, the crew's shooting progress completely stopped.

Although the cause of the landslide has been identified, it was because someone secretly mine in Houshan, causing the mountain to loosen, which has nothing to do with the crew.

But after all such a big accident, people are still dead, everything is the deceased, and the crew will still have to deal with it.

In addition, all the injured actors also need to rest and recover, so this week, Ruan Mengmeng stayed in school every day.

I took time to go home and lived there for two days, originally to keep Chen Qingzhi and her grandfather and grandma in distress.

Who knew that the media suddenly started to pay attention to this matter.

The first was because there was a trumpet called "Escape Dead Dog" on Weibo, and broke the news that he himself was a staff member of "Sword Gall Heart" and was at the scene of the accident.

[I want to talk about the female No. 1 of our crew. That is a scumbag with high eyes and no character, and I don't know what backdoor has been taken to be seen by director Andre. But the most terrible thing is not this. The thing that makes me most unbearable is that she actually died.

‘Escape from the crew’ said that when the crisis came, the crew ’s female No. 1 ran fastest.

She is obviously a young man, but she can't help those old drama bones who are too late to escape the disaster site.

The biggest evidence is that the girl who was shot and killed in the stone plays the same role as the temporary role of the crew girl No. 1.

For this reason, when the disaster came, the two of them stood together.

[Since they are together, the girl is also young and has no physical illness. Why in the end, the female number one of our crew ran away, but that girl never opened her eyes again? Hum, that's because others are helping others, she ran away long ago to save her life]

As soon as the trumpet broke the news, it suddenly caused a thousand layers of waves.

Although the three actresses of "Jiandan Qinxin" have completely adopted the newcomers, and in order to maintain the mystery, they have not announced to foreign officials and have not been interviewed by the media.

But all are mixed in this circle. The reporters followed the clues and still dug out Ruan Mengmeng's identity.

This time, it's incredible.

Ruan Mengmeng, as a newcomer who has not formally debuted, has no appeal or fans on the Internet.

And Andre's new play, has long been destined to attract attention.

Therefore, the media caught the hype, even if Ruan Mengmeng is not famous, he would not let it go.

When they dug out Ruan Mengmeng's "seeing to die", the girl was suddenly scolded as a street mouse.


However, the girl who was scolded at this time did not have the energy to pay attention to such trivial matters.

Anyway, false can't be true, really can't be false.

She flipped through the script and was studying a bed scene that will be filmed tomorrow.

I can't share energy at all, but think of something else.

"Meng Meng ... was it true in the news? You really ran away?"

Ruan Mengmeng didn't want to pay attention to this matter, but Chen Qingzhi refused to cooperate.

She hurriedly came in with her mobile phone, and grabbed the news that had hit the headlines now, before her eyes.

The girl twitched her lips and hesitated slightly: "Well ... what if I say it's fake?"

"Fake?" Chen Qingzhi's beautiful eyes suddenly burst into flames.

"Wow, I know it's fake ... Ruan Mengmeng, tell me the truth. Did your hands hurt someone at the time? I knew you couldn't save yourself from death, you were useless. Heart of tofu, a few tears can lie to you! "

Chen Qingzhi doesn't hit one spot. She is such a daughter now. If Ruan Mengmeng dies on the spot, she will never say a word.

Unexpectedly, this uneasy daughter is better, but she even gave her a hero and rescued her!

Ruan Mengmeng was so noisy with Chen Qingzhi that he could only assure himself that he would never act recklessly.

It wasn't until her grandmother came home to train the angry Chen Qingzhi into a kitten, and called away-her room was cleaned.

While the girl was going to continue to watch the script, figure out how to shoot tomorrow's bed scene.

The mobile phone beside me suddenly rang.

On the caller ID, someone who recently texted her ‘hello’ and ‘good night’ on time every morning and evening.

The girl's eyes flickered slightly and she cut off the call.

Li Junyu's call, she, no, answer.

[Beyond 1500 words: Update completed, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

I accidentally wrote more than 500 words, just like today's 520 Jiajia Geng ~ What? Oh, no accident tomorrow is face + bed scene (hope to write)

(End of this chapter)

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