Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1227: This **** scene is the key, you must be fully committed

Chapter 1227 This Bed Scene Is The Key, You Must Be Devoted

What, Peacock Pictures is a small company?

What, director Andre can actually be a person who can be pleased with personal relationships and can give the character whatever?

Ruan Mengmeng stood in front of this group of reporters, and would like to ask if their brains were drawn.

Otherwise, why can you even ask such a question of no nutrition?

And journalists, although they are here to run black news on purpose, but even if they are about to reach the girl's face with a SLR lens and a camera lens.

Hey, the screen of their camera equipment looked at it, and the girl's skin was still white and tender, and it could be broken.

And that little face without applying powder, how beautiful it is.

The reporters who originally wanted to take a few photos of Ruan Mengmeng to get ugly from close range, or bad manners, suddenly felt discouraged.

The girl turned off her cell phone yesterday and naturally did not receive a call from Li Peacock to discuss her business.

Of course, the most important reason was that Li Junting was beaten by a tyrant who had nowhere to vent his anger all night.

Therefore, he was too late to deal with business.

"This matter is actually ..." Ruan Mengmeng was not very relieved about this matter, but after listening to reporters' questions, he was ready to explain to the microphone.

Who knows, she had no time to speak, and a big hand rested on her shoulder.

It was a well-knotted hand.

"Ruan Mengmeng, the shooting is about to begin, go in." The film director Xiu Yushang suddenly appeared behind the girl, clinging to her shoulders with a hand, and immediately protecting the petite girl.

The reporters were all blocked by Xiu Yushang and his agent and bodyguard.

Under his escort, the girl finally emerged from the crowd and entered the interior photography studio smoothly.

Unexpectedly, he would be rescued by the 'National Movie Emperor', and Ruan Mengmeng was somewhat surprised.

Although she and Xiu Yushang are male and female, in fact, there are only a handful of private conversations.

"Teacher Xiu, thank you." After entering the studio, Xiu Yushang let out a very gentleman. He smiled at the new girl who thanked him.

Xiu Yushang: "You're welcome ... I just remembered the trap I had missed when I first debuted, so I helped you. You are a newcomer, maybe you don't quite understand the ambush in this circle. Those reporters Question, do n’t answer it yourself without your agent. Otherwise, even if you are expressing one meaning, they will be intentionally cut into another meaning.

When Xiu Shang first debuted, he was smeared maliciously because he trusted lightly.

He knows in this circle that scandals are always more eye-catching than good things.

So, when he saw Ruan Mengmeng alone and blocked by the reporters, he moved the ‘concealed heart’ inadvertently.

Ruan Mengmeng: "Okay, I see ... Thanks for your guidance."

"Little thing." Xiu Yu still chuckled, "Well, let's go make-up ... we have a 'hard battle' today."

Ruan Mengmeng knows what Xiu Yushang means by ‘hard battle’.

After the first few shots are finished, they will be shooting the bed scene later.

Even if I had memorized the script at home yesterday, I really wanted to shoot a bed scene with a strange man ... Ruan Mengmeng could not help but blush.


"Ka-okay, everyone rests, and after lunch, continue shooting."

After Master Andre said, he called Ruan Mengmeng aside alone.

Since the crew's accident, progress has been seriously delayed.

They lost several cameras alone and were buried at the scene of the incident. They have not yet returned.

Because of this, Master Andrea has been busy with rehabilitation and remedy for some time.

I don't know anything about the outside world, especially on Weibo.

At this moment, people like him who get into the movie can only make their own films.

He looked at the girl and said in earnest: "Meng Meng, the first scene in the afternoon is the bed scene between you and Xiu Yushang ... This is a key play, you must be fully involved and consider yourself Qin Xin himself. You can rest assured Then, we will clear the scene. Only me and the deputy director are on the scene. You just have to perform well. "

【carry on】

(End of this chapter)

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